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The ranting thinking thread


Well-known Member
I read about the WHOLE plot in ASM2, well ****........

It ****ing sucks Cox......-_-, I already hated the first movie, and this one is even worse story-wise -_-

Why did Sony Reboot the Film Franchise ? *cries*

Please Bring Back the Original Sam Raimi Trilogy Directed Spider-Man Films......those were really amazing
(well, except SM3 lol) which had Toby Maguire,Kirsten Dunst,Rosemary Harris,J.K Simmons
The Casting on those Films were really,really Good(Dunno about Topher Grace as Venom, I really didnt hate him like most people did)
The only thing that i didn't like was Spidey having Organic Webbing -_-


Seriously, For Example, when you looked at Dafoe as Norman Osborn, You BELIEVED it, like yeah, This Guy is Norman Osborn.......
Or Even James Franco as Harry Osborn...again....you ****ing believed it, Like Yeah....This guy fits Harry Osborn 100% and Franco was amazing as Harry, like when it came to being a nice Friendly and laid-back Guy or a Cold and Calculating Person....

Now, when I look at Dane Dehaan as Harry,I am like, What the **** is this **** ? Was the casting Director on Drugs ?

I know, most people won't really agree with Me here...-_-, but this is really what i think of the new Rebooted Movies

I have really fond memories growing up with the Sam Raimi Films *cries*


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
How in the hell are you going to have an abortion on live television because you were pathetic enough to lay up with some slob ass muthaf*cka because it would interfere with that thing you call a "career"?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Devil hunter in training
How in the hell are you going to have an abortion on live television because you were pathetic enough to lay up with some slob ass muthaf*cka because it would interfere with that thing you call a "career"?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I don't think TV executives would allow that kind of thing to be shown on live TV...would they?:eek: But I think I know who you're on about. That woman who wants to be on TV, right?

According to that, she also had a load of free surgery done using taxpayer's money just because she's pregnant. How are breast implants allowed just because she's pregnant? :facepalm: What a waste of money on someone who is, quite frankly, very undeserving.

It also bothers me that only now does she want an abortion. Why keep going till the 4th month if she had no intention of keeping it? Or maybe she did want to at one point, but this potential TV deal made her change her mind... if she had wanted to, she could have taken abortion pills the moment she found out if she was so strongly against another pregnancy. Why wait till 4 months and then have to go for a surgical abortion? It doesn't make sense on a number of levels.

And she worked as an escort. What on Earth made her want to choose such a dangerous and degrading thing? Dress it up however you like, make it seem glamorous with money and nice clothes, but for all she knew, the next guy who called her for sex could have killed her or seriously hurt her or done any number of weird and sick things. Escorting and prostitution aren't safe things to do. I also can't beleive that money is compensation enough for making someone into a worthless sex object who is only there to please men who don't care about her personality or anything about her. To them, she's an object, a couple of holes to be filled for their gratification. It's just wrong.

Aside from that, she has no idea who the father is. What the heck!? It's not attractive when men or women sleep around, especially when they're paying for it. That's cheap and scummy for both parties involved. Haven't they ever heard of sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancy?
Surely both of them used birth control considering the situation which they got together? Like a condom, or pills, combined with spermicide or implants, or a coil, or even the morning after pill as a last resort? Either that or she was seriously unlucky.
Does this guy who paid for her even know?
Neither of them have business having children if this is the result. Sad it's come to this. Abortion shouldn't be used as last moment birth control or on a whim like that.

Sure, if it's a result of rape or incest, or the woman is going to die, or if there's something seriously wrong, or some other kind of serious damage, but not just because suddenly deciding they don't want to as an inconveience. Makes me uneasy that people cheapen the seriousness by treating abortion as a throway proceedure to get rid of inconveniences.

Women like her are doing a serious disservice to other women by using her body to get money and fame, looking like a stereotypical cheap airhead, and treating abortion like it's some easy thing to do. Abortions should only be used in a serious emergency, but idiots like her are going to make people think that abortions are only for careless morons who sleep around, who don't use contraceptives in the first place, and think abortion is another form of contraceptive. And that just isn't the case.

