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Was The Reboot Really Necessary?


Well-known Member
From I understanding, reboots are often made to give an old franchise a fresh new look and start. To re- imagine the story under a more modern context or reinterpretation. Doing so is often done under the goal that said franchise is good and worth investing in but has died and won't be relatable to the modern audience.

With that said, what purpose did DmC have? Did we really need DMC to be rebooted? DMC is a rather influential franchise and Dante is a gaming icon. The franchise isn't all that old either. If it's because of the inconsistent storyline than they could just explain all that in another sequel. If it's to gain interest on the franchise, a sequel could do that too. The only explanation Capcom ever grave was that they wanted something different but did they need to go to another developer for that? They basically rebooted DMC with each sequel and gave us different experiences with each one.

What's worse is that while the reboot brought some unique things to the table, it was basically extending what we saw in past games (in terms of gameplay) and the story suffered from the same syndrome as the other games (just a little less severely).

So I wonder what was the point in the reboot.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
When I saw the trailer for DmC for the first time, my reaction was not knee-jerk hate. It was simply confusion. I'd been looking forward to DMC5 for a long time (still am) and they're giving me a game with new characters I have no interest in and don't care about? Throwing away a perfectly good battle system? *raises eyebrow*

At this point I avoid even discussing DmC because it's such an easy way to get into a flame war and ain't nobody got time fo' dat. XD The Devil May Cry fanbase is nothing if not passionate, and protective, of the characters they know and love.

To answer the initial question, yes I think it was completely unnecessary and pointless. Nobody wanted a reboot. (At least, none that I saw while lurking on various forums) Nobody was discussing "Oh I hope they don't make a DMC5 and reboot it instead!" Remakes, maybe, but thats a whole different thing.

Now they basically have 2 IPs with the same name. All it does is cause confusion among the fans. For example I got in a conversation with some guy and he said "Oh I like Devil May Cry." I had to stop myself from asking "Which one? Reboot or Classic?" because I didn't even want to get into that conversation. -_-

No idea what Capcom was thinking besides "oh make it moar western hurrdurr" They haven't been making very good decisions this last console generation, which is why they are basically up for sale now.

Let me make this clear: I don't hate DmC...I simply don't care about it....but you can't deny the reaction to it was bad. Imagine if Capcom had done the same thing to Resident Evil. There'd be riots in the streets. o.o
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I kind of wonder that, myself. I'm not casting dispersions on it, or anything, but from where I'm standing, there was so much they still could have done with the old franchise. A lot of people say otherwise, however, stating it had nowhere else to go--I'm sorry, but I'm going to say it; the people making that claim clearly lack imagination, then, because there was a great deal more that could have been done with DMC; all you need do is look at some of the topics we've had here about things they could have done with future games to see that.

That aside, the reboot serves some purpose, since it has plenty of supporters. It's seldom you'll find anything done in the entertainment industry was ever really "necessary", but it is appreciated by those who enjoy it, and gives them some modicum of escape from their day-to-day lives.

That, in and of itself, is a necessity, I would think--being able to unwind after a hard day's work, or take out some of our frustrations on CG characters, rather than real people.

I just happen to find that outlet with the classic series, as well as other games, movies, or novels that took hold of me. If other people find that same value in the reboot, then Capcom and NT must have done something right, in that regard.
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Fake Geek Girl.
Not this poop again. We can stop talking in circles. DmC is still a fun game and as a fan of hack n slashers and Devil May Cry I don't understand why it's taboo among most of the fanbase to dig it. And I'm saying this as a fan of the original with the first one still being my absolute fav. I just say that DmC doesn't deserve the hate it gets on the ground of having its own merits that make it stand out on its own and just being simply fun to play.

It's what gaming at its core is all bout right? Fun.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
Necessary? Probably not. And from what it seems, not even Capcom thought it was "necessary"; dunno if you read Devil May Cry: A Divine Comedy by Pix'n Love, because the way it was described there, it seems that it was just an idea that came up and they were like "Hey, why not? Maybe we can make even more money with that!" - well, at least from what I remember.
However, for Capcom, it was necessary to go to a different developer, because they felt like if they were to try to reimagine Devil May Cry, the outcome would be something way to similar to what they had before. That also makes it seem like Capcom themselves were the ones that lacked the imagination to do anything with the old series.


