Redgrave Kyo
Unusual sight
I sold my 3DS long ago for my PS4 (or else I wouldn't even be on YouTube as it stands), Ace Attorney 6 makes me regret it very highly. At first I was not interested, but then I looked at some spoils... Yeah, not localising AAI 2 is the biggest mistake they could ever make, this game is SO GREAT. I mean, okay Ace Attorney was apparently an highly downloaded game back in the DS era due to how it was a pain to find games in stores - at least in France, and as such it meant bad sales for the series throughout the years. Not translating AAI in other languages than English was the safety line back in the days, then they did this. Apparently, around AA5's release, some producer said that they had AAI3 in their mind. AA5 being a success (less in France again, because we like to complain about a lot of things, like an untranslated game in which text is the game's core when English isn't that hard to learn), I hope that Capcom is changing their mind anytime soon.