Aside from that, she already has 2 children. Ugh, I feel sorry for them having her as a mother. What a terrible role model for a little girl to have. Maybe just as well she's getting an abortion. There won't be a 3rd one to suffer through this idiots quest for 'fame'. Which will basically amount to showing her body off and degrading herself even more. It's sad and pathetic.
Men and women like this make me think there does need to be some kind of parenting test or criteria. People like this shouldn't have children. It just creates suffering, and even more messed up people on this planet, and there's enough of both already.

And what the heck is she doing getting pregnant 3 times by the time she's 23?! Hasn't she ever heard of getting an education or aspiring to some kind of respectable career and building up her finances before she procreates?
Clearly not if the only way she can think to make money is to have guys pay her for sex and then get breast implants to be a sex object...she could at least have become a housewife and joined the ranks of my Mum's acquaintances if she wanted to mooch off of men she doesn't even love, pop out kids to secure his money, and call that a career. :rolleyes:


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
"I don't think TV executives would allow that kind of thing to be shown on live TV...would they?:eek: But I think I know who you're on about. That woman who wants to be on TV, right?

According to that, she also had a load of free surgery done using taxpayer's money just because she's pregnant. How are breast implants allowed just because she's pregnant? :facepalm: What a waste of money on someone who is, quite frankly, very undeserving.

And she worked as an escort. What on Earth made her want to choose such a dangerous and degrading thing? Dress it up however you like, make it seem glamorous with money and nice clothes, but for all she knew, the next guy who called her for sex could have killed her or seriously hurt her or done any number of weird and sick things. Escorting and prostitution aren't safe things to do. I also can't beleive that money is compensation enough for making someone into a worthless sex object who is only there to please men who don't care about her personality or anything about her. To them, she's an object, a couple of holes to be filled for their gratification. It's just wrong."

Really? How sad. It seems like the basic logic of so many women is so caught up in money, money, money that it doesn't matter who they hurt along the way, whether it's her own flesh and blood or not. With so many stories of these girls being kidnapped and forced into prostitution (it would be HELL in specific places like Africa and India), this girl just opens her legs without using protection and then throws away life like it's an erasable mistake?????:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::eek::eek::eek::eek:

"Neither of them have business having children if this is the result. Sad it's come to this. Abortion shouldn't be used as last moment birth control or on a whim like that."

"Sure, if it's a result of rape or incest, or the woman is going to die, or if there's something seriously wrong, or some other kind of serious damage, but not just because suddenly deciding they don't want to as an inconveience. Makes me uneasy that people cheapen the seriousness by treating abortion as a throwaway proceedure to get rid of inconveniences."

I agree. :inlove::inlove::inlove: You have these women being unfairly taken advantage of by strangers or family members, or due to issues of her health and having an abortion would be a significant option to save her life, but not because it's the "wrong time". If you are not ready for a child or to have children, USE PROTECTION! There are so many contraceptives to prevent pregnancy if you're out there f*cking that it should be no excuse. Ugh, I nearly throw up every time I'm flicking through channels and Teen Mom pops us. That Jenelle b*tch is a wasted space of air to me. Harsh, I know, but she is so pathetic.

And actually, the woman I'm talking about, with a similar situation, is this b*tch. http://www.eurweb.com/2012/08/josel...-atl-discusses-aborting-stevie-js-baby-video/
This guy cheats on the girlfriend he already has (relationship with her for 11 to 13 yrs and has a child ) with this stripper/escort. He's fooling around with her while still trying to make his relationship work with his o.g girlfriend. So he keeps screwing around with both of these women and Joseline (her name) gets pregnant.

Long story short, he tells her to axe it. And she does. Then he turns her into a "musician".

"Women like her are doing a serious disservice to other women by using her body to get money and fame, looking like a stereotypical cheap airhead, and treating abortion like it's some easy thing to do. Abortions should only be used in a serious emergency, but idiots like her are going to make people think that abortions are only for careless morons who sleep around, who don't use contraceptives in the first place, and think abortion is another form of contraceptive. And that just isn't the case."