The Man Without Fear!
Uh... no. I suppose not. It's a nifty experiment, I suppose.
For me however, I didn't find the story, world, and characters of DmC: Devil May Cry to be interesting enough or as emotionally investing as the previous franchise's story and characters of yore to warrant a sequel. I wouldn't object to one, but the prospect of Devil May Cry 5 excites a lot more. But hey, if we could get DmC2 and Devil May Cry 5, then EVERYONE WINS!!! YAY FOR OPTIMISM!!!
Don't get the wrong idea, I didn't hate DmC. I like Ninja Theory and respect them helluva lot. They're cool people. I just think they work better with ideas of their own. And you've gotta admit, DmC, from a story and gameplay perspective is heavily flawed, no matter how much it got right.

So, y'know... Hideaki Itsuno... if you wanna come back to us?
Maybe get, oh I dunno... Hideki Kamiya to consult on the next game...? Cause that'd be great...


Supporter 2014

**** DmC
I'm trying to find a new troll theme, btw. :cool:


And to those who thought the gameplay was "inferior"...

Haters/Antis/Purists/Elitists can go take their nonsense elsewhere.
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Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Railazel, I love you, you were there when I first joined. But after the first page ends, I'm abandoning thread

And to those who thought the gameplay was "inferior"...

Haters/Antis/Purists/Elitists can go take their nonsense elsewhere.
But OP complimented the gameplay


Supporter 2014
But OP complimented the gameplay
Read my post.


Besides, Railazel and I agree on many of the same aspects of DmC. I have no quarrel with him.

Look, you were tolerable for a while, but now you're just regressing back to your annoying stage where you got on anyone's case who liked DmC. Back off. I didn't insult anyone, so don't even start.

And "Labels" do not equal "Insults". If you hate on the game, you're a hater, it's that simple.

It was a warning to any potential haters out there. Don't flame the thread.
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Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Read my post.


Look, you were tolerable for a while, but now you're just regressing back to your annoying stage where you got on anyone's case who liked DmC. Back off. I didn't insult anyone, so don't even start.

It's the part where you brought the issue up in the first place when there was nothing about it in the thread. I'm not getting on your case for liking DmC, I'm getting on your case for getting on the case of people who have that opinion.


Supporter 2014
I'm not getting on your case for liking DmC, I'm getting on your case for getting on the case of people who have that opinion.
So, you're getting on my case because I got on the POTENTIAL case of anyone who MIGHT hate on DmC later on? Listen bro, this was just a warning, nothing more. I didn't mean to come off as overly aggressive either, alright?

It's just that I was so sure that a flame war would eventually break out, and it just got me a little annoyed.

I mean, I'll admit to getting a little carried away, but that's only because I've seen this pattern emerge in other threads before.

I think I'll get out of here while I can.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
So, you're getting on my case for me getting on the POTENTIAL case of anyone who MIGHT hate on DmC later on? Listen bro, this was just a warning, nothing more. I didn't mean to come off as overly aggressive either, alright?

It's just that I was so sure that a flame war would eventually break out, and it just got me a little annoyed.

A pre-emptive strike, as it were...which is not without justification, since we've seen it happen. I can't even count how many times a topic that started as a civil conversation turned into mud-slinging about something that had nothing to do with the subject matter.

It's happened in the DMC3 and 4 parts of the forum too, which ****ed me off to no end, so I know your feels, Frosty. If it's actually part of the topic, it's one thing...but half the time, it turns into a complete sh*t storm...


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
So, you're getting on my case for me getting on the POTENTIAL case of anyone who MIGHT hate on DmC later on? Listen bro, this was just a warning, nothing more. I didn't mean to come off as overly aggressive either, alright?

