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What Are You Thinking?


the horror was for love
The one day I don't go walking, it looks like it might rain. :shifty: Trolly weather. *wants rain when she walks*

+ Looking over old notes and realizing 95% of Blacklight's dialogue is now irrelevant with one plot twist. ._. Just goes to show how quickly a fic can change with one different decision....

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Okay, so I either entirely revise her abilities (save for her first one, since that sh*t's important!) or I just rearrange them a little, so that those other two come in later, and she gets the more combative ones sooner...

What combative ones?! There's only one of those... Gah...:banghead:

No, no, no...we can do this; it'll be fine. Just let the coffee work its magic, first.

I wish my brain would let me focus on fixing/doing one part at a time, instead of insisting I work on all parts. Writer's paralysis strikes again. -_-


Devil hunter in training
And I cried:rolleyes:

I was totally fine until 10 minutes before the end when the children gave me presents and begged me to go into year 4 with them. One even suggested I shrink myself to the size of a year 4 child and sneak into the class. :tongue:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Why do we make stupid people famous?

So we feel better about ourselves?

CT: We've had some brutal weather this evening with lots of thunder.
Mum went nuts because the Broadband hub was on, my laptop was still plugged in and I was making toast :laugh: To top it all off, I ended up looking out of the window watching it (I really wanted to see the fork lightning, but I kept missing it). Mum spent most of the time hiding under a cushion. Hopefully it's gone now.

Just a couple of more renders to do...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
So we feel better about ourselves?


CT: Okay, the abilities stay the way they are--we can work around them, as they are.

Why do I keep saying "we"? :cautious: It's not like my characters are literally a part of the decision-making process, or anything....

Okay, K Project...you have my interest; you started off slowly, but things are heating up. ^^


Devil hunter in training
I'm too tired to go on holiday....unbelievable. :rolleyes: I've been looking forward to it for ages, but now I'm just so tired and want to stay in tis country and relax for a few days. I guess I'll enjoy it once I'm up in the air and flying, but for now, it seems like a load of hassle and packing.


Oldschool DMC fan
I'm amused.

Some of my work had been tagged in a thread on DA called "which Deviant is the Anti-Christ" (ROFL), and then "that" Nevan pic was being cited as having extreme exposure in it which one person was using to justify the content of their BL pic... hard to figure out what the hell they were arguing about exactly but I think the gist was if Nevan was okay and was dangerously close to violating the ToS (lol whut) of the DA group then the BL pic belonging to someone else was fine. Which is... kind of stupid. DA allows nudity, and that Nevan picture isn't even nude, the "offending" areas are covered. It's suggestive, yes.... but Nevan is a suggestive character. Yea, she looks like she's possibly about to do a bat-striptease but that's not against the ToS of DA or the group. A BL sex scene, however, is. What an off mark comparison. DA is full of REAL cooch and and wang shots and my picture gets quoted? Odd.
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Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I'm amused.

Some of my work had been tagged in a thread on DA called "which Deviant is the Anti-Christ" (ROFL), and then "that" Nevan pic was being cited as having extreme exposure in it which one person was using to justify the content of their BL pic... hard to figure out what the hell they were arguing about exactly but I think the gist was if Nevan was okay and was dangerously close to violating the ToS (lol whut) of the DA group then the BL pic belonging to someone else was fine. Which is... kind of stupid. DA allows nudity, and that Nevan picture isn't even nude, the "offending" areas are covered. It's suggestive, yes.... but Nevan is a suggestive character. Yea, she looks like she's possibly about to do a bat-striptease but that's not against the ToS of DA or the group. A BL sex scene, however, is. What an off mark comparison. DA is full of REAL cooch and and wang shots and my picture gets quoted? Odd.
Heard a lot of stupid things about DA community. SOmetimes they slap rules on one people and give green card for others who don't deserve it

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms


Pretty much, yeah; I've noticed quite the double-standard, when it comes to suggestive or nude pics. It used to be that provocative female pics were fine, but if guys posted anything with males posing "provocatively", they'd get flagged. Now, it's kind of sounding like the tables have turned--at least in some parts of the community (I'm sure it comes down to jealousy and popularity, in a lot of the cases--I guarantee someone is jealous of you, Ieyasu).

There's no way Nevan should have been flagged; I've seen far more provocative pics of her, and in general--I've logged on just to see female nether regions, for crying out loud. Up close, and personal... >.< I've never once felt the need to report someone for any of that--art theft is about the only time I use that function.

The Anti-Christ part made me chuckle, for obvious reasons. xD Didn't you know? You just exude evil...:laugh:

CT: Some errands to run, make sure kiddo is fully registered in the other school (for once, I'm not procrastinating...imagine that), watch some more K, and then...pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, whichever demands my attention more.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
@Rebel Dynasty @Ieyasu
Using religion as shield for your own insecurity is disgusting. IT's worst thing possible. I can't really consider Nevan's pic all that offensive, since it a) represent her character b) compared to some pics it's not that suggestive. And hell if artists like Vallejo give a damn about such nitpicking, they wouldn't have got anywhere. People really need to grow from their shells.


Oldschool DMC fan


Pretty much, yeah; I've noticed quite the double-standard, when it comes to suggestive or nude pics. It used to be that provocative female pics were fine, but if guys posted anything with males posing "provocatively", they'd get flagged. Now, it's kind of sounding like the tables have turned--at least in some parts of the community (I'm sure it comes down to jealousy and popularity, in a lot of the cases--I guarantee someone is jealous of you, Ieyasu).

There's no way Nevan should have been flagged; I've seen far more provocative pics of her, and in general--I've logged on just to see female nether regions, for crying out loud. Up close, and personal... >.< I've never once felt the need to report someone for any of that--art theft is about the only time I use that function.

I guess it was brought up because a group (not sure which, DA just tags you whenever somebody mentions you in a comment or journal and you can see it, and I couldn't see which group they were arguing about) had some kinda ongoing argument about a particular BL image (not mine). DA allows that but any actual sex has to be censored or cropped off. A person mentioned that said pic of BL was close to violating DA's ToS and the group's ToS when in fact it wasn't. There is tons of cropped BL pics on there. But the artist of said pic decided to quote my Nevan picture as an example of something "as bad" as their image, with "as much" body exposure. Despite this not washing because Nevan is not nude in the picture but covered with bats and hair... and the other person in the debate said so, they wanted to compare that picture to an image of two guys at it with the money shot cropped off? I don't get it. Nevan is posing, not humping. It's not quite in the same league. Not to mention you can't "see" anything offensive in either picture. Neither of them were breaking DA's ToS, even though one of them might have been breaking the group's own rules.

Just kinda bizarre. Maybe it was because the group accepted mine and someone bitched about the other, and they decided Nevan was a good example of a "dirty pic". Funny, because you get shown more than that when you play the actual game. *shrug* I don't buy it though. If you can photograph yourself nude on DA and call it art, then a non-nude drawing is even further from violating the ToS.

The Anti-Christ part made me chuckle, for obvious reasons. xD Didn't you know? You just exude evil...:laugh:

I sure do. Every so often someone sends me a random note on there saying they'll pray for my soul, which is nice, but about as useful as a chocolate fireguard if they're right.
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