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What are you currently playing?

Blue Rose

The Demon Hunter
playing Soul Calibur 4 Online and Resident Evil 5 online sometimes. Been playing alot of Oblivion too, but getting bored with it.


Well-known Member
^Have you played Final Fantasy III on the DS?
Thats a really great game ^__^

I had a little while playing DMC4 last night, not much though tbh, also been playing some more Platinum ^^


Well-known Member
Playing some DMC4, gotta love Buster'ing Sanctus :D

Been playing Pokemon Diamond, just concluded a Trade for the Pikachu Coloured Pichu which will have an effect in the upcomming Gold and Silver Remakes, little fella's a cutie lol

EDIT: Just unlocked both Skill Collector Achievements for Nero and Dante.
Also, just spent the last three hours trying to beat Echidna with Dante, whats the one weapon I didn't try...Lucifer. Which weapon did I use finally to beat her in under 30 seconds...Lucifer. ¬_¬;;

So sue me for thinking Rebellion/Giglamesh would be more effective...ah well, the level did give me ample time to Master Full-House+Royal Guard on Blitz (works really well when you get the hang-of it) to remove its electricity without receiving feedback. Also managed to nail Jump Cancel with Dante ^^ Useful against Chimera Assaults (although I STILL hate them with a passion).


Well-known Member
I'm getting close to the conclusion of DMD Mode on DMC4 ^_^

Mission 19, its odd getting used to Nero again, when Dante could take down the bigger bosses in about a minute ^^

Anyone have any Berial V Nero tips for DMD ^^


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I was playing Fallout 3 until an hour ago when I finally managed to snag 1000/1000. Can't wait for my Game of The Year Edition to arrive so I can crack on with the add-ons. I'm really eager to get stuck into Dead Space again.


Madam_Verdice©;179282 said:
.hack G.U. Vol.3-I'm prepping for the Forest of Pain:)

Wow, it's been soooo long since I've played the G.U. Series lol

I'm playing some Tekken 5 and Blazblue still. Just reached level 24 today in Blazblue too


Well-known Member
Devil May Cry 4, beaten DMD Mode (finally), now just got Bloody Palace, Hell or Hell and getting the S'Ranks :D

Fun stuff ^__^


Devilicious Devi
Hohoho, got my hands on the game "Trine", the ultimate 3D sidescroller arcade puzzle game, it`s sooo addicting, and the graphics are soo great. Not Cry engine or the like, but damn good.

Blue Rose

The Demon Hunter
have recently went to my PSP and started playing the original FFVII. great game still.:)
i was gonna buy Resident Evil DC but the damn PSN took 2$ from my Visa card for no reason watsoever. so im 2$ short to buy it now. which makes me really mad, i wanted to play it badly.>_<>_<>_<


Well-known Member
^I'm actually playing FFIX on my PSP, its a great game although I've yet to get very far ^^


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
A pretty old PS2 game called 'Drakengard'. It's pretty good ^_^.

Also Resident Evil: Dead Aim (my PS3 broke :().


Well-known Member
Not playing much atm except Platinum, although Devil May Cry 4 is awaiting at home :D Can't wait to crack on with S'Ranking those missions ^_^ (i'm planning to go backwards, start on Mission 20 DMD mode and end on Mission 1 Human mode -- hopefully that will keep me in the right frame of mind :D)
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