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ok, so after doing me research, i do believe i owe sony an apology. i was one of the main people out there accusing sony of being cowards for not releasing the interview in theatres however, i now know that sony wanted to go full steam ahead with releasing it, but all the major theatres pulled out cupped their tissue hands instead. that's why my local theatres aren't showing it. and i've bee giving **** to the wrong people this whole time. it's really the movie theatre companies to fault. so, yeah. sorry sony
ok, so after doing me research, i do believe i owe sony an apology. i was one of the main people out there accusing sony of being cowards for not releasing the interview in theatres however, i now know that sony wanted to go full steam ahead with releasing it, but all the major theatres pulled out cupped their tissue hands instead. that's why my local theatres aren't showing it. and i've bee giving **** to the wrong people this whole time. it's really the movie theatre companies to fault. so, yeah. sorry sony
No, Sony's still a bunch of p***ies with a joke of security. They should have never even contemplated this stuff in the first place. It was originally supposed to be released in theaters all across the country. Not select and not online. A normal movie release. When some theaters backed out, Sony just pulled it entirely. Then all these people called them out for it and made them do something.
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ok, so after doing me research, i do believe i owe sony an apology. i was one of the main people out there accusing sony of being cowards for not releasing the interview in theatres however, i now know that sony wanted to go full steam ahead with releasing it, but all the major theatres pulled out cupped their tissue hands instead. that's why my local theatres aren't showing it. and i've bee giving **** to the wrong people this whole time. it's really the movie theatre companies to fault. so, yeah. sorry sony

I don't mean to start some "ship" (yeah I substituted the curse word) But I honestly feel Sony should have NEVER made this film. Its disrespectful and in bad taste to make a movie about killing a live "bad" Dictator. I understand why he's angry over the film too. If I woke up one morning and saw a Comedy film about trying to kill me I'd be totally ****ed! This movie does not need to be shown. This is has led to unexplained Internet Attacks. (I don't keep up with the News so I don't know if the attackers were really them or not) But what if they attack US soil? Now folks are dying over a comedy!
Now should the Korean dude (I can't spell his name or will I try) shouldn't act like this true, but we started it. I feel this movie should've been cancelled plain and simple.

Now on to more pressing matters!

@Rebel Dynasty AH! You got my post! You miss are AWESOME! In 10 different ways! :cool:

I've discovered the Sword Art Online Novels, and they are on the Internet! :eek: Mother of the Christian god! I may never leave the house! :nailbiting:
@Rebel Dynasty AH! You got my post! You miss are AWESOME! In 10 different ways! :cool:

Only ten? :wink: Guess I'd better up the ante, then. (Kidding, kidding; thank you, the compliment's much appreciated).

I've discovered the Sword Art Online Novels, and they are on the Internet! :eek: Mother of the Christian god! I may never leave the house! :nailbiting:

Let me know how they compare to the show. ^^ I'd check them out myself, but I have a lot--and I mean a lot--of reading to catch up on. ^^;
I don't mean to start some "ship" (yeah I substituted the curse word) But I honestly feel Sony should have NEVER made this film. Its disrespectful and in bad taste to make a movie about killing a live "bad" Dictator. I understand why he's angry over the film too. If I woke up one morning and saw a Comedy film about trying to kill me I'd be totally ****ed! This movie does not need to be shown. This is has led to unexplained Internet Attacks. (I don't keep up with the News so I don't know if the attackers were really them or not) But what if they attack US soil? Now folks are dying over a comedy!
Now should the Korean dude (I can't spell his name or will I try) shouldn't act like this true, but we started it. I feel this movie should've been cancelled plain and simple.
Sorry, but I can't agree whatsoever about cancelling a movie like The Interview. And I'm not even interested in seeing the movie, it's just the principle of the matter.

Sony didn't make the film, James Franco and Seth Rogan did and they have every right to do it. We have freedom of expression and speech here. North Korea makes propaganda films all the time saying they will turn the U.S. in to a "sea of fire" and also assassinate our leaders. Kim Jong Un is a childish hypocrite. In no way should we allow some big fat baby over in North Korea dictate what we can and can't watch over here.

Allowing that to happen can open a worrisome precedent. Even China, North Korea's biggest buddy has had enough of NK regime's sh!t. It's a joke I would be laughing at if I knew it wasn't so actually terrifying for the people who are stuck there.

And North Korean CAN'T attack U.S. soil. They don't have the resources to do so. What are they gonna hit us with?There technology is so outdated and inferior compared to us. Plus, if they decided to do anything stupid, then Kimmy would be kissing goodbye to his regime in a heartbeat.