It's just that I was so sure that a flame war would eventually break out, and it just got me a little annoyed.
Eh, trust me, with this kind of topic, it's inevitable
The best we can do, is
1. sit down
3. get back up


Supporter 2014
It's happened in the DMC3 and 4 parts of the forum too, which ****ed me off to no end, so I know your feels, Frosty. If it's actually part of the topic, it's one thing...but half the time, it turns into a complete sh*t storm...
I'm almost never in the DMC3/4 parts of the forum. I mean, there was one flame war I partook in about a year or so ago, I think. All I remember is that it took place in the DMC4 thread.

Don't get me wrong, I love DMC3 and can even appreciate the gameplay in DMC4... but that's it. Everything else about DMC4 I absolutely loathed to no end.

DMC1 had great atmosphere and decent gameplay, but ultimately wouldn't even make my top 50 games.

DMC2, while you could manipulate it to give you some rather impressive stunts, was ultimately a joke overall.

DMC4, nice but had fewer weapons and styles than DMC4. No, nope, and definitely not.

So, that just leaves me with one game from the classic series that I really like. Oh well.

Do I look forward to a DMC5? Of course I do. But I'm not going to keep it if it turns out to be another DMC4. They'd better give me at least 5 melee weapons instead of just 4 (no, I'm not counting Yamato, you can have either a style or a weapon, but you can't have both -- besides only three moves with the o-katana? No thanks).


That was quite the rant on my part. Maybe I should've saved that for PM.

Anyway, as for pre-emptive maneuvers, I'll only carry them out if I see it's absolutely necessary.
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Fake Geek Girl.
Was it
Uh... no. I suppose not. It's a nifty experiment, I suppose.
For me however, I didn't find the story, world, and characters of DmC: Devil May Cry to be interesting enough or as emotionally investing as the previous franchise's story and characters of yore to warrant a sequel. I wouldn't object to one, but the prospect of Devil May Cry 5 excites a lot more. But hey, if we could get DmC2 and Devil May Cry 5, then EVERYONE WINS!!! YAY FOR OPTIMISM!!!
Don't get the wrong idea, I didn't hate DmC. I like Ninja Theory and respect them helluva lot. They're cool people. I just think they work better with ideas of their own. And you've gotta admit, DmC, from a story and gameplay perspective is heavily flawed, no matter how much it got right.

So, y'know... Hideaki Itsuno... if you wanna come back to us?
Maybe get, oh I dunno... Hideki Kamiya to consult on the next game...? Cause that'd be great...
Heavily flawed? How? It's mechanically the best in the entire series and regardless of which version of this franchise comes next then they should work again with the great foundation of DmC. The game really gave the series some much needed natural evolution of the control scheme and it was still fast, furious, and fluid as ever in its own right.

Just add a few more moves and weapons and get rid of the color coded enemy patterns and boom, perfect.

Plus, the story was fine. Nothing to get all up and arms about to put down and also nothing to really praise. I would think that Ninja Theory did just what they were told until it met Capcom's approval. I mean, we all know how different this game looked very early on and probably it was a lot better than what it is now. Ninja Theory aren't bad story tellers by a long shot. With games like Enslaved as evidence, they know how to tell one. I just think the over seeing shadow of Capcom stripped down a bit of this creative freedom they could have when they started to work on it.

The DMC series wrote itself in to a corner and I think Capcom seriously just didn't have any idea what to do with the franchise and that's why they thought a reboot would suffice.

And in the end it still isn't anything else but Devil May Cry just without it this time around looking like some anime. And that's where I still think a lot of the condemning came from more than anything. We all know how crazy anime fans can get. And I say this as a very avid anime fan myself.


Fake Geek Girl.
Also better boss fights. With the exception of the final fight with Vergil, every other while sometimes still just looking cool, still should have been more of a threat.

And just the overall difficulty the game can reach.

I think that about covers all the problems with DmC that need fixing in my book.

It's still fun slashy shooty stuff though as it is so I'm cool.

Devils Never Cry

Devil Hunter
Necessary? I don't believe so. I think most would've been content with a DMC5 coming after DMC4, with no plans for a reboot ever being announced. Now Capcom has made it harder on themselves, because now they have fans who like one or the other, and others who would like both versions to continue. They must be careful not to upset too many fans with their following decisions.