Couldn't have said it better myself. It seems like no one wants to have any self-respect for themselves anymore. What's even sadder is that there are girls out here who look up to these women as "inspiration". I guess hard work doesn't cut it anymore.:eek:
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Devil hunter in training
Ugh, I nearly throw up every time I'm flicking through channels and Teen Mom pops us. That Jenelle b*tch is a wasted space of air to me. Harsh, I know, but she is so pathetic.
She's the one who was with that drug dealer and was a criminal, right? I think she's also the one who had an abortion and is now having another baby with a 3rd guy.
It's like that other one who tried to be a model after having a child (come one, who was she kidding), got implants and plastic surgery, and then ended up doing sex tapes or some other sordid stuff. Terrible example to set for her child.

Girls like that give a really bad image of teen mothers being irresponsible children. Same goes for these boys, thinking they are men just because they sleep around and then get to bail on the consequences.
Then the lot of them go around hooking up with each other or having shotgun weddings which end in divorce, followed by another marriage and another divorce with another child added in to try and secure the guy staying around to raise the other child that isn't his.
These children have no idea about how to graduate high school, let alone keep a marriage together and raise a child properly. Then the babies are the ones who suffer most, that is if they're not aborted first. :mad:

That whole program is terrible. Instead of deterring teenage pregnancy, it seems like it's glamorizing something that, not too long ago, would be enough to turn a woman into a social pariah. It's like it's giving the ok for boys and girls to get into adult relationships that they're not mature enough for, let alone the resulting baby because they just might get on TV for it.

Sure, maybe if we still lived in an agrarean society, then teenagers would be getting married at 17, 18, 19 and having children. But these days, with this society, they are still children, and as such, they aren't mature enough and need to do a heck of a lot of schooling and growing up before they can even think about marriage, let alone children.

In my parents' generation, it was still seen as a social shame to sleep around with many, or even sleep with one person before marriage. Now people do this kind of thing so casually and men have many children with many women.

In my Garandmothers' generation, it was seen as a sin by the church to have premarital relations, and any pregnant teenagers were taken away, forced to hide the pregnancy, give birth in secret, and then have the baby forcibly adopted.

How times have changed.

I've read articles about some girls are now getting pregnant on purpose so that they try to be on the show and get paid by the TV producers for basically getting pregnant too young. Why they deliberately decide to throw away their youth and education for a paycheck to be on TV and air their most intimate moments is beyond me. Don't they consider the resulting baby in any of this?

Children shouldn't be having children. Shows like this should fully show the impact that this sort of thing has on not only the girls' education, romantic relationships, family and finances, but on the resulting babies. What makes it worse is some of these girls get pregnant again with a new guy. Wasn't once enough to realise that pregnancy can be risky and being a single parent is tough? The again, I guess that's why they're having the new child, to hook the new guy into staying.

And actually, the woman I'm talking about, with a similar situation, is this b*tch. http://www.eurweb.com/2012/08/josel...-atl-discusses-aborting-stevie-js-baby-video/
This guy cheats on the girlfriend he already has (relationship with her for 11 to 13 yrs and has a child ) with this stripper/escort. He's fooling around with her while still trying to make his relationship work with his o.g girlfriend. So he keeps screwing around with both of these women and Joseline (her name) gets pregnant.
Seems like both of them need reining in. What is he doing playing two women off against each other and being a cheat? He's as much of a b!tch, a cowardly b!tch who wants to avoid responsibility for having an affair.

And why is the other woman willing to go along with this loser guy and have an abortion like it's nothing? Both as bad as each other.

That first woman must be so hurt, not only that he cheats, but with an escort, and gets her pregnant. I'd leave his sorry butt. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He'll do it again if he thinks he won't be caught.

And of course, the abortion is a convenient get out escape for both the guy and the escort lady. Get the abortion done and he gets rid of the evidence of his cheating and won't have a constant living reminder around in the future.
Who'd want parents like that anyway? It would be terrible to explain to the child how it came into existence. Let alone telling the first child that it had a half sibling as a result of an affair with an escort. It's all so messed up.

Seems like it's perfectly ok these days to just have children here, there and everywhere coming into being as a result of too much alcohol, poor judgement or sheer stupidity, and then thinking abortions are the panacea for it.

