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No, I am not interested in reading Frank Miller's latest Dark Knight installment. Not only was The Dark Knight Strikes Again terrible, but Miller is just a hack and everyone should know this by now. Oh yea, he's also sexist, racist, etc. etc. And his art totally sucks.
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Well, I have a new desk. By "new", I mean one they were getting rid of at hubby's work; by "desk", I mean behemoth in which I have no idea how to make use of its space. A far cry from the overcrowding problem I was having just this morning. :cautious:

+I should probably get a start on today's word count...
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Oh look at that, somebody's got a time machine and already watched the movie!

That's awesome, can I use it?
After the abysmal Man of Steel, and the direction DC is taking their live action films, let's just say our expectations aren't very high for "Batman Featuring Superman: Rush to the Justice League".
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After the abysmal Man of Steel, and the direction DC is taking their live action films, let's just say our expectations aren't very high for "Batman Featuring Superman: Rush to the Justice League".

I get that. It's still stupid and nonsensical to just straight up judge a movie before it even comes out.

One thing is having low expectations, another thing is calling a movie horrible without having even seen it. Or awesome, for that matter. You just can't say anything definitive till you get to see it.
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Or awesome, for that matter. You just can't say anything definitive till you get to see it.

Okay. But you guys are all doing that about the Captain America movie. Besides, trailers obviously show all the better bits. Saying you can't judge a movie either way before seeing it doesn't make sense.
Okay. But you guys are all doing that about the Captain America movie. Besides, trailers obviously show all the better bits. Saying you can't judge a movie either way before seeing it doesn't make sense.
I have a lot more confidence in Civil War because for one, Marvel has proven time and time again they know what they're doing. To be honest, while not every MCU movie has been a home run, even the low points were at least solid. I've never seen a downright terrible movie from them.

Two, this is following the amazing Winter Soldier with the same directors returning.

Three, just look at that Civil War trailer. It's awesome. A lot more so than the Batman featuring Superman: Rush to the Justice League trailer which is just Zack Snyder trying to mimic a more successful Christopher Nolan film while totally not getting who Superman is, and keeping that terrible writer David Goyer on board.

And to set the record straight, no, I don't hate DC. In fact, I love them about as much as I do Marvel. It's just because I like them, I'm being so critical. Because I'd love for DC to do as well as Marvel has done with their live action films, I just don't really see that happening. *shudders thinking of how the new Joker looks*
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Maybe Anita is con artist. But she has dozen of followers who believe in what she does and claim that skirt above knee length in games is objectification. She got AWARD for her contribution in gaming. What contribution? What award? for what? for cyberbullies she fabricated? It is condolence award and it shouldn't exist.
I mean really? Main problem is that in developed countries people tend to ignore what important and instead bicker around small problems.
I know. It's a thing and it's ridiculous and the fact that it's happening makes people realize that this is something that could only happen in a first world country because in a place where people have real problems not even the children would have these kinds of complains or attitudes.

When I first arrived on the US I couldn't get used to just how shallow these brats all around me where, how crap their priorities were, so it's not as though I don't agree that it's getting worse because people my age are still the same as back then. Still, the real world doesn't stand for those things and sooner or latter it will all come crashing down, someone is going to take something too far and it will make the tolerance that these people have vanish. Nature isn't a patient or polite with childishness and neither is the real world.

It’s Thanksgiving! You know what that means. As you try and enjoy your downtime with your family, you’ll undoubtedly find a social justice warrior around your Thanksgiving table trying to force-feed you white guilt. Afterall, your ancestors commited genocide against the Indians. Sorry native Americans. Indigenous? Let’s just go with redskins.

Only one problem, most of it pure, unadulterated buffalo-feces.

Alright to preface this, yes, some of the settlers committed some heinous crimes that were inexcusable, and I’ve benefited from the privelege thereof, yada yada yada… but sooooome of the propoganda out there needs to be called out. Civilizations clash, that’s happened since the beginning of time. War sucks, but that doesn’t give teachers, leftists and social justice warriors the right to LIE about non-existent peaceful Native Americans who rode horses, never experienced war, painted with colors of the wind and were taken out by smallbox blankets. So before you dumbasses hang that dreamcatcher from your rearview mirror, hold your mouth because this tin can I’m about to kick just might hit you in the teeth. Let’s debunk some common PC thanksgiving myths.



