-The girl I really liked and was planning on making my girlfriend now suddenly pops up with a boyfriend. Did all that talk, flirting, and date stuff not happen? 
-People in my family are not gonna assist me in getting the car fixed and now I have to figure something out.
-They also decided to berate me yet again over and over just because I tried to talk some sense in to them about my stupid uncle who has a warrant out for his arrest and is causing problems for just about everyone. Sorry, I won't give this pathetic a$$hole any sympathy because he doesn't deserve it. How many times does a person have to f#ck up before something clicks?
-Oh thanks mom for getting rid of my bed at your house. Guess that really just seals the deal about how unwelcomed I am at the house when I go visit.
-Oh yea, my brother is totally justified in being a total a$$ to me even though it was me who got him in school so mom could and them could get off his case. I just saved you from possibly being kicked out yet I am ALWAYS an a$$ like how you put it. Did I not mention how I payed for your goddamn convention tickets it didn't bother even asking you to pay me back. Yet you won't get me a f#cking Subway sandwich for dinner because you won't pay for me.
^ How I feel about all this.
Then I'm all like

-People in my family are not gonna assist me in getting the car fixed and now I have to figure something out.
-They also decided to berate me yet again over and over just because I tried to talk some sense in to them about my stupid uncle who has a warrant out for his arrest and is causing problems for just about everyone. Sorry, I won't give this pathetic a$$hole any sympathy because he doesn't deserve it. How many times does a person have to f#ck up before something clicks?
-Oh thanks mom for getting rid of my bed at your house. Guess that really just seals the deal about how unwelcomed I am at the house when I go visit.
-Oh yea, my brother is totally justified in being a total a$$ to me even though it was me who got him in school so mom could and them could get off his case. I just saved you from possibly being kicked out yet I am ALWAYS an a$$ like how you put it. Did I not mention how I payed for your goddamn convention tickets it didn't bother even asking you to pay me back. Yet you won't get me a f#cking Subway sandwich for dinner because you won't pay for me.

^ How I feel about all this.
Then I'm all like