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The ranting thinking thread


Devil hunter in training

Everything you just described is why readers and other fanfic writers who don't self-insert (unless they're doing it as a crack 'fic, like ShyAnon, if you've heard of her) cringe away from being lumped together with these supposed "writers".

Honestly, I've been at that point where I don't want to admit to an outsider that I've written fanfiction, just because of the general stereotype of what fanfic writers are like. :facepalm: There are people (and I used to be the same) who assume that OC=self-insertion, thanks to...writers...like the ones you mentioned.

I'm glad you found humour in all of it; I think laughter is the only way to make it through some of these. :laugh: Chases the trauma away, and all.
It's a shame that there are so many OCs that are basically teenagers (sometimes adults) writing themselves into the story to fall in love with a ficitonal character while killing canon in the process. It taints the image of people who are trying to write legitimate works of fiction that are not a self-insert fanfiction, or people writing fanfiction with legitimate OC characters, while also keeping canon characters true to established canon and not doing all the weird stuff I've been reading.

Honestly though, I am a little disturbed that teenagers are writing fics with subjects of serious abuse and disorders when they don't even know what it's like to go through that sort of thing. It's like they think it's cool or trendy or part of some checklist where their character must be abused or troubled in some way to be a good character.
I also don't like how they make canon characters into creeps and pervs. It's just weird. For isntance, why would Vergil tell a teenager that they are soulmates and destined to be together? Ick! Besides, needs more reason than 'just because I day so' considering what Vergil is like when it comes to women. :tongue:

As for the rest of it, I have to laugh, otherwise I'd just be shaking my head in despair and wondering what is wrong with these people.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
@Loopy avoid them. It's the only way. I've read maybe a total of 10 oc featured dmc fics, some are written by my friends, some are good and some are really bad. There are only three of those where I liked the OC, where you can tell effort was put into their creation. The story might be bland but the OC is intriguing.
But as far as the interpretation of the dmc cast goes, often they are OOC, for the sake of the self insert. Very disappointing and infuriating. Show me a fic where Dante doesn't just fall for self insert because she's pretty or brave or a long lost childhood friend or a damsel in distress. You know? Show me something a bit more. ..realistic, as far as social relations, emotions, environment and chemistry goes. That's what I've tried to do with my fic (and she's not a self insert, but I've put a sheitload of work into her regardless).

With the difference that yes, she's attacked and manipulated and victimized and tortured (that was my fangirl rage getting in the way) but she gets revenge, messes up and does really stupid things. I have done my best to prevent her from hooking up with either twin, tried to keep D & V in character (V was fairly easy as I used to rp him but ever since DmC I think I've subconsciously butchered his xter :(. And tried to focus a lot of attention on the brother's friendship and personalities rather than have oc have all the stage (which was the most fun part to write as a fan).

And, of course, the matter that I'm completely anti-non canon pairings in the dmc fandom.

Just thought I'd comment on that because my oc x dmc fics are some of the most popular in the fandom so pretty sure you may have stumbled across it and that it's lumped in there with your generalization.

But seriously. Just avoid those fics if you're not into it. Sometimes ignoring their existence really is a blessing.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
It's a shame that there are so many OCs that are basically teenagers (sometimes adults) writing themselves into the story to fall in love with a ficitonal character while killing canon in the process. It taints the image of people who are trying to write legitimate works of fiction that are not a self-insert fanfiction, or people writing fanfiction with legitimate OC characters, while also keeping canon characters true to established canon and not doing all the weird stuff I've been reading.

Exactly. It makes me wonder how many good fanfics I've missed out on, just because I was afraid of what I might find. O_O

Honestly though, I am a little disturbed that teenagers are writing fics with subjects of serious abuse and disorders when they don't even know what it's like to go through that sort of thing. It's like they think it's cool or trendy or part of some checklist where their character must be abused or troubled in some way to be a good character.

I think you're right about that; I mean yeah, there are writers who have gone through those sorts of things, and you can usually tell the difference between them and the inexperienced ones, based on how they write it out. While I agree a character doesn't have to go through those things to be good, I'm not opposed to them either-provided the writing reflects those hardships for what they are, rather than glorifying them. Rape, for example; that comes up a lot in fanfiction, and far too often, the writers seem to be making light of it. While I can shrug it off when it comes to shows like Family Guy (since Seth MacFarlane targets everyone and everything without mercy or prejudice), it disgusts me how romanticized these writers make it out to be. :bored: I mean sure; you need your character(s) to go through certain things to achieve development and emotional depth, fine. But to make it into a big joke? Nuh-uh.