I won't partake in the judgement of DmC, as I've only played the demo.


Supporter 2014
It's mechanically the best in the entire series and regardless of which version of this franchise comes next then they should work again with the great foundation of DmC. The game really gave the series some much needed natural evolution of the control scheme and it was still fast, furious, and fluid as ever in its own right.
There was a time when I would've disagreed with you; when I would've said that it was only second to DMC3.

However, after talking to both TwoXAcross and SamD on the matter, I agree with their (and your) assessment that control and gameplay-wise, it really is best in the series.

From a purely objective standpoint (yes really), it's probably one of the best action games out there, period.

I'm not going to get into P* here, I've played their games, and I didn't like them at all. To me, DMC3 and Darksiders II were a better by a significant margin.

You could accuse me of bias for that, but I'm not saying this out of my hatred (and utter disgust) for P*; no, I'm saying this because I simply didn't enjoy playing any of their games when compared to my previous experiences on extreme action.

Even Angry Joe said you could take on MGR "just by pushing forward every second and the melee attack button at the same time" in his review. His words, not mine.

How MGR ever got his "Badass Seal of Approval" I'll never know -- nor would I want to.


So yes, even if I hated DmC (which I kind of did for not having lock-on), I realized that it really is the best out of the series. You can't even spin the camera in previous entries. That right there is the new "jump-cancel" (as I've said before) in my honest opinion.


Fine. I won't say it's the best. It's just the best one suited to my tastes.


As for the lock-on issue, let me explain why I don't mind it anymore.

SamD has given me advice on a few tricks here and there on how to keep track of my enemies (use the "Caliber" attack as a homing charge while fighting in midair, use Ophion's Angel Life/Demon pull to orient yourself, etc.) and I think it works really well within the context of the game.

Also, the auto-lock isn't nearly as bad as people try to make it out to be (and fail at it, regardless). It gets the job done whenever I play it, and that's all that counts.


Now for the second reason as to why I don't mind:

I want to be able to have at least four styles on the controller at the same time without having to switch styles like a derp.

You can do this if you put the devil and firearms switch functions on the d-pad instead of the shoulder buttons. You'll even have room left over for the last two style functions (change gunslinger to swordmaster or trickster to royalguard, and so forth).

But what about new functions? If we're trying to become more like a fighting game, why not a crouch function (this is just an example, you can have other functions, such as "throw" etc.) to make things even more complex for other action games?

"But what about lock-on?" you ask. Well, that's where DmC comes in.

You remove it. You don't need it. Auto-lock works just fine when you're trying to move from enemy-to-enemy on the fly in midair.

Not saying that this should be done for DMC5 ('cause the fanboys would end up burning down Capcom Headquarters for that one), but for other action games that would use "styles" like DMC3.

Anyway, like I was saying, that alone would free up a sorely needed shoulder button.

So yeah, if you wanted to keep the hold function, you would have no choice but to assign it on a shoulder button, and that could go to other, more needed functions (like "Distortion"), for example.

Yes, I think we should bring Distortion back, just not so overpowered this time.

It was like an offensive version of Royalguard... and this time, it would be incorporated in such a way that it would be separate from DT, and you could use it with any weapon, not just Gilgamesh (they had to slow down the Red Queen's movements just so that they could implement EX-ACT into that weapon -- or so I heard, anyway).

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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Was it? No.
Do I care? No.

I had fun with DmC, and honestly play it more then I play DMC4 so it did something right for me to like it.

But seriously, as stale as I think DMC has gotten over the years, no, I don't think a reboot was needed. Look at Sengoku Basara. That series has gotten repetitive, stale, and honestly cliche. However it's still going strong with new releases and new characters (Mostly because of the female audience). For Capcom it REALLY shouldn't be so hard to think up a story for a DMC5. If a fanfic writer can make a masterpiece of a DMC5 fanfic, then Capcom can too. And Dante himself may be corny, and stale as a saltine cracker, but that doesn't mean he can't be further milked of any originality to the rest of the fans like SB has been for so long.
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