F*cking hell, allergies. STAHP! *sneezes squeakily* :'(
I don't think TV executives would allow that kind of thing to be shown on live TV...would they?How in the hell are you going to have an abortion on live television because you were pathetic enough to lay up with some slob ass muthaf*cka because it would interfere with that thing you call a "career"?![]()
She's the one who was with that drug dealer and was a criminal, right? I think she's also the one who had an abortion and is now having another baby with a 3rd guy.Ugh, I nearly throw up every time I'm flicking through channels and Teen Mom pops us. That Jenelle b*tch is a wasted space of air to me. Harsh, I know, but she is so pathetic.
[/QUOTE]And actually, the woman I'm talking about, with a similar situation, is this b*tch. http://www.eurweb.com/2012/08/josel...-atl-discusses-aborting-stevie-js-baby-video/
This guy cheats on the girlfriend he already has (relationship with her for 11 to 13 yrs and has a child ) with this stripper/escort. He's fooling around with her while still trying to make his relationship work with his o.g girlfriend. So he keeps screwing around with both of these women and Joseline (her name) gets pregnant.
Girls like that give a really bad image of teen mothers being irresponsible children. Same goes for these boys, thinking they are men just because they sleep around and then get to bail on the consequences.
Then the lot of them go around hooking up with each other or having shotgun weddings which end in divorce, followed by another marriage and another divorce with another child added in to try and secure the guy staying around to raise the other child that isn't his.
These children have no idea about how to graduate high school, let alone keep a marriage together and raise a child properly. Then the babies are the ones who suffer most, that is if they're not aborted first.![]()
Children shouldn't be having children. Shows like this should fully show the impact that this sort of thing has on not only the girls' education, romantic relationships, family and finances, but on the resulting babies. What makes it worse is some of these girls get pregnant again with a new guy. Wasn't once enough to realise that pregnancy can be risky and being a single parent is tough? The again, I guess that's why they're having the new child, to hook the new guy into staying.
Seems like both of them need reining in. What is he doing playing two women off against each other and being a cheat? He's as much of a b!tch, a cowardly b!tch who wants to avoid responsibility for having an affair.
And why is the other woman willing to go along with this loser guy and have an abortion like it's nothing? Both as bad as each other.
That first woman must be so hurt, not only that he cheats, but with an escort, and gets her pregnant. I'd leave his sorry butt. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He'll do it again if he thinks he won't be caught.
And of course, the abortion is a convenient get out escape for both the guy and the escort lady. Get the abortion done and he gets rid of the evidence of his cheating and won't have a constant living reminder around in the future.Children shouldn't be having children. Shows like this should fully show the impact that this sort of thing has on not only the girls' education, romantic relationships, family and finances, but on the resulting babies.
So a giant legion of spiders would be out of the question then?F*ck you and your f*cking spiders, dude. *shudders**shudders again**itchy**totally convinced they're crawling all over her* Not being able to stay mad at you long means jack. No more friggen research! After this I never want to see another d*mn spider again. *itchyitchy**looks around, paranoid**jumping at weird pieces of paper on the floor**itchy*
So a giant legion of spiders would be out of the question then?