People would take action and North Korea would not survive. Kim may be childish, but he isn't stupid. He knows what is at stake if he makes a very rash attack on anyone. Which is why he won't attack us. He knows he can't. What he can do, is make himself look crazy and irrational. He can't be the most powerful, so he'll try to be the most crazy. This helps his regime back at home stay in power. They rule with an iron fist of absolute fear.

Show the Interview. F#ck Kim Jong Un and his little hissy fit. He can cry all he wants about The Interview. He ain't gonna do shizz.
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Why is it when ever you try and save cash it seems things pop up and force you to have to spend cash ALL the time...?

I have saved some cash and hoping for plenty of overtime this month so I can FINALLY finish this PC and stop going on about building it and buying parts and actually finish it and get gaming on it.
It's weird how so many people aren't too excited about 2015 for gaming. To me, it looks like it could be the best year since, like, 2006 or something.

I've already got a list of games I *need*:

DMC4 Special Edition
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Resident Evil 1 remaster
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD
The Order: 1886
Metal Gear Solid V
Blade & Soul (if it ever comes to the west)

It's gonna be an amazing year.
CT: Is it weird to hear a man say that he finds Liam Neeson's voice sexy.

Nope; my husband pretty much loves Sam Elliot's voice. He said--and I quote, "He has the sexiest voice in Hollywood...next to Jessica Rabbit, of course." :laugh:

CT: Okay, so I should be able to work on that dialogue piece in a bit, and once I do...I should be able to finish it no later than tomorrow.

In which I will be most joyous, since the scene that follows is already mostly done--it just needs some minor tweaking, and the first and latter portion need to be bridged.

Thank gods the research part is done and over with (and I decided I don't care that much about exact historical accuracy in a fantasy novel).
Okay seriously if you're hacking & coughing your spleen out nearly every morning & you don't have a cold or sick in any way, then don't you think you need to quit smoking?

I mean i'm sick SO VERY SICK of the truth commercials, but i can see their point.
i hate the mindset that they're setting people up with as well. i don't mind getting dirty looks and hearing the over the shoulder remarks about me (i went to high school, i'm immune to all that **** now) but it DOES get irritating after a while. just because i smoke doesn't mean i'm any less of a person.
i hate the mindset that they're setting people up with as well. i don't mind getting dirty looks and hearing the over the shoulder remarks about me (i went to high school, i'm immune to all that **** now) but it DOES get irritating after a while. just because i smoke doesn't mean i'm any less of a person.
Not according to modern television. They're vanilla as all F***, smoking is right up there with kicking a puppy or punching a pregnant woman. You are satan to them.

Don't let it bother you, though. I smoke, too. Well, at parties only, now, but I also remember watching all that crap about how evil smoking is compared to everything else but it's no worse than any other bad habit, and I've known real bad habits on people I know that will kill those people a lot faster and much more gruesomely than cigarettes. Yes, it can kill you, but I'll let you know this much; the lungs have the most potent healing capacities of the human body. If you stopped smoking today your lungs would regain strength again within months and they would be back to full health within 5 years, like you never smoked before.

What you gotta watch out for and be well aware of is that there is a point of no return, that once you make the level of damage that's irreparable it's done. We know that, we smoke, it's part of the contract, no different than any other bad habit that's ok to have while young, like the drinking too much and overall slutty behaviour; it's part of being young. It's when you get older and you're still drinking like a fish, smoking like a chimney and screwing like a corkscrew that you should start thinking about the choices in your life because those things will kill you, and those are the legal ones.
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i hate the mindset that they're setting people up with as well. i don't mind getting dirty looks and hearing the over the shoulder remarks about me (i went to high school, i'm immune to all that **** now) but it DOES get irritating after a while. just because i smoke doesn't mean i'm any less of a person.
Just smoke weed. 420 blaze it all day.
Nah jk don't do drugs kids ;D

I am thinking about how will I eat this huge dish of spaghetti in front of me..
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People complain about Deadpool not getting properly represented in live action, but don't know it has already happened. Not kidding, one of the best live action interpretations of Deadpool is in a porn parody.

You know when I think about it, Deadpool would have wanted it that way.
Ok, the DmC hatred has now reached new ridiculous (and rather hilarious) heights.

I'm looking at some Devil May Cry rule 34 and any picture with DmC Dante, Kat, or any versions of the characters in that game, is pummeled by freaking hate filled comments that act like it's the worst thing in existence.

It's..........freaking porn.........are they serious?
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It's a rarely known fact but there was another rider of the Apocalypse along the big four... Bureaucracy. He just took longer to arrive cause the horse had trouble dragging the cart with all the forms to be filled out... and he is kinda slow in general.