Ooooww the edge.
This will always be more important than DMC 4.
Ooooww the edge.
Killer is Dead will probably be like every other Suda51 game. A really cool idea that's definitely unique and memorable but the gameplay will probably be mediocre and repetitive as hell. That being said, I still dig Suda51 because I love his crazy head. I keep my eye on him (like Yahtzee said) I would keep an eye on a person tripping out on shrooms or something, he might hurt himself or do something really Killer is Dead? That game looks good.
This will always be more important than DMC 4.
Yes. Tetris is always awesome.Fool
DMC4 is nothing compared to this great masterpiece of gaming. Trust me.
They just want to hear what they want to hear and that's bashing the game they don't like. Because over 2 years complaining about it isn't enough.
Just analyze this for a sec, after Adam Sessler gave the game a 3 out of 5 the a lot of DMC fans were ready to basically marry the guy. The other reviewer they all flocked too was Angry Joe because he bashed Dante's appearance severely. Suddenly because Adam isn't bashing the game and they're just all fairly exchanging opinions the comments are now filled with hate of them suddenly and evidently Adam doesn't know what he's talking about. The purist opinions on DMC are the only thing they truly think are facts and if anyone says any different it's taboo. Adam is being hated on. Then look at Angry Joe.
Angry Joe gave Metal Gear Rising the same exact score as DmC and you can just read the comments on youtube, a lot of them now suddenly hate Joe. This fanbase is just ridiculous and they need to get over themselves.
It's not saying it makes it bad but does it really make it all that special? That's when you should stop giving the original series more credit than it deserves just because you feel the need to bash DmC on such a consistent basis. If people fail to level their complaints with the reboot to the original series which was far from perfect and suffered from it's fair share of stupidity and bs then why wouldn't people write off this fanbase and being full of a bunch of stubborn fanboys who for over 2 years have been crying like little children who didn't get their way? It's been going on too long for also people to think otherwise and that petition to the White House didn't help. Good game people.
It's not saying it makes it bad but does it really make it all that special? That's when you should stop giving the original series more credit than it deserves just because you feel the need to bash DmC on such a consistent basis. If people fail to level their complaints with the reboot to the original series which was far from perfect and suffered from it's fair share of stupidity and bs then why wouldn't people write off this fanbase and being full of a bunch of stubborn fanboys who for over 2 years have been crying like little children who didn't get their way? It's been going on too long for also people to think otherwise and that petition to the White House didn't help. Good game people.
You shouldn't try to get a rise out of people when you know they said something different from what you're claiming they said. I said I understand why DmC isn't considered a Devil May Cry game by so many people. DMC was taken away and replaced, and some find that even harsher than just concluding the Devil May Cry series. I share that feeling, but I'm not saying it's a bad game. I'm just saying it's not to my taste, even though it seems pretty decent, at the very least.
Because either no one cares, or he's not worth anyone's time. Especially not yours.You complain about Devil May Cry fans. Yet here you are on a Devil May Cry forum where Devil May Cry fans get to talk about Devil May Cry. This must be torture, huh?
Why are you here? Seriously.
You're always saying Devil May Cry as a series sucked whenever you can
You complain about the Main Character Dante for sucking
You're always trying to get a reaction out of someone somehow.
Constantly baiting people.
Why has no else called you out on your bullcrap? Is there something I'm not in on or what?
You complain about Devil May Cry fans. Yet here you are on a Devil May Cry forum where Devil May Cry fans get to talk about Devil May Cry. This must be torture, huh?
Why are you here? Seriously.?
I'm more interesting in why people like yourself, who decided they were going to hate this game
That's your response, trying to pretend like you ever approached DmC with an open mind?
You sure put me in my place.Try not to strain yourself under all that cognitive dissonance.
I leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not they think a person who makes posts this substantial could ever seriously make claims to an objective opinion on the matter. I mean, it's not just that you dislike a thing, it's how you wallow in the fact that someone, somewhere on the internet doesn't agree with you.
DMC fans are terrible though, this isn't a brave thing to say so much as stating the obvious, I mean where have you been for the past two years? This would seem to be one of the last places on the internet where the betrayed weeaboo crowd hasn't driven off anyone who might like the game, I'm guessing that's probably why he's here.
I'm more interesting in why people like yourself, who decided they were going to hate this game long before it ever came out, or people who unironically begin sentences with, "Well, I haven't played DmC, but" are still here, in this particular forum. I mean you complain about 'baiting' people when virtually every post you've made in this thread is some kind of empty, snide remark whose only purpose would seem to make you feel better about yourself. I mean just look at this stuff.
I leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not they think a person who makes posts this substantial could ever seriously make claims to an objective opinion on the matter. I mean, it's not just that you dislike a thing, it's how you wallow in the fact that someone, somewhere on the internet doesn't agree with you.
Better yet, Chancey said I thought DmC was a bad game, when I never said that.
No, of course not, you just 'liked' this dreadfully insightful post on video game design.
Look, you are simultaneously trying to tell people 'this is a forum', so people can post whatever they want, and you should just like, take it, man! at the same time as you tell people to "get out of here" for pointing out the obvious about the ridiculous and hilarious overreaction from DMC's 'fanbase' to DmC. I mean, on this very page we have you trying to make yourself out to be some kind of misunderstood martyr because you dared to not a play a game. You're not a hero, man, you're just like everyone else.
Which post? Liking a post doesn't necessarily mean I agree with it completely, you know.