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DreadOut is getting a story based DLC called Keepers of the Dark.I hope it answer many of the questions I have about the plot as the game itself failed to do so.
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"women still are thought to be weak. not that they are biologically inferior in terms of possibilities but they're still weak. mainly their attire.

for example who do you think would win in a fight? a woman in high heels, with long hair, tight dress, heavy jewelry or a man, in comfortable pants and short hair?

yes, it is the man and not because the woman is weak, she just dresses weak. the way they walk, they way they dress and the way they talk gives a sense of strength in itself. when man walk they make huge and wide steps while women on high heels for example feel so weak that the wind could knock em down.

now you can see that i have no love for high heels but my point is that women dress weak. its not that they are but women don't dress strong. and dressing is a choice."

-Random Internet Dude


Sure do run into a lot of interesting opinions on Youtube.
"women still are thought to be weak. not that they are biologically inferior in terms of possibilities but they're still weak. mainly their attire.

for example who do you think would win in a fight? a woman in high heels, with long hair, tight dress, heavy jewelry or a man, in comfortable pants and short hair?

yes, it is the man and not because the woman is weak, she just dresses weak. the way they walk, they way they dress and the way they talk gives a sense of strength in itself. when man walk they make huge and wide steps while women on high heels for example feel so weak that the wind could knock em down.

now you can see that i have no love for high heels but my point is that women dress weak. its not that they are but women don't dress strong. and dressing is a choice."
-Random Internet Dude

I guess he wouldn't feel a thing, then, if my "weak" heels went right into his eye. Or a bit lower. :shifty:

On a related note, the long hair thing reminded me: I read something a while back about being able to braid barbed wire into your hair so that, if anyone grabbed it, they couldn't hold on without severely hurting their hand. I wonder what that'd be like to try out.... :unsure:

Get it together. We can do this.
If you don't mind doing a one-on-one RP, I love RPing.
that would be cool. :3

CT: I'm back playing Final Fantasy 14! XD YAAAAAY!!!! Now I just need to gear up for Heaven'sward and clear some trail from patch 2.55. Btw anyone else play FF 14? I'm on shive but if you are on another sever I may make a new character to pop in and say hi. ^^
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Deathstroke free roam mod for the win.


I mean come on, talking to Alfred as Slade? Priceless.

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*sends email* Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, gods. Why did I do that? It's probably the middle of their work day and they'll see it and oh no. Someone save me. This'll probably be the one time in recent years my email won't be ignored and it'll be awful. *curls up under a rock and rocks back and forth*

It can't be that bad.
That's it; by sometime next week, I need to start revising. I can practically hear all of those little errors calling my name. I want to fix them right meow!:ninja:

Outlining's been good to me, though. That I can't deny.

+I wonder if I can finish combing through her work by this weekend? I hope she has at least one other person (besides herself, when she starts revising) to help her go over it, as well. I seriously lack confidence in my ability to spot all inconsistencies, typos, and whatnot. I am not beta material. :'( Lol.
that would be cool. :3

CT: I'm back playing Final Fantasy 14! XD YAAAAAY!!!! Now I just need to gear up for Heaven'sward and clear some trail from patch 2.55. Btw anyone else play FF 14? I'm on shive but if you are on another sever I may make a new character to pop in and say hi. ^^

Awesome. Just hit me up with a private message when you want to then.
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After watching 4 seasons of that show i just realized that i've been watching the episodes in the wrong order.
So suicide is not the answer. Unless you have a terminal disease. And then it's applauded and encouraged and you're called brave. But if you commit suicide outside of somewhere like Dignitas - and you don't have the all-important diagnosis first - you are selfish. You had no courage. You did not seek enough help. Because only via assisted suicide can a person have thought it through first. Because suicidal people are crazy and don't plan ahead or think about ending it all before doing it. Suicidal people are not at all suicidal for years despite struggling on and getting through each day, often hiding their pain so that their families and friends are not burdened by them. No, it is only those who leave the country to top themselves that should be applauded and supported and told "well done!". Because any other sort of suicide is selfish. When Robin Williams died, people flooded the internet with pleas to loved ones and strangers to Stay strong and Keep fighting. Suicide was not the way out. Oh, but he had depression so naturally he woke up one day and thought, "Hey, I'm sadder than usual. Bye bye world" without a moment's thought or hesitation. He had depression for years so there is no possible way he could have thought about his options during that time and how it might affect his loved ones. No, no. It's a miracle he was able to think about what colour shirt to wear each day, never mind all that. Suicidal people are, after all, crazy and cannot be trusted to think for themselves. They don't hold down a job and have families who love them. They aren't your teacher, bus driver, doctor or family member. You can spot a suicidal person from a mile off. But the terminally ill? People with terminal illnesses lack the ability to be depressed. They are joyful and full of life. Nothing about their diagnosis impairs their ability to think things through carefully. They feel no fear for the future or uncertainty. So assisted suicide before the depressing stuff happens is wonderful and they are wonderful for choosing that.

Tl;dr: Robin Williams = selfish. Jeffrey Spector = brave.

While I was never an awesome player, I was at least good enough to beat story modes of games like Tekken, DOA and Bloody Roar relatively easy. So it is coming as a shock to me that in King of Fighters '99 I can suck so badly first fight alone is a chore, and I have yet to pass the first team. :'(
Tl;dr: Robin Williams = selfish. Jeffrey Spector = brave.


I don't think either of them are selfish, and I know first-hand that people contemplate it (in cases like Robin's) long before they go through with it.

When it comes to depression though, you really do hope they find a less permanent means to end the pain...or you know, a means that doesn't result in them being consigned to oblivion. :( And I think it's just as bad to assume that all terminally ill patients are joyful, in spite of their suffering. I've known a couple who weren't...

Anyway, I agree with your point, for the most part. In its own way, suicide involves a certain level of courage, too...

...it's just not the kind I'd recommend going to, unless there really are no other viable options.
I just realized that the copy of WH40k: Conquest which I ordered a month ago still hasn't got here. I should probably check what's up with it.