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Why do I get the feeling I'm going to need to have "the talk" with a certain someone very soon? And why the hell is it so difficult? I swore to myself I wouldn't be all awkward explaining this stuff, but I literally have no idea how to broach the subject. :unsure:
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I was thinking more about how to answer the questions she's asked of late in a way that's easy for her to understand while also not giving away too much.... ._.

The bee and the flower, Rebel. The bee and the flower always works.

You could try with the Facehugger and the human though. It's how we explain it to our youngsters.
Even though... maybe this WOULD be giving away too much.
Why do I get the feeling I'm going to need to have "the talk" with a certain someone very soon? And why the hell is it so difficult? I swore to myself I wouldn't be all awkward explaining this stuff, but I literally have no idea how to broach the subject. :unsure:
Ah, "the talk". I remember having to do that when we were on our way to my daughter's joint 5th birthday party. It was...interesting.

Books help - I got one that focused primarily on forming a solid relationship before having sex with someone. It had the biology of it in there too, but spoke a lot about being in love and communication etc.

My kid asked me flat out about where babies come from and I followed it by asking her what specifically she wanted to know. Depending on age and maturity, you can keep it really simple or be more complex about it. I started with being anatomically correct in my descriptions of body parts and gave a very basic explanation of the mechanics of it all. Then I asked if she understood and if she didn't, I got her to tell me which part confused her. If you get them leading the conversation, it's a hell of a lot less embarrassing than stuttering over words like "penis" and "vagina" whilst they look blankly at you and eventually end your agony by saying they just wanted to know if so and so is going to have a baby or whether they are just fat.

That's happened to me too, FYI.

These days, I tell my daughter that holding hands with her boyfriend will make her pregnant and dead. She doesn't listen to me anyway so I can pretty much say whatever I want. This morning she asked if she looked ok, I said she was a whore, she asked how much she should charge...you get the idea. I've always been very frank with her as my own parents were beyond prudish and I got all my education from the playground and actually having sex. Would have preferred the less trial-by-error method, if I'm honest.
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@Angel That actually helps a lot. ^^ Answering her questions as they come sounds a lot easier than fumbling over my words--glad to know I'm not the only one who's had a tough time figuring out just how to explain all this fun stuff. :P I never officially got the talk, either; instead, I got this weird little cartoon VHS when I was four called, "Where Did I Come From?" which explained the basics to me; school did the rest (and my own research when I got really curious about the biological aspects).

Lol! I love how you're so casual about it with her--levity probably helps alleviate the awkwardness a great deal, I imagine. xD

CT: Now all that's left to do is wait. Welp, may as well read the rest of Inkheart...
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it's a hell of a lot less embarrassing than stuttering over words like "penis" and "vagina"

Eh. In my case, it was even easier for my mom. Cause I was the one mentioning penises and vaginas. I just flat out asked what they're for. And when she tried to avoid it by telling me they were just for p!ssing, I asked her why then both genders don't have either a penis or a vagina.

Hey I were little but not stupid. She had no other choice but do "the talk".

Oh, and @Rebel Dynasty, my friend, if the child you're gonna do "the talk" to is a male, be sure from the beginning that no matter what you tell him and how, he's gonna go do some... research... about it. If you know what I mean. Don't try to stop him, you can't. Don't try to forbid him, it will only feed his curiosity. Just keep an eye on your browser's history, and if the pink icon appears too often, then consider the option to do "The Talk - Part 2".
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If I had to do a prank, it would be getting an empty jug of bleach, fill it with regular water, and go around the street requesting ridiculous things of people, telling them that if they don't do it, I'll chug the bleach.
Been to a charity fair that has several countries presenting their food and various items. It was very crowded, so kinda hard to see much , let alone enjoy properly, but I bought two necklaces from Indonesian stand and sushi at Japanese stand. Got a free cup of green tea, even.
Sushi is... okay. My mom loves it, I'm kinda... need to get used to it, my dad is nah. Wasabi that I got on the side is powerful though, good stuff, damn good stuff.
Some people were suggesting that, to fix a bug in a game, reinstalling it should work. I'm a bit confused. There's no "reinstall" button, so would I remove the game from the X-1's hard drive and then install it again? Will my almost 4 days worth of hours still be logged or would I have to completely start the game anew? It seems...dubious...but...at the same time, that bug's making things difficult for both mum and I to play. :S

+ Is it weird I find breaking down a chicken therapeutic? Yes? Thought so. :unsure:
@Shadow: I think that if you "uninstall" the game (remove it from your hard drive), and then download it again, it should be fine. As long as you don't remove the game's save data from the hard drive. Then again, I'm speaking about a time I did it on my 360. So I wouldn't take my word for it.
@Shadow: I think that if you "uninstall" the game (remove it from your hard drive), and then download it again, it should be fine. As long as you don't remove the game's save data from the hard drive. Then again, I'm speaking about a time I did it on my 360. So I wouldn't take my word for it.

I think I'll try it. I seem to recall that switching consoles kept my saves, so...maybe this'll work. :S -kinda worried about her mum freaking out if everything vanishes-
I think I'll try it. I seem to recall that switching consoles kept my saves, so...maybe this'll work. :S -kinda worried about her mum freaking out if everything vanishes-

I just looked it up for you. Deleting a game shouldn't delete the saved data. You should be fine :thumbsup: