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The ranting thinking thread

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
*Sigh* Now I remember why I don't comment on your posts, anymore...every time I do, you inbox me with the same song and dance.

I'm not accustomed to having someone pine for me, and I really don't want to be. I wish you'd just stop; move on, already. You'd be happier if you did, I guarantee it. Geez...I wish I'd seen this train wreck coming, because if I had, I would have left you in the past, where you belonged...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Why do you have to make everything about yourself?
After my last Cognitive Behavioural Therapy appointment, you kept talking about what YOU did whilst I was at the session. 20 minutes later, I get asked 2 questions, then you went back to talking about yourself! We got home, and before I can say anything to mum, I hear, "You won't believe what I've just been through..."

This morning, as soon as we got in from my Doctors appointment when Mum asked ME how it went, you piped up and started talking about yourself.

But the best thing (and it really takes the biscuit), I have my assessment tomorrow, and YOU, yes you turn it into another, "It's all about me farcical". You seem to think mum and I are 'off out on a jolly'... you are either very thick, or seriously deluded...:poop:
:facepalm: seriously I'm abducting you from that place as soon as I get my arse over.


Supporter 2014
I'll have to put "Legend" on my must-watch list.




Devil hunter in training
Just finished watching a documentary with the guys about neo-nazis in America. They've got to be one of the most hateful and stupid groups out there. It seems to be full of a socially frustrated, uneducated and violent underclass who hate anyone different to them, and feel like they're getting a raw deal all of the time.
It's scary how they're allowed to go around preaching such an awful message, and even scarier that they're getting new followers.

The whole basis for their hatred is ridiculous as well. Someone looks different, so what? Someone is taking jobs that most people wouldn't, yet these nazis complain.:facepalm: And they hate Jews because they think there's a conspiracy going on to do with money and power. :rolleyes: A few of them even said they hate physically and mentally disabled people and that they weren't even people. :thumbsdown::bored:

Their speeches were weak as well, not one powerful aurator amongst them. They just shouted, full of so much hatred, fanning the flames of fear amongst the gullible and malcontent. To me, it sounded like 'white power, murica, we hate everyone, blame the jews, asqwwwwfhj.':laugh: The one guy looked like he was going into a full on conniption fit:laugh:
Don't these people understand that history is built on immigration, conquering and cultural assimilation? Modern America is all thanks to immigration from all over the world; and yet these neo-nazis want to deny people the same thing their ancestors had.

I'm all for freedom to speak, but these people...:thumbsdown:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just finished watching a documentary with the guys about neo-nazis in America. They've got to be one of the most hateful and stupid groups out there. It seems to be full of a socially frustrated, uneducated and violent underclass who hate anyone different to them, and feel like they're getting a raw deal all of the time.
It's scary how they're allowed to go around preaching such an awful message, and even scarier that they're getting new followers.

The whole basis for their hatred is ridiculous as well. Someone looks different, so what? Someone is taking jobs that most people wouldn't, yet these nazis complain.:facepalm: And they hate Jews because they think there's a conspiracy going on to do with money and power. :rolleyes: A few of them even said they hate physically and mentally disabled people and that they weren't even people. :thumbsdown::bored:

Their speeches were weak as well, not one powerful aurator amongst them. They just shouted, full of so much hatred, fanning the flames of fear amongst the gullible and malcontent. To me, it sounded like 'white power, murica, we hate everyone, blame the jews, asqwwwwfhj.':laugh: The one guy looked like he was going into a full on conniption fit:laugh:
Don't these people understand that history is built on immigration, conquering and cultural assimilation? Modern America is all thanks to immigration from all over the world; and yet these neo-nazis want to deny people the same thing their ancestors had.

I'm all for freedom to speak, but these people...:thumbsdown:

That's true. It's not just Jews they also hate gays, gypsies and, other ethnic minorities.

There are Neo-Nazis in Europe too. I can't remember how long ago it was, but I know Tottenham Hotspur (they're a football club with Jewish origins, in case anyone didn't know) were playing a match in Europe and a pub/bar got attacked where their supporters where drinking...

When I was learning about the Nazis back in schools, it was like 'blame the Jews' was the answer to everything that was wrong with Germany at that time. I remember (and I know that I'm not totally right), that Hitler believed that Germany's downfall (and the reason why they lost the first world war) was because of the Jews and that they held most of the country's wealth and power. In the end, Hitler's actions ripped Germany apart and did more damage than possibly what WW1 did.

