What are you doing?Either at home,work or somewhere.

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Currently finishing up my first cup of coffee before getting ready for the day. Then kiddo will be off to school, and it'll be just me, a few chores, and editing/formatting on WoN.
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Sat at my computer, watching the Sherlock DVD Commentaries of season 1. Ah, back when the series was good...

But seriously, it's pretty fascinating to hear about the process of making the show, plus Cumberbatch and Martin's banter is pretty hilarious.
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Enjoying the fact that it's a rainy day, since that gives me free license to take it easy today and only do as much as I feel like doing.

Which currently involves editing and reading.
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Wandering around our community centre/church waiting for the rest of the music team to arrive and inwardly mocking a choral group using one of the rooms nearby. Because I'm mean. And they truly suck.
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Just finished watching a movie with kiddo, so getting a little editing in now. Then the day will be a kind of lather, rinse, repeat between edits, lesser chores, and reading.
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I jus broke my Resident evil HD Origins CD in half and threw it the trash can. Its pathetic,useless and hopeless to play these games. There is only so much love and affection i can show towards games but when it starts to eat my life away, I draw the line. Capcom developers are idiots and have no sense on how to make a game entertaining without being painstakingly hard. Capcom is a moronic company and its monopoly is slowly ending and i am jus waiting for it to die.I loved your games capcom but at the same time you try to eat my life away, I can't let that. I am a true gamer who enjoys a good game, a challenging game. But your games are like gambling. A bad habit that slowly eats the lives of true gamers like me. Die you pathetic phony game devloping company. Jus die.
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