I fully agree that it seems to be a trending thing; it's just too much, how these writers like to abuse characters that aren't theirs to abuse in the first place; some of them have the sense and courtesy to let you know it's OOC, but others...not so much. I mean yeah, have fun writing them, be creative, be a little silly at times, make a crack 'fic, I'm all for it-but it seems to me a lot of the more disturbing themes are being written about not because the writers have a genuine interest in them, but because they think, "Ooh, this is a big thing right now! I'll get soooo many reviews!" The sad part is, they do; they get tons of reviews, while writers who actually try to do well, who actually go out of their way to make a unique story with their fandom, get zilch in comparison.

I mean...wtf?! :facepalm:

As for the rest of it, I have to laugh, otherwise I'd just be shaking my head in despair and wondering what is wrong with these people.

Lol, save yourself the trouble of wondering; you don't want to know.

@Dante's Stalker You've done wonderfully with your OC; never once did I think she was a self-insert, and you gave her depth. She's far from perfect, she can be a conniving little witch at times, and she can also be pretty relatable. Don't worry, DS; you're definitely not one of those writers. :)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
How do you delete stories from fanfiction.net?
I've just realized, Nite is one of 'those' oc's, and I'd really want to delete my stories (I've been meaning to do it for sometime, I'm also going to delete all of the Nite-Runner stories from DA).



Devil hunter in training

Just thought I'd comment on that because my oc x dmc fics are some of the most popular in the fandom so pretty sure you may have stumbled across it and that it's lumped in there with your generalization.

But seriously. Just avoid those fics if you're not into it. Sometimes ignoring their existence really is a blessing.
It's not that I'm not into it. I read the bad ones because they're so bad that they make me laugh. The only fics I had a serious rant about were the abuse ones just because most of the fics with abuse or trauma that I've seen are very distastefully done to the point of it being insulting to people who really have gone through that sort of thing.

Please could you link me to something of yours? I haven't come across anything under your forum name. I doubt you'd be writing yourself into the game just to ficitonally date Dante or Vergil, or make a super powerful OC who is part angel-witch or something like that whom the twins then fight over. :tongue:

While I agree a character doesn't have to go through those things to be good, I'm not opposed to them either-provided the writing reflects those hardships for what they are, rather than glorifying them. Rape, for example; that comes up a lot in fanfiction, and far too often, the writers seem to be making light of it. While I can shrug it off when it comes to shows like Family Guy (since Seth MacFarlane targets everyone and everything without mercy or prejudice), it disgusts me how romanticized these writers make it out to be. :bored: I mean sure; you need your character(s) to go through certain things to achieve development and emotional depth, fine. But to make it into a big joke? Nuh-uh.
That's my main gripe. Things like that should be treated with seriousness and maturity if they are going to be included in a fic. Far too often, I see ones that are just plain disgusting and creepy, ones that imply he or she secretly wanted it or then fell in love with their attacker. It's awful.

And some of them are awful because the descriptions are almost like a child wrote it, complete with really bad dialogue.

I wouldn't mind if the bad events and the recovery from them were written well, but it seems like more effort is devoted to the attack or trauma, and the recovery is very sudden and it's almost as if the character has forgotten that they were attacked.

I fully agree that it seems to be a trending thing; it's just too much, how these writers like to abuse characters that aren't theirs to abuse in the first place; some of them have the sense and courtesy to let you know it's OOC, but others...not so much. I mean yeah, have fun writing them, be creative, be a little silly at times, make a crack 'fic, I'm all for it-but it seems to me a lot of the more disturbing themes are being written about not because the writers have a genuine interest in them, but because they think, "Ooh, this is a big thing right now! I'll get soooo many reviews!" The sad part is, they do; they get tons of reviews, while writers who actually try to do well, who actually go out of their way to make a unique story with their fandom, get zilch in comparison.
I wouldn't mind a warning about OCC, but some of them think they are writing in character, and the end result is completely the opposite.

I don't mind if it is a deliberate OCC fic or crack fic for fun though. I came across one somewhere which involved Dante having to go to some kind of rehab intervention for an addiction to pizza. So it was sort of like Dante's adventures in rehab, being belligerent with the staff, setting fire to things and urinating on walls to try and get himself thrown out.:tongue: It was so weird, but strangely funny.

