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I don't know why the habit of calling someone grandma/grandpa, even when talking to people whose grandma/grandpa s/he is not, just because the grandkids are somewhere around. With the grandpa thing I can guess they meant my dad, since both my grandpas have long since passed away, but both my grandmas are still alive, so of course it confuses me when I get asked about grandma when in reality they think of my mom.
Hey, it's not your fault. ^^

Yeah, I have a huge order of those. it would be fine if it wasn't this time of year, I should have 2-3 week window for any one of them but everyone wants them for Xmas and they're kinda harrassing me even though they know it says in the descriptions that it *should* take this window. I don't wanna disappoint them or whatever but man, I'm human, not an assembly line robot .__.

I think when these are done I won't wanna make another one in my life xD

True, but it's still unfortunate that people are being so demanding of you. ^^; *wishes you luck*


Mum's watching the Pompeii movie. For someone who studies Ancient Rome...she's not happy. >_> Not at all.

+ Iiiiiiiiiice cream.
++ Finally got all the presents sent off. =D Yay!
While some of the old arguments still continue, it's a relief to see that most of the fans of both franchises are getting something they want--though of course, some of us are a bit worried about how it'll be handled (as in, will they do it sloppily, or will they do it justice). I can understand that.

But for the most part? I'm just happy that now, neither side has any real justification to be jumping down one another's throats, anymore. Maybe the forums will be healed, yet? I sure hope so.

I'm also thinking...where the heck is my writing productivity? One good day in the last three. Well, it's late afternoon--maybe I can still pull it off. My goal? Finish off the chapter before we leave for the holidays on Sunday.

I have four more days to get this baby done.
Okay, seriously...where are all these shares coming from? O_O Not that I'm unhappy--I'm incredibly flattered and humbled, to be honest--but I'm curious as to who likes it enough to share it elsewhere.

With any luck, I'll finish Chapter Ten no later than tomorrow; then I can comb through it as many times as I like before leaving on Sunday to visit family for a week.
I am so happy that so far three people are concerned enough for me to alert me of this certain job ad, but it is quite frustrating to explain each time I do not qualify since they ask for specific education.

My school was the best thing that happened to me cause people in my class were great and my professors were good people and the whole school was pretty supportive, but when it comes to employment I'm more or less screwed.
Went food shopping last night and now I have food to eat! :3 No more buying out. And a new grill to cook on. Woot! Now my hubby's dad and grandma won't complain that I'm not cooking. because in their out dated world I need to work or cook. sigh A pain in the @$$. Also another character decided to popped into my head and demand she be placed in a Black Butler fanfic. >.>

Alyssa: That is correct.... and don't forget my butler.

Alistair: *Smirks slyly * Of course she wouldn't, young mistress.