Native Americans warred with each other since, forever. Sometimes it was over hunting or farming grounds, sometimes revenge, sometimes to steal, sometimes to kill. I don’t say this to demonize them, they were no different than any other regressive, Neolithic cultures on other continents.

But the truth is that the only way settlers were able to conquer this land was through the help of Native Americans who teamed up with them to settle the score with the other, more assholish tribes. You think Cortes was able to conquer with only 500 Conquisadors. Course not, it took 50,000 ANGRY allied Native Americans who’d had it up to here with being enslaved and forced to carry gold for the other, Native Aztecs.

Some of of the Indian tribes were the most brutal in existence.

They practiced enslavement, rape, cannibalism, would sometimes target women and children, tribes like the Commanchees would butcher babies and roast people alive… and by the way, where do you think we LEARNED scalping?



Smell that? It’s your sacred cow being torched. After I scalped her, of course. Unlike Rome, Greece, China, or pretty much any great empire which had already existed at that time, the Native Americans didn’t have advanced plumbing, transportation, mathematics or really… anything that led to the iphone on which you’re currently watching this. That whole beautiful “horseback Indian” culture you read about? It’s a lie because they hadn’t even domesticated horses. Not only that, but they didn’t even use the WHEEL. No really. 1400 AD… no wheel.

Even more reason that, when you’re that far behind, the clash of civilizations is going to be THAT much more drastic when the new wheel-using world catches up to you.



Think about it. You really believe Europeans waged microbial, biological warfare… long before discovery, mass acceptance or even close to an understanding of advanced germ theory?

So it’s not true. You can look forever for historical accounts of mass smallpox blankets being pajamagrammed to the peaceful Indians, but you won’t find them. But there is SOME truth to the myth, which brings us to our final point.



However, it is estimated that at high as 95% of pre-Columbian Native Americans were in fact killed off by disease, WHY? Because Europeans introduced new diseases to which the Native Americans hadn’t developed an immunity not only with THEMSELVES but now contact with animals like again HORSES which Native Americans hadn’t domesticated. Again, because they were such an archaic, unadvanced society.

Sure there were plenty of bloody, horrendous, unimaginable battles that occurred, and generally when it comes to neoloithic tribes and more advances settlers, the guys with the boom-boom sticks win. This isn’t exclusive to America or all that uncommon.

But Europeans were not hellbent on wiping out Native Americans, they were actually encouraged to bring the people into European culture and convert them to Christianity. Plus, inter-marrying was incredibly common. How else do you explain Johnny Depp, Angalina Jolie, Kid Cudi and even imaginary Elizabeth Warren claiming to be 1/16th Cherokee?

Killing people is bad. But so is milking, misleading and guilting all future generations for crimes they didn’t commit. Yep, Europeans conquered the Native Americans, created a Constitutional Republic, and advanced in mere centuries what Natives couldn’t do for thousands of years here on the plot of land that is America. So close this smartphone window, go enjoy your turkey and tell your social justice warrior cousin at the table to shut that mustached, single-origin-coffee drinking-hole. Or just… hand him a smallpox napkin.


If it weren't for my family I wouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving. It's not a holiday I care about, it's not a holiday that I celebrated in Mexico and I don't have those associations other do with it, but my family does celebrate it and I guess that means that I'm stuck. Not a bad thing, per say, but I still have no profound emotions regarding it.

Still, to those that do, enjoy your Turkey day.
Oh great, more of the "I don't like this thing therefore nobody can" bull.

Thanks, Internet.

I don't like people who think like that, therefore no one else should! -tantrum- ;)
(Erm...I was agreeing, btw, not mocking you. Just noticed how that looked. >_< Sorry.)

Why did we cook so much? ._.

+ I think Stilts is happy to be home. ^^
++ Yay! Chappie complete!
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