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He gets shot at from all sides and dies.... from a crocodile attack.
I'm sorry if it's mean to laugh at a 9 year old who just got owned by a croc, but that was friggin hilarious!
The fact that he was swimming right at it just adds to the comedy.
LOLOLOLOL I'm sorry Leighton, I loves you :'(:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
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A work colleague of mine was telling me yesterday about how she values the fact that she used to play the piano and it's a skill she really doesn't want to lose.

So that got me thinking about how I haven't been using Japanese since I passed the exam in college, and I'm starting to get rusty. Perhaps I should top it up with some Light Novels...
After I phoned mom to tell her about the flood and she let out an irritated sigh and made whole thing somehow my fault, there was something so wonderfully therapeutic in clearing out the storage under the sink of stuff she really doesn't need. I'm not even fully evil, after all, I recycled all the glass. :angel:
Now that hubby has his new shelf set up in the basement, and I have his two smaller ones set up next to mine in the bedroom, it has become abundantly clear we both need more books. :laugh:
You can never have enough books :D
Just ordered some more myself, even though the space on my bookshelf is rapidly diminishing.
these kids to day complaining about texture pop in and anti aliasing

back in my day every one was made of pixelated sprites or jagged edges
you'd thank the heavens if you ever saw a circle
and we put the cartridge in only to have to take it out again and put it back in


Rewriting that scene wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. It probably helps that there was salvageable material from the first draft, only in need of minor tweaks. That, and the first scene is the short one of the chapter. I'm just glad the second scene is all technical work. As the first few chapters taught me, rewrites are a pain in the ass. ._.

@Blackquill Absolutely! All of the books! =D (Well, maybe not all...there are a few that shall never darken my shelves, lol).
I don't care, for the next couple of days I want to become a kid again. I'm gonna do all the **** I used to do as a kid: read lots of Goosebumps and PK, play Yu Gi Oh, gather my friends and throw bricks at each other.
I loved Goosebumps as a kid.
Did you know about this?
I'm SO going to watch it :)
So I've been helping you every single day and you decide to attack me now? Fine. If that's the way you want to play, then we can play that way. Just remember that I'm a full age ahead of you and my army outnumbers yours. Now, where were we? -picks up sword-

+ I wonder if I'll manage anything more productive than making dinner today....