I think the only comfort to draw from bad writers getting a lot of attention is that the reviewers are propably on the same writing level and give them reviews like 'OMG lol, pls update more'. At least good writers will get better quality reviews and maybe even a little constructive criticism if they are really good.
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
How do you delete stories from fanfiction.net?
I've just realized, Nite is one of 'those' oc's, and I'd really want to delete my stories (I've been meaning to do it for sometime, I'm also going to delete all of the Nite-Runner stories from DA).

Even if Nite is meant to be a sort of incarnation of you, are you sure she meets the "self-insert" label? Like Loopy said, it's natural for a writer to put something of themselves into the characters they write about. If you want a second opinion on whether she comes off that way, let me know; I'm more than willing to check out your work, and I'll be honest. ^^;

If you're dead set on deleting them from FF.Net, however, this is how. Click "Publish", go to "Manage Stories", select the story, and at the top, "Delete" is one of the available options.



Devil hunter in training
How do you delete stories from fanfiction.net?
I've just realized, Nite is one of 'those' oc's, and I'd really want to delete my stories (I've been meaning to do it for sometime, I'm also going to delete all of the Nite-Runner stories from DA).
Don't be so hasty. Let Rebel look them over. Maybe they just need tweaking so they aren't so blatant, if that's what you think is wrong.

Actually, I haven't seen any of yours either on there during my searches. Do you update much; because I mostly stick to the fresh updated fics. I assume you go by the same name there?

Even if Nite is meant to be a sort of incarnation of you, are you sure she meets the "self-insert" label? Like Loopy said, it's natural for a writer to put something of themselves into the characters they write about. If you want a second opinion on whether she comes off that way, let me know; I'm more than willing to check out your work, and I'll be honest. ^^;
Go for it, it's better to have an hoest opinion, especially when it involves the future of a fic. Besides, there's a difference between putting a bit of yourself into a character and being so blatantly 'this is me, this is my idealised image and I will ruin the canon at any cost to pair myself up with an already partnered character while making them OCC and write in terrible prose with awful dialogue exchanges'. That kind of thing.

Thinking about it, I wonder if any of these writers actualy think that they are their self-insert character and that their game, movie or cartoon crush is living in an alternate dimension? That would be taking it to a whole new level. Reminds me of those people who actually thought Digimon were real, that they had digimon partners, and that their toy digivices could open the gate to Digimon world if they all agreed to point them at their computers at exactly the same time. There was a whole forum about it. Now that is taking it to a new level of wierd.

Edit: And I just found a forum all about it:tongue:
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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
and that their game, movie or cartoon crush is living in an alternate dimension? That would be taking it to a whole new level.
Well of course Dante is real in at least a couple of other dimensions...... :whistle:

My username on ffn is clairavance. It's the Three Days Grace inspired fics. Mind, the first one still needs some tweaking as I was in the midst of rewriting it online and then threw in the towel.:thumbsdown:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Even if Nite is meant to be a sort of incarnation of you, are you sure she meets the "self-insert" label? Like Loopy said, it's natural for a writer to put something of themselves into the characters they write about. If you want a second opinion on whether she comes off that way, let me know; I'm more than willing to check out your work, and I'll be honest. ^^;

If you're dead set on deleting them from FF.Net, however, this is how. Click "Publish", go to "Manage Stories", select the story, and at the top, "Delete" is one of the available options.

Don't be so hasty. Let Rebel look them over. Maybe they just need tweaking so they aren't so blatant, if that's what you think is wrong.

Actually, I haven't seen any of yours either on there during my searches. Do you update much; because I mostly stick to the fresh updated fics. I assume you go by the same name there?

Go for it, it's better to have an hoest opinion, especially when it involves the future of a fic. Besides, there's a difference between putting a bit of yourself into a character and being so blatantly 'this is me, this is my idealised image and I will ruin the canon at any cost to pair myself up with an already partnered character while making them OCC and write in terrible prose with awful dialogue exchanges'. That kind of thing.

Thinking about it, I wonder if any of these writers actualy think that they are their self-insert character and that their game, movie or cartoon crush is living in an alternate dimension? That would be taking it to a whole new level. Reminds me of those people who actually thought Digimon were real, that they had digimon partners, and that their toy digivices could open the gate to Digimon world if they all agreed to point them at their computers at exactly the same time. There was a whole forum about it. Now that is taking it to a new level of wierd.

@Rebel Dynasty
There are a few stories on there. Nite~Runner (the first story, is about 24,000 words), as much as I like it, it's not my fave *prefers short stories*. But it would be great if you would look through them.
Here's the link to my FF.Net page:

Ignore the one's right at the bottom of the list (Cleansed and Cleansed: Reunion). They're my first ever stories and not related to N~R.
I must admit, there is one story that I'd love to re-write (The Child).

