Got my new corsets...and they're plastic boned. T-T RAAAAAAAAAWR! Now I can't do any tight lacing. T-T Friggen liars in their advertising.... Sad Rae is sad.... *pouts*

I'll link you to it when I'm done with it

Can't you send them back and demand a refund due to misleading advertising? Pretty sure you have the right to do that.
+ So....the day before yesterday was our anniversary....we tend to forget about it until we're on the actual day and something happens that makes us go 'DAMN it's our anniversary today'. Usually we only remember like....very late on the night, or the next morning (sometimes only the week after), but this time I remembered early on the day because I did a picture with my kid at kindergarten and tried to recall what date it was, figured the next day is 27th because it's the last day of term which makes today the 26th....:blink:....oh **** I almost forgot our anniversary! - type of thing.
So, we did nothing too special on the day. I was exhausted most of the day because I had three hours sleep the night before. He went to work. Kids went to school. Bla bla bla. Went out for dinner - it was nothing special, unless you count that my groggy 2 year old spilled my glass of water all over my pants, threw food at the people in the booth behind us, hubby got a steak that was more fat and bone than meat, I overindulged in pasta and felt really bloated and grumpy after, and I ordered my first Bloody Mary in a bid to celebrate our anniversary.
Which was apt, I suppose, considering our relationship together thus far looks like a sweet, fairytale-breeze to outsiders when really it's so loaded with challenges and surprises, not to mention the heat/chemistry between us that's still as hot as day one.
For anyone who doesn't know: Blood Mary has tomato juice in it. And pepper. FFS. I don't ever want to drink our relationship again. I nearly hurled >_<
Next time I'll go for a Sex on the Beach drink.
So today, I get home from my last day of work to PRESENTS on my bed. They had little notes stuck to them. The first note said: For when you're feeling adventurous/happy: it's a set of movie tickets that expire next year September. The second note for the second present said For those moments when you feel sweet, and calm, and content: the present is a little sculpture called the Willow Tree series. It's the wisdom one that I got. Very cool. I sat for a good wee while just looking at it and reflecting on how many meanings it had for me. Probably the most epic present he's ever got me because it's so....me.
The last one I left for a while before I opened it because the note said 'For when you're feeling naughty/rebellious' which made me think ummmmmmmm yeah not in the mood for that.
Then curiosity got to best of me and I opened it..........