It's a shame that there are so many OCs that are basically teenagers (sometimes adults) writing themselves into the story to fall in love with a ficitonal character while killing canon in the process. It taints the image of people who are trying to write legitimate works of fiction that are not a self-insert fanfiction, or people writing fanfiction with legitimate OC characters, while also keeping canon characters true to established canon and not doing all the weird stuff I've been reading.@Loopy
Everything you just described is why readers and other fanfic writers who don't self-insert (unless they're doing it as a crack 'fic, like ShyAnon, if you've heard of her) cringe away from being lumped together with these supposed "writers".
Honestly, I've been at that point where I don't want to admit to an outsider that I've written fanfiction, just because of the general stereotype of what fanfic writers are like. :facepalm: There are people (and I used to be the same) who assume that OC=self-insertion, thanks the ones you mentioned.
I'm glad you found humour in all of it; I think laughter is the only way to make it through some of these. :laugh: Chases the trauma away, and all.
Honestly though, I am a little disturbed that teenagers are writing fics with subjects of serious abuse and disorders when they don't even know what it's like to go through that sort of thing. It's like they think it's cool or trendy or part of some checklist where their character must be abused or troubled in some way to be a good character.
I also don't like how they make canon characters into creeps and pervs. It's just weird. For isntance, why would Vergil tell a teenager that they are soulmates and destined to be together? Ick! Besides, needs more reason than 'just because I day so' considering what Vergil is like when it comes to women. :tongue:
As for the rest of it, I have to laugh, otherwise I'd just be shaking my head in despair and wondering what is wrong with these people.