I do make Vergil and Nite suffer from time to time (but, I'm mentally tortured irl anyway, so I take it out on my oc, who is also a bit 'mentally tortured). Apologies, if I ever take Vergil OOC (although, I don't think he's ever said his feelings towards her 'out loud'). They do tend to 'bonk', but I don't make a habit of writing about it.:laugh:

Atm, I can't remember what 'bits of myself' I put into Nite (Plus, I have to go, bed time).

The last story that I uploaded on FF.net was last year in May (it was a 'short' story).
If you ever do look through them, you'll see why I'd rather spend my time 3D modelling than writing :laugh:
Link to my page is is posted just about (if you do want to have a look) :3


Devil hunter in training
The last story that I uploaded on FF.net was last year in May (it was a 'short' story).
If you ever do look through them, you'll see why I'd rather spend my time 3D modelling than writing :laugh:
Link to my page is is posted just about (if you do want to have a look) :3
Sure, I'll have a gander and see what your writing's all about. :happy:
Also, where do you keep your models? Do you make them yourself? I've given that a go...you might have seen my attempts on this forum when I was asking questions about how to fix hair.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
@Rebel Dynasty
There are a few stories on there. Nite~Runner (the first story, is about 24,000 words), as much as I like it, it's not my fave *prefers short stories*. But it would be great if you would look through them.
Here's the link to my FF.Net page:

Ignore the one's right at the bottom of the list (Cleansed and Cleansed: Reunion). They're my first ever stories and not related to N~R.
I must admit, there is one story that I'd love to re-write (The Child).

I do make Vergil and Nite suffer from time to time (but, I'm mentally tortured irl anyway, so I take it out on my oc, who is also a bit 'mentally tortured). Apologies, if I ever take Vergil OOC (although, I don't think he's ever said his feelings towards her 'out loud'). They do tend to 'bonk', but I don't make a habit of writing about it.:laugh:

Will do! Lol, hey, at least you know what Nite is going through, then; you've been down that road, so I bet your writing of what they suffer through will be more relatable, and less romanticized. I'll check them out, now. ^^

Well of course Dante is real in at least a couple of other dimensions...... :whistle:


Lol, and this is why I love you. Hey, he could be; we don't know for sure that he isn't. :tongue:

Seriously though, the things I'd do if he were real...


Devil hunter in training
Well of course Dante is real in at least a couple of other dimensions...... :whistle:
Does that mean there's a dimension where Hogwarts and magic is is also real?:wink: :laugh:

Reminds me of those 'my video game came alive' fics or the ones where the person gets transported into the events of the game. Surely they don't think the games exist in another dimension? The again, quite a few of those are done to parody the game; sort of a mild crack fic, so I guess that's ok.

Thinking about it, after all the pairing up with canon characters that I've read, I don't think I've come across a self-insert wanting to date DmC Mundus....thank goodness for that.
However, someone could write an extreme crack fic about out-whoring Lilith for the honour of being Mundus' top b!tch. :tongue::laugh:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm just going to adopt Astrid's (from How to Train Your Dragon) dialogue for a sec....

"Augh! Son of a half troll!"

Dammit all! I just realized my main Antagonist, named Iris, was actually a character in Greek Mythology (and in my story, she's to be allied with an Egyptian deity). Thus, I had to tweak the plot slightly....

Gah....glad I caught it before the actual writing commences, though. But still...I wish I'd remembered that; and here I thought I had randomly just come up with her name (screw you, subconscious mind! Phenex! With all your nagging, couldn't you have pointed this out to me, earlier?!)


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
I think I'm going to axe my beta soon or at least gain another one and send the edited file to her. She...I don't know if she had a rough hand dealt to her in life or if she's a cynical little b*tch, but I think I'm going to find someone who can offer suggestions without saying things like "You and the word 'for' need to have a come-to with Jesus." Don't say condescending, stupid sh*t like that to me because when I come at you with strong, pessimistic feelings about your childish ways, then you're going to think that I'm wrong.

And here's a line from one of my stories that she offered a tip on (notice the inserted comma)

My line: “That I am. I patrol these parts (,) since no one else has big enough balls to keep the peace around

Her input: (I’m not in mind Dante would say that. He rarely uses terms like balls, penis, etc. and he never

Um...someone hasn't been reading the mangas or watched the anime, because you would know that he does have a bit of a potty mouth, but he uses it in context. And, you CAN'T tell me not to have him cursing or not. I think she has this thing that Dante's persona is a mix of 3 and 4, and that's it, where he's this clean-cut prankster and I don't only see him that way. He can have a range of emotions just as well as anybody else, if you're the type to dig into a character, and his character isn't this straight and narrow 'type'. Like if you write with DMC 1 Dante you have to stick to how he is in the game and nothing else. I mean I like the way she looks over stuff, sometimes, but she needs to take a chill pill or something.