To think that some people still live by the ideals of a madman is pretty scary... and also nuts.


Oldschool DMC fan
Just finished watching a documentary with the guys about neo-nazis in America.

did ya hear how that UKIP candidate here said he's for the compulsory abortion of Down's Syndrome kids? Sounds a lot like something oldschool beginning with N to me. . .


A short while ago he was saying "compulsory", now he's just saying "they should" be aborted.

They give older mothers a screen and the option if they happen to be carrying a Down's baby. But who made this asshole judge, jury and executioner? He's not the one who would be potentially dealing with the child, who is he to say to any random person, "hey, your baby needs killing. Just sayin".
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Devil hunter in training
did ya hear how that UKIP candidate here said he's for the compulsory abortion of Down's Syndrome kids? Sounds a lot like something oldschool beginning with N to me. . .


A short while ago he was saying "compulsory", now he's just saying "they should" be aborted.

They give older mothers a screen and the option if they happen to be carrying a Down's baby. But who made this asshole judge, jury and executioner? He's not the one who would be potentially dealing with the child, who is he to say to any random person, "hey, your baby needs killing. Just sayin".
Nope, no way should those lunatics get in to power. It's bad enough when they say god sent those floods because he's angry at people. Now they think they can tell people to abort on command?! Nasty people these UKIPs. Like you say, it's not their future they're messing with; it's not they who might be raising a child with complex needs.

I guess for UKIP, it all boils down to money. I've seen this argument before. Why waste money on a person who will never contribute to society when there are able people more deserving of funding?
It's a tough line to walk, but to outright say that disabled babies don't deserve a life is terrible to me. It also makes me think about people who maybe become physically or mentally disabled later in life. What rules would apply to them as they would suddenly become a waste of money in the eyes of a political group like this.


Oldschool DMC fan
^ For that reason alone they shouldn't get a sniff of power. But then there's all the other reasons, like being repellent human beings and not having a whole lot of workable policies beyond the one/two they've been yammering on about and that just happens to make them "different" from the other (****ty) political choices.

I mean I'm pro choice and all but, the people who choose are choosing based on their own circumstances and ability to give a child what it needs, or whether or not they think they can possibly provide for a disabled child - people who will be personally involved and committed. This guy is effectively saying "ugh, I know people with disabled kids and I think it's horrible for all who have to deal with them. They shouldn't exist. Nobody should be able to have them. Because I think so."

What an offensive man.

Jeez, by rights most parents probably start out when they learn they're gonna have kids not always wanting them or being thrilled about it, and not every child is easy to raise even if it isn't disabled. But every kid can bring something to the world (or enjoy life) if it's given a chance. He claims it's not eugenics, but he apparently failed to look up eugenics in a dictionary before using the word - killing off human beings you consider "undesirable" definitely falls under the umbrella there, pal.

I can think of two disabled people and one with learning difficulties I know personally immediately that "contribute" and are very much more pleasant people to be around than the sounds of this vampire politician garbage. I hope he can find himself a useful job now that he's been struck off or his 'right to exist' could be in doubt by this wonderful rationale.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
did ya hear how that UKIP candidate here said he's for the compulsory abortion of Down's Syndrome kids? Sounds a lot like something oldschool beginning with N to me. . .


A short while ago he was saying "compulsory", now he's just saying "they should" be aborted.

They give older mothers a screen and the option if they happen to be carrying a Down's baby. But who made this asshole judge, jury and executioner? He's not the one who would be potentially dealing with the child, who is he to say to any random person, "hey, your baby needs killing. Just sayin".

I'm pretty sure there was a Councillor in the South West that said something similar back in 2012/13...
He said that "disabled children should be 'put down' ". Of course, being one of those 'slimy b*st*rds' he denied saying it. Thankfully, no one has heard any of his opinions since...

The gist of it:
Collin Brewer, 68, was an elected independent member for Wadebridge East, when made the comments to Disability Cornwall at an information event at County Hall in Truro in 2011.

When told how the group helps parents of children with special educational needs, Mr Brewer responded by saying: "Disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down."

The whole article is here:


Devil hunter in training
I'm pretty sure there was a Councillor in the South West that said something similar back in 2012/13...
He said that "disabled children should be 'put down' ". Of course, being one of those 'slimy b*st*rds' he denied saying it. Thankfully, no one has heard any of his opinions since...
I heard of that. Why is he talking about children like they are animals? It's bad enough that animals are put down.

