Being named"GLaDOS core" on Facebook, i did what i had to ... Started an argument with a page called black mesa XD
Did you happen to be watching Tremors? :3 I'm watching IT...I don't know why this scared me when I was a kid.*Watching a movie about alien worms**sees one explode*
Mum: "That looks suspiciously like my cheese sauce. ._."
+ Oh god, I went into Best Buy with ONE question and it turned into a nightmare. >_< I do not want that computer, I want this computer! *rawrs* I has a new one, though. ^_^ *can't use it til she gets her com guy to look at it, but is happy*
=D Yay! Thankies! ^^ *so excited**fangirling*
:O Ooooh, I wasn't sure if anyone still had the fonts online. <3 Thankies, again. ^^ *will have to get them when she's not on her mum's com*
Heh, thnx. Tbh, I have a laptop picked out, I just haven't bought it yet.... @_@ *didn't have money last time and hopes it's still at the store* D: What happened to your tv? *hopes you can find a new one*
:3 I hope you like it. *worried she's gonna disappoint all the people with requests*
Ugh, I need to make cookies. XP Dun. Wanna. *hides under a blanket*
Did you happen to be watching Tremors? :3 I'm watching IT...I don't know why this scared me when I was a kid.
It's gonna take sometime, I've gotta find some figures. Daz studio has installed stuff into three different places on this laptop :/ I WILL get it done!
No problem :3
It's old and most of the buttons on the remote control have stopped working :/ Plus, I've been spoiled by High definition
I hope you get the laptop that you want :3
CT: Just finished the last XNALara Halloween picture *wipes sweat from brow*. All pics will be uploaded tomorrow for... Halloween...
Yup the killer clown! TIM CURRYHaha, yeah! It's just about to end. >_> IT? Like...with the killer clown? ._. *scared of clowns*
o_o It did? Holy crow, that's a lot of places to install stuff in. >_<
Oh my. :S I hope you can get a nice new tv. *has a nice tv she's not using, but doesn't have the remote for it, otherwise would try to sell it*
I did. ^^ Though I almost walked out of Best Buy empty handed. >_< Friggen sales people.
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEENHappy Halloween fellow fans of the devil! The Devil May Cry series that is!Make sure to give kids sweets or beware the wrath of "TP!"
Beware the "TP!" Beware! :devil:
**** it, I'm being dragged off to the GP in 20 minutes.
I'm either going to break down and cry, or I'm going to pretend I'm not there. One or the other. Who wants to guess which one I end up doing?
o_o It did? Holy crow, that's a lot of places to install stuff in. >_<
Oh my. :S I hope you can get a nice new tv. *has a nice tv she's not using, but doesn't have the remote for it, otherwise would try to sell it*
I did. ^^ Though I almost walked out of Best Buy empty handed. >_< Friggen sales people.
I'll just say, I can see why some people are scared of clowns... I can't explain it, but I can see it.
It is. Plus, I know that I've installed stuff, but I just can't seem to find it anywhere...
If it's as nice as the one my parents have in the living room, I'll be over the moon :3
Is it Windows 8? (Or would they have updated them to 8.1?)
CT: Happy Halloween everyone :3
Oh shoot! I've got one more thing to upload to DA!
That harvest moon game is driving me nuts!