Electromagnetic Nov 1, 2013 "You think we hide behind walls to protect us from the walking dead! Don't you get it? WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD!"
"You think we hide behind walls to protect us from the walking dead! Don't you get it? WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD!"
Electromagnetic Sep 26, 2013 "Do you remember what I told you?! It's not over until-*lung cancer*" Lol
Electromagnetic Sep 13, 2013 We are the warriors of the north, notorious and brave. We're old but strong as before, and we don't fear the grave!
We are the warriors of the north, notorious and brave. We're old but strong as before, and we don't fear the grave!
Electromagnetic Sep 2, 2013 "Look, Look, you guys are just guys, okay? Mister White, he's the Devil."
Electromagnetic Aug 13, 2013 "Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything becomes chaos." -The Joker
Electromagnetic Jul 30, 2013 "You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it, you know? I just do things."
"You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it, you know? I just do things."
Electromagnetic Jul 23, 2013 Hey girl, don't point the finger at me. I am only a rat in a maze, like you. And only the dead go free.
Hey girl, don't point the finger at me. I am only a rat in a maze, like you. And only the dead go free.
DemonSlayer6 Jul 17, 2013 Ara? Why the change of username? And nice profile pic bro /o\ I'M DIGGING IT XD
Electromagnetic Jul 5, 2013 "A warning to you both – choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you."