Somehow, I've just died a little inside, yet, I'm slightly interested... I love the first.
:O Lawli-pop! *squees* ^_^ He looks like a kid. *fangirl love* Eep! I'd love a render, if it's not too much trouble. ^^
Oh! Btw! That request you sent me, I should be able to work on it soon. *planning on getting a new computer within the next couple days and will finally be able to use her tablet and actually see what's on the screen*
Now I'm thinking about B. Because I can't think about L without thinking about B. That's what happens when you have a homicidal, non-related twin. I should really go back to thinking about L, though, cuz I have to RP him (it's either him or Light and the devil will go ice skating before I willingly RP Light) soon and work on something with him for NaNo. Thinking of DN, I need to come up with a way for Rowan to meet Near. She'd love it. And then she'd glomp him and Near would either die from too many cuddles or Rowan would tie him up and stick him in her basement/closet. It's a win-win situation for me. ^^ *noms a sugar cube*
I have to go and find the 'base' model (which I have on CD-R). And I'll think of a good pose :3 Ish never too much trouble *loves doing stuff, feels useful*

Ooh, BTW, I don't know if you've seen, but someone has a 'Death Note font pack' on Deviant Art for download:
Actually, there's some nice fonts in there *downloads herself*. (Actually, does this count as filesharing. It's on Deviant art, so I don't think it goes against forum rules as it's a link to DA?)
I hope your computer hunting has gone better than my TV hunting... *headdesk*.
EEK! ^^ I can't wait to see it, but like I said at the time, there was no rush :3 But still... EEK!
CT: Now, I need to find that model, pray that my green pen hasn't leaked over the chair (because I've been sitting on it), and stop writing things down on bits of scrap paper... it's everywhere, fudge me, it's a great job that I don't use post-it notes :lol: