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The ranting thinking thread


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i hate when my family says "we know what you're going through"
all you guys grew up smart, good looking, and charming
i grew up stupid, ugly, and weird
you don't get to tell me that you know what it's like being me


Crimson Sentinel
Just had to post this before I take a break from the site.

I'm wondering what the sh*t is wrong with my brother. He likes Rihanna for no apparent reason (probably because she's in Saturday Night Live sometimes). Why the flying **** would you like Rihanna? He even likes Justin Bieber. Are you effin kidding me... Bieber's an asshole. He thought he was being sarcastic when he was interviewed about his illegal drag race. In reality he was being an asshole as well as a moron. Seriously, are my brother's standards so low that he just loves everybody who plays a role in SNL? And another thing: SNL pretty much sucks. It's just not funny. It's got the occasional funny skit like 'd!ck in a box' and 'threw it on the ground', but the rest of it is pure aneurysm-inducing ****e.

And all this after he started believing Palin is a terrible person just because a Hollywood movie said bad things about her. AND he 'hates Facebook' because Zuckerberg is apparently an asshole (according to him). Says he dislikes religious people because they follow their emotions more than logic. Ah. And what exactly is happening here, dear brother? What a hypocrite. Stop getting things from the media and read a frickin book or something. Seriously. He's got an IQ of like 139, but it doesn't even matter. His behavior is unadulterated stupidity.
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Well-known Member
What on ******* earth is this?

Its been 6 hours and this ******* file is still being uploaded. and its not really a big file its just 466MB.


Well-known Member
You know I am Sick and tired of you ignorant and stupid people who keep saying that Robocop remake sucks and its a fail. and i am REALLY sick and tired of you people compare it to the original. Especially when the Original came out 27 years ago. That was a different Era. In the past 27 years people have evolved. their idea has changed. the technology have changed. SO STOP THE ****ING COMPARING.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I don't care if this sounds nasty because I'm not in a particularly good mood anyway.
I DON'T want to talk either by message or face-to-face. I've 'spilled my guts' today to a therapist, so I'm not exactly in the best of moods.
Plus, I don't like being 'collared' as soon as I go onto a site... It makes me feel like I'm being stalked.
Just leave me alone for a while... k? Thanks


Is not rat, is hamster
I know that you and time keeping aren't exactly close friends (or even passig acquaintances) but would it kill you to just text me and say you won't be back until late? Instead of me stopping in all day when it's beautiful outside because I have no idea when you are arriving?

Oh and texting to say you "stopped off" in Bicester Village is not the same thing. That just tells me you think shopping for crap you don't need is more important than getting my daughter home to me at a sensible hour.


Crimson Sentinel
When people say Man of Steel is a great Superman movie, I wonder what the sh!t is going on in their heads. If action is your thing, then maybe Man of Steel is great. But as for the rest, it's pretty boring and doesn't suit the Superman story much. And how the flying arse is Thor 2 (The Dark World) getting higher grades than the first Thor? Man, I really fear for X-Men: Days of Future Past, because I get the sense it is not so much about the action. And since it doesn't revolve around action, moviegoers might start whining like the ten-year-olds they are.


Devil hunter in training
My piece and quiet has just died. I don't mind talking and laughing, but doing it so loudly and running up and down the isle is too much. It's not like they're toddlers who don't know any better either. At least the crying baby has an excuse. That I don't mind. Babies cry, deal with it.

However, the parents are just sitting there shouting too. Then again, it is 2 against 8 so there's no chance keeping them settled down and occupied.

I wish they had business class on this train. I would definitely pay for it. At least there is peace and quiet there.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Why would you send me an apology over FB, only to block me so I can't reply back? Don't you at least want to know if you're forgiven? Or is it that you just wanted to get your part out of the way because it's just a "part of your program"? :/

*Sigh* Well, that's irritating; whether done out of sincerity or just because of your program, I don't care-it would have been nice to have a say in the matter, since you just dredged sh*t up from two years ago...
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Supporter 2014
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the horror was for love
Thank you so f*cking much for caring about my NaNo so f*cking much that you won't turn off the tv even though I told you I can't write with it on and I am four days behind. Thank you. Truly, thank you. I'm glad to see you care.

And you wonder why I'm so ****ed off lately. Gee, maybe it's because you won't give me a minute's peace despite the fact that you know how much NaNo means to me.


Crimson Sentinel
There's people who use the word 'elitist' to refer to DMC fans who don't support DmC. That's not logical. It's not a matter of being 'elitist', it's simply a matter of preference.

As Wikipedia says: Elitism is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite - a select group of people with a certain intrinsic quality or worth, higher intellect, or other distinctive attributes - are those whose influence or authority is greater than that of others; whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight... etc etc.
Let me break down this sentence.
1: There are some individuals who form an elite due to an intrinsic quality or worth etc.
2. That elite (or the people who know them) believes their views carry more weight than others' views.

The red part (point 1) does not apply. DMC supporters do not have an ''intrinsic quality or worth'' that puts them above others. DmC supporters as well as DMC supporters are people who at one point played and supported Devil May Cry in general. Both groups have the same intrinsic quality/worth. They are simply gamers. It may be that some DMC supporters believe they have some intrinsic quality/worth that makes their words or opinions carry the most weight. However, that doesn't mean they actually do. They don't.

For people to be elitist, they need to belong to an elite. If they only feel like they belong to an elite, you can't call them elitists. And yet, people call DMC supporters elitists? Dafuq? I suppose they're large in number, but that doesn't make them an elite. If that were true, low to medium-wage working people would be considered elite.
All of this makes me wonder if DmC supporters think DMC supporters are smarter than them. Seriously, what's elite about them? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding of the meaning of 'elitist'.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
When you say, "I'm not going to release this model", I don't expect it in someone else's render a few months later... But then again, the model/rendering community all have their 'cliques'... well, I say cliques, it's like some sort of 'Elite Group' which you're only accepted into if you do certain things... I have no idea what those things are, and I don't want to know. I'm not asking anyone else for help or models... fudge it...:shifty:
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