I feel sorry for the existing child in all this mess having an adulterer for a father.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Girls like that give a really bad image of teen mothers being irresponsible children. Same goes for these boys, thinking they are men just because they sleep around and then get to bail on the consequences.
Then the lot of them go around hooking up with each other or having shotgun weddings which end in divorce, followed by another marriage and another divorce with another child added in to try and secure the guy staying around to raise the other child that isn't his.
These children have no idea about how to graduate high school, let alone keep a marriage together and raise a child properly. Then the babies are the ones who suffer most, that is if they're not aborted first. :mad:

I don't know what's up with this 'live fast, die young' mentality. Sure have fun in your life and all, but when you have a responsibility that you need to take care of, your wild lifestyle has to be curbed to make sure that you can give that child the best beginning you can provide. There's been many opinion/reports saying that all the "wrong people" are popping out kids when the "right ones" aren't having them. *shrug*. When I was in high school a few years back, I took pity when some of my friends wound up pregnant and had to take home school and I'm like "WHY?" They couldn't go out, go on field trips, participate in activities....The problem with a lot of these kids nowadays is that they don't care. As long as they're out having fun and they are parents, the kid suffers the most.

Children shouldn't be having children. Shows like this should fully show the impact that this sort of thing has on not only the girls' education, romantic relationships, family and finances, but on the resulting babies. What makes it worse is some of these girls get pregnant again with a new guy. Wasn't once enough to realise that pregnancy can be risky and being a single parent is tough? The again, I guess that's why they're having the new child, to hook the new guy into staying.

Same here. My mom told me don't even think about having kids until I at least have a job and/or a place to stay. My older sister should have been on Teen Mom. She had a kid younger than the girls on that show however she turned out to be a medical biller and is supporting her family. However, with her out not going to school, staying out with friends, not coming home, she left my nephew with our mom when my mom had to get off work early and miss work (sad times those were). But sure as Karma is a b*tch, her kids are doing the same thing to her that she did to mom. She regrets it horribly, but what does she expect?

Seems like both of them need reining in. What is he doing playing two women off against each other and being a cheat? He's as much of a b!tch, a cowardly b!tch who wants to avoid responsibility for having an affair.

And why is the other woman willing to go along with this loser guy and have an abortion like it's nothing? Both as bad as each other.

That first woman must be so hurt, not only that he cheats, but with an escort, and gets her pregnant. I'd leave his sorry butt. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He'll do it again if he thinks he won't be caught.

And of course, the abortion is a convenient get out escape for both the guy and the escort lady. Get the abortion done and he gets rid of the evidence of his cheating and won't have a constant living reminder around in the future.Children shouldn't be having children. Shows like this should fully show the impact that this sort of thing has on not only the girls' education, romantic relationships, family and finances, but on the resulting babies.

That show they are on, Love and Hip-Hop makes women look like ignorant morons. There's so much cheating and sleeping with each other's men that it makes me sad that this is what people call entertainment. And the chick, Mimi, has moved on with her daughter and found another love........but she made a porno.

I did feel sorry for her, but that's not the way to go:facepalm:


the horror was for love
F*ck you and your f*cking spiders, dude. *shudders**shudders again**itchy**totally convinced they're crawling all over her* Not being able to stay mad at you long means jack. No more friggen research! After this I never want to see another d*mn spider again. *itchyitchy**looks around, paranoid**jumping at weird pieces of paper on the floor**itchy*


Follow me to Apex
F*ck you and your f*cking spiders, dude. *shudders**shudders again**itchy**totally convinced they're crawling all over her* Not being able to stay mad at you long means jack. No more friggen research! After this I never want to see another d*mn spider again. *itchyitchy**looks around, paranoid**jumping at weird pieces of paper on the floor**itchy*
So a giant legion of spiders would be out of the question then?


Devil hunter in training
Just having a rant about some really weird fanfiction (of the self-insert variety) I've come across on the net. They were so weird or cliche or bad that they really made me laugh.:tongue: Nothing as wonderfully bad as My Immortal though, but some came close.

