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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Aww, congrats. :3

Well, time to finish reading and then start working on my manuscript. I hope dip pens are as easy to use as I remember them being....
+ For some reason Shade's coming off as b*tchy and whiney...I don't get why its experiencing a sudden attitude shift. o_O Aaaaand Mitch doesn't seem to care. Get it together, guys. >_<

Thankies! ^^

Lol, sounds like you have your hands full; I hope they start behaving for you, soon. ^^;


Devil hunter in training
Not to butt in, but, tbh, imo it's not that bad of an age difference. I mean, my mum's in her forties and she wants to date a guy in his twenties if she ever starts dating again (which only creeps me out cuz it's someone close to my age....)
If he's 29, closer to 30 and she's just into her 40s then see how it goes. Not all large gap relationships are doomed to fail. It depends on the people involved. Unfortunately, all I've seen are the creepy or crappy ones.

Just make sure he doesn't flirt with you. I hear that kind of thing can happen. :tongue: that was a joke, btw.

16 years is too much for me. 10 years is a large enough gap where maturity differences start to show. Sure, if people meet when they're older, then it's not that much of a difference. Maybe in their 30s and 40s or 50s.
On the opposite end, I wouldn't date an 18 or even 20 year old. There's hardly any age difference, but they are so immature and I don't want to date a child. Too much of a difference emotionally, life goals and maturity. People do a lot of changing and growing in their 20s.

As for the situation I know about...well, she's naive if she thinks a 21 year old, who she has only known for 3 months should be a father figure. And he sees her as nothing more than a desperate old lady. They're both pathetic for different reasons. She needs to stop thinking a boy will be like a man and he needs to stop treating her like easy action. Then again, I would think a woman closer to 40 would have more self respect and realise she's being used and referred to as 'a hump and dump'. I do not know why young guys refer to old ladies that way...it seems to be a university slang thing. :rolleyes:


the horror was for love
If he's 29, closer to 30 and she's just into her 40s then see how it goes. Not all large gap relationships are doomed to fail. It depends on the people involved. Unfortunately, all I've seen are the creepy or crappy ones.

Just make sure he doesn't flirt with you. I hear that kind of thing can happen. :tongue: that was a joke, btw.

16 years is too much for me. 10 years is a large enough gap where maturity differences start to show. Sure, if people meet when they're older, then it's not that much of a difference. Maybe in their 30s and 40s or 50s.
On the opposite end, I wouldn't date an 18 or even 20 year old. There's hardly any age difference, but they are so immature and I don't want to date a child. Too much of a difference emotionally, life goals and maturity. People do a lot of changing and growing in their 20s.

As for the situation I know about...well, she's naive if she thinks a 21 year old, who she has only known for 3 months should be a father figure. And he sees her as nothing more than a desperate old lady. They're both pathetic for different reasons. She needs to stop thinking a boy will be like a man and he needs to stop treating her like easy action. Then again, I would think a woman closer to 40 would have more self respect and realise she's being used and referred to as 'a hump and dump'. I do not know why young guys refer to old ladies that way...it seems to be a university slang thing. :rolleyes:

Well, mum's 44 and I know she's said she'd date a 21 yr old before (honestly, I know she'll probably never date again, but I also know she's serious when she says that). But I guess it's a matter of personal tastes and the personalities involved. Like, for me, I don't know that I could date someone my age or younger because I'd be worried they'd be immature. *too mature at times* But it depends on the person's personality and how well our attitudes play off each other. On the other end of the spectrum, mum's ex was almost 11 years older than her and, the further into their marriage they got, the more like a bratty child he became. :S

I see what you're trying to say about your friend and that girl, though. :/ And I agree in that case. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. It seems like an all around issue of maturity. :S *also doesn't get why they refer to women like that*

LOL Trust me, I will. XD
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Fate/Zero...so many feels. Only six more episodes to go. :'(

I wish I could watch more dubbed episodes of Attack on Titan, as well; I guess I could watch it subbed, but I like to stick to one language per anime-otherwise, there might have been something different between the subbed and dubbed versions that would only wind up confusing me, in the long run.

Do up a detailed account of Gwen's latent powers (as well as the main Antagonists), or do more work on Chapter Four (since it's been three days without)? Hmm...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Hopefully the nice weather will hold out for fathers day. I didnt drive all the way up here to be rained on.

It's been bipolar here, too. The sky was green when I picked kiddo up from school yesterday. D: I actually ran us home...

...I never run. Fortunately, the threat of tornado didn't happen; just a twenty-minute thunderstorm, lol.

CT: Well, in about twelve hours, hubby should be home. <3 In the mean time, housework, parenting, and writing to do.
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