Kamen Rider Decade;176922 said:i am playing Evil Dead on PS2
Kitsune Kitty;176921 said:Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 4....i got the newest version=P
MochaCub;176937 said:No I have the newest version which is Naruto Shippūden: Narutimate Accel 2lol
Playing Prototype and Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
kyoto;177010 said:Tekken 5: DR as well, when does the sixth one come out?
Sparda™;176891 said:Ah yes, completed It a long ago 100%.
Good luck.
Angelo Credo;177148 said:Bad Company on hard, it's not actually that hard, pretty damn realistic to be honest.
Keaton;177224 said:I was concidering picking up Bad Company, since I thought the trailer for it was pretty fun and also its been reduced to £10 in Blockbuster (preowned). ^^
Played another half-hours worth of Dead Space last night, still waiting for those MP's >.<