The plots are like some kind of wish fulfilment, character that they're crushing on ignores cannon partner or even their own personality to be with self-insert, unnecessary abuse of self-insert to gain pity and love from character crush; hardly any descriptive text, and when there is, it's minimal; adults talking like teenagers or being out of character; bonus points for self-insert's love being so 'speshul' that it turns the bad guy good; complete with really horrible romance scenes where it seems like some kind of check list of things to do, complete with corny and cliche dialogue.:laugh:

I look through the reviews, and when people give legitimate advice or tell them outright that they're making a self-insert OC ,while also messing with cannon characters already established personalities and ignoring basic writing skills, the author vehimently denies it and gets mad. So then I look at the author profiles and their profiles match their OC pretty much to the letter, but on a more exaggerated level.
The reviews telling the author to burn the fic with fire are just as funny as the fic itself. Some of these reviewers really let their opinions be known in some pretty creative ways. :laugh:

I know people should write about what they know, and each author does imbue a character with something of themselves, but to just put yourself in a fic, change the name to something cooler sounding or an unusually spelled variant of a name, give the character the same physical appearance (or idealised one), and then make the character incredibly beautiful or smart or brave is just too much. It's obvious that it's an idealised version of the author, something they can never be, paired with someone who will never be real.

Fair eough if it's for fun, but some of these authors seem deadly serious, like they think the character will come to life from the cartoon or game and fall in love with them.

I just read one where the self-insert was debating whether or not to sleep with Dante (she's 16!:eek:), and then started shouting that he had STDs and wanted Vergil watching them. :vomit:I hope that was a parody fic, but it seems like the author was trying to be serious. So weird, but it did make me laugh, espeically when the OC's best friend made an appearance. :laugh:

There was even one where Vergil hooked up with some woman with magic powers, ruined his cannon personality, married her and had a kid and lived happily ever after. It was so bad.
Aside from that, the rare descriptive lines were terrible, dialogue was out of character for Vergil, andit was written: he said, she said, he said, she said; literally like that, but sometimes said was substituted with shouted or cried, or something like that. This literally happened with every section of dialogue, and some chapters were nothing but those kind of character exchanges. :facepalm:

Harry Potter ones are the best though. Self-inserts falling in love with Voldemort, Snape, Mister Malfoy, or even Dumbledore. Voldemort isn't even capable of love, and I doubt Snape would be interested in 16 year old kids unless he wanted to lose his job and end up on the wizarding sex offenders register, and Malfoy senior is a married man, also not interested in school children.
Then there are the inserts who are animagi that take multiple forms, outperform Hermione on tests and beat Harry at being the youngest quiddich player.
And the list of items some of these character bring with them to Hogwarts are definitely what the author would take. So may of them have iphones. And too many authors think Hogwarts admission letters arrive on birthdays. They aren't birthday presents:tongue:
Then there are the heaps of American transfer or exchange students. But that doesn't make sense either. France had a magical school in the books, so why wouldn't America?

And what is it with including random Japanese words like kawaii, baka, ahou, koibito and sayounara? Half of the characters doing it aren't even living in Japan, nor are they Japanese, and Japan doesn't seem to have anything to do with the story. It makes no sense to me.

On a more serious note, it bothers me that these writers think romanticising abuse, self harm and eating disorders are acceptable as a throwaway plot point to get a character to fall in love with their self-insert. What is with all these characters who have been abused by parents or raped?!
I bet these fanfic writers don't even know what going through that is like, so why on Earth are they writing about something so traumatic and in such a badly constructed and flippant manner? Aside from that, why does their character have to be a helpless victim of abuse to get love and sympathy from another character, and then suddenly the OC is magically healed from their trauma by their character crush? It's amateur, disrespectful and plain weird, especially when it's written so badly that it's just uncomfortable to read for a whole new load of reasons.

Anyway, aside from that gripe, a lot of them are so weird or so bad that they are actually really funny. I think I might bookmark them and send them to some like minded friends.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms

Everything you just described is why readers and other fanfic writers who don't self-insert (unless they're doing it as a crack 'fic, like ShyAnon, if you've heard of her) cringe away from being lumped together with these supposed "writers".

Honestly, I've been at that point where I don't want to admit to an outsider that I've written fanfiction, just because of the general stereotype of what fanfic writers are like. :facepalm: There are people (and I used to be the same) who assume that OC=self-insertion, thanks to...writers...like the ones you mentioned.

I'm glad you found humour in all of it; I think laughter is the only way to make it through some of these. :laugh: Chases the trauma away, and all.
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