CT: Going to write and do my LP's. :/ And I need to find a way to record my ps3.... I have a bunch of games I'd like to LPs. @_@ As well as some old ps one games to. Time to Google fu!
FFN, why can't you just tell people I updated my fic? Seriously, do we have to go through this with every single chaptered fic of mine? Last time the support people never even sent out the alerts when I told them about it, too.... *grumbles*
...it's too early in the morning for this.
Funny enough, I got two alerts for the same chapter--after I'd already read it. FFN must be working out bugs....again. ^^;
CT: Okay, you lot! *Looks pointedly at Gwen, Forneus, and Phenex* We will have a more productive writing day than we did, yesterday! If we do at least 700 words, we can take tomorrow off--unless we tackle the quota early enough in the day; then we'll just take the rest of today off.
*Crickets chirp*
Okay, let's get started! :thumbsup:
(I'm not really insane, I promise)
That human, is Kim Jong Un. A person I can't bring myself to have any sympathies for. I can't say I do care about him or what happens to him. He's a despicable tyrant. A person who's regime makes propaganda films doing the exact same thing he's complaining about when it comes to The Interview.@Rebel Dynasty
@Chancey289 I'm of the opinion that just because we have Freedom of speech doesn't mean we should use it.
(Plus your making a movie about killing another human in a comical fashion.)
I can make everything I eat exotic.I tried lychee for the first time today. It's great, peels nicely and tastes like grape, only a bit... exotic? LOL, I don't know what to call this taste, it reminded me of grapefruit at times.