I wonder if people like that would change their tune if they had a disabled relative? Or are people like that so cold that they'd even apply their messed up views to their own family? It's discrimination and intolerance, that's what he's doing, and yet he thinks it's fine to say such things.

Then again, I'm hardly surprised. If it's not the disabled being discriminated against, it's discrimination on the grounds of religion, sexuality, gender, race, or any number of things. Humans are like that.


Oldschool DMC fan
Sounds more like politics and the media have convinced a few that money is the only thing worth caring about and that "hard working taxpayers" shouldn't have to pay for anyone else. Let them die in the gutter, or better yet, not even be born! It's good to be selfish! Especially in hard times like these. Amirite?

I can only assume they're saying this stuff because they think it's what the electorate wants to hear. *barf*


Devil hunter in training
Sounds more like politics and the media have convinced a few that money is the only thing worth caring about and that "hard working taxpayers" shouldn't have to pay for anyone else. Let them die in the gutter, or better yet, not even be born! It's good to be selfish! Especially in hard times like these. Amirite?

I can only assume they're saying this stuff because they think it's what the electorate wants to hear. *barf*
It's like the saying goes: they know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.


Supporter 2014
I'm totally getting the latest COD.

Sure, I hate all the others (except for the first one) but here, you can climb walls and jump long distances -- so, at least there's that.

There's also the KS thing... which I absolutely love btw -- me being a big HOC fan and him channeling Underwood to sell the trailer --

-- hah. Sign me up. :cool:


*looks up at previous posts* :rolleyes:

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Oldschool DMC fan
I'm pretty sure there was a Councillor in the South West that said something similar back in 2012/13...
He said that "disabled children should be 'put down' ". Of course, being one of those 'slimy b*st*rds' he denied saying it. Thankfully, no one has heard any of his opinions since...

The gist of it:

The whole article is here:


But I guess like that one comment says, Nazism was born from a backdrop of economic discontent, blame, and a desire to get rid of the undesirables of society viewed as parasites. Almost sounds like the media/gov today, only instead of Jews, Bolsheviks, homosexuals etc. it's the benefit claimant, the sick/disabled, and the immigrants. :rolleyes:

And some of these politicians call themselves Catholics? IDS does, guess he flunked the part about charity and the less fortunate. Reckon Satan'll personally be waiting to stick a pitchfork where his sun don't shine.
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
That was not a text I wanted to wake up to today. :mad:

So effing mad; did it even once occur to you that I'm dealing with something of my own right now, and that I like to do it on my own? Stop expecting me to do what you can't. Besides, it's futile, anyway; there is no "calming her down".

And in the event you did know what I'm going through, starting last night (and sucking the life out of me, today), then what the hell?! Did you actually think that I would need or want to do this, that it would somehow make me feel better? No, it absolutely won't; it will just **** me off, that much more. I don't want to talk on the phone today; I don't want to listen to her endless whining and moaning about the same sh*t that she always goes on about, and I sure as f*ck don't want to do it less than twelve hours after my husband had to leave for the next two months.

F*cking hell, man up. You try to calm her down; I guarantee I've listened to more of her bitching in a single day than you have in an entire month. -_-


Oldschool DMC fan
Checking out various outlets for publishing now. It's a minefield for BL. Although outlets like Amazon, Kickstarter, Patreon claim none of their resources can be used to promote adult content that stuff is all over it. Createspace and Lulu have conflicting FAQ guidlines on content yet I know that where those freaking novels about women getting it on with dinosaurs came from, lol. Paypal itself is a strike-off if you use it for that (a bank - owned by eBay - claiming the moral high ground...? LMFAO).

Might have to go with a genre publisher. Didn't want to, my experience working with lit publishers in the past has been more colorful than smooth sailing, particularly the smaller ones, hell knows how neurotic an experience some of these BL ones could be, some are way picky. Tokyopop is out. I wanted total control over this but I want it in print too.


the horror was for love
I'm just so...*sigh*...so sick of everyone watching me, waiting for me to have a breakdown every time we get bad news about mum. I realize this will probably be the health issue that kills her, but they need to understand: mum's been sick for more than half of my life. I have seen her in the hospital more times than I care to think about and I've sat through every diagnosis they've ever given her. I just...can't do the whole "breakdown and sob and scream" every time we get a new diagnosis. It may seem heartless, but I just...accept it now. There's no point in not anymore. Not accepting it doesn't make mum better and it does nothing for the situation. So what's the point in crying and screaming?
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