One thing I'd like to say about this reboot that I really feel makes more sense as a reasoning behind 'Westernizing' the series. Is that the transition of tone wasn't "East to West" it was "Animated to not animated"
I really only noticed this after a long time bitching about how Deadpool hasn't gotten his animated portrayal
There was gonna be a movie based on the reboot. so chances are they probably made it more like live-action to better adapt because the theatrical market seems to hate animation centered towards adults? So why like this?
Well, let me explain to you with two Western pieces of media, using the most famous example of a source material change, Superman's Super-dick-concealer
Note: when you look at the Animated one, the underwear doesn't really get in the way, he is still able to be taken seriously, and with good reason, he looks ****ing awesome.
Thats the beauty of animation. It allows for over-the-top action and crazy character design, that can be taken seriously. In terms of something with a story like Devil May Cry, that's what you want, because it would be a freaking billion dollar budget to make it believable in live-action
Keep in mind though, they were trying to make a movie of the series. Due to the General Audience being as uncultured and close-minded as a pile of afterbirth. They tend to not go see animated movies.
I know what you're thinking, "But Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks-"
Have ****ing track records
While their movies are great, there is one thing you have to note about all 3, even though they aren't just something you use to shut your kids the hell up. That's what they started as (And all the sequels ****ing suck except
Toy Story.)
Now just as a failsafe for an argument I know is coming up. That they said Dante's personality couldn't have been taken seriously
This is Deadpool, a superhero whose popularity is growing due to his hilarious personality and various antics. Personality wise, he's one of the most whacky mainstream heroes to date. Most people who haven't read his comics enough, tend to think he's a character who completely lacks any ability to be taken seriously
(Joe Kelly, please, teach the new guys how to ****ing write)
I rest my case. For the most part, Deadpool is never serious, but the thing is, there are moments when every character realizes play time is over, and breaks away from their happy go lucky self. Provided the audience has had the time to realize how and why the character became serious, it isn't out of character if enough traits still show.
You can't show the serious side to a character as quick witted and non-chalant as original Dante IN THE SPAN OF 2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES, and expect it to be taken seriously