That human, is Kim Jong Un. A person I can't bring myself to have any sympathies for. I can't say I do care about him or what happens to him. He's a despicable tyrant. A person who's regime makes propaganda films doing the exact same thing he's complaining about when it comes to The Interview.
Team America:World Police turns his father in to a cockroach. That movie took the p!ss outta his father extremely and this silly crap didn't happen. The situation seriously is like an episode of South Park too.
It's just a silly stoner comedy. Kim needs to learn to take a damn joke and get over himself. Hell, everyone sees it that way. Like I said, even China says they were overreacting. Their biggest ally.
If hackers and North Korea run the film industry now, then I request no more Michael Bay movies and Sony selling the rights to Spider-Man back to Marvel. I mean, since we just have to go through Kim Jong Un when it comes to films right? Right? No. Like I said, f#ck Kim and his hissy fit. He's not going to do anything about it. We shouldn't be scared of that big fat baby barely holding on to what daddy left him.