Damn, I am NOT a SLAVE TO CANON. That's what the f*ck FAN-fiction and FAN-art is for!!!!!!!!!


For Sanguinius!
Gah! My uncle is a dumb @$$. :shifty:I just feel stupid standing in the same room as him.:dead: He seem not to understand people are not here to help him spell BASIC words like: school. I'm not joking! :banghead: And when he ask my mom for something and she responds with "I don't have the time for that" he makes childish noses at her. Or when mom tells him to do something he just say in a minute and nave dose it.

Sigh :bored: And the sad part is mom just puts up with it....... :frown::facepalm: He is a grown man who just use Facebook to "try" and pick up women and can't even spell properly. I'm just glad I'n not related by blood; than I would be a sad panda. And I assure you I'll be ranting about his vast stupidity in the months to come.

:'( Save me Vergil! SAVE ME DANTE!!!!!!!!!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I can beta for you.
I don't have a degree in lit or English but I think I'm a pretty decent beta.
...except for that one guy, but BY GEORGE, he just over-described everything. I couldn't get past page one because all he described was Dante and I was like '****, that's like Dante to the T but how do I tell him it's too much?' The one and only person out there I've failed as a beta, sadly, but I reckon he'll be alright. If you've got the talent, all you need is the motivation.

I mean, if you're interested in another opinion, that is.

+ We've been planning this ice skating date for WEEKS and when the day finally arrives, missy gets sick in the car :( Why does life hate me so?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
You freaking ba$tards; you're taking him away from me for two whole months; so why in hell's name have you been keeping him at work late these past two weeks, along with having him go back during the night for duty shifts?!

I. Really. Hate. You. :devil:

On top of it, his parents are coming up this weekend, which means I have to keep cleaning up after everyone leading up to Saturday (dishes, why you no do yourselves?!) :banghead:


Devil hunter in training
On top of it, his parents are coming up this weekend, which means I have to keep cleaning up after everyone leading up to Saturday (dishes, why you no do yourselves?!) :banghead:
It is a big pressure when parents are over. Just think, it won't be for long and then they'll be gone again.

I know that feeling when my parents come and visit the house me and my friends are living in. They want to see it totally cleaned, and get anoyed with me if even the plates from breakfast that moring are lft out. :rolleyes:
But I can't blame their feelings really seeing as it is technically their house. But still, it is a huge task getting the whole house spotless and the washing done, especially with one of the guys hungover. He hardly did a thing when we did the big house clean recently. But, he has offered to be on dishwasher machine duty for the week, which saves me, Mim or Paul from loading and unloading it. :thumbsup:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
It is a big pressure when parents are over. Just think, it won't be for long and then they'll be gone again.

Lol, this is true; and then I can drop back down to my, "I'll only half-ass clean, since it'll look like a hurricane hit here within an hour of doing it, anyway" speed. :laugh: I do a full-fledged, top to bottom cleaning once a week usually, anyway, but I don't normally go into "sterile mode" unless company is coming.

I know that feeling when my parents come and visit the house me and my friends are living in. They want to see it totally cleaned, and get anoyed with me if even the plates from breakfast that moring are lft out. :rolleyes:
But I can't blame their feelings really seeing as it is technically their house. But still, it is a huge task getting the whole house spotless and the washing done, especially with one of the guys hungover. He hardly did a thing when we did the big house clean recently. But, he has offered to be on dishwasher machine duty for the week, which saves me, Mim or Paul from loading and unloading it. :thumbsup:

Yeah, I used to live with friends, and man, was it ever hard to keep the place clean-not to mention I didn't feel like cleaning up after three full-grown men all the time, so I kind of adopted a, "f*ck it" attitude, at the time. It's just like a family unit, in fact; so much arguing over who was going to do what, and when; it's good to hear your room-mate is making up for not helping the last time. :)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Why do you have to make everything about yourself?
After my last Cognitive Behavioural Therapy appointment, you kept talking about what YOU did whilst I was at the session. 20 minutes later, I get asked 2 questions, then you went back to talking about yourself! We got home, and before I can say anything to mum, I hear, "You won't believe what I've just been through..."

This morning, as soon as we got in from my Doctors appointment when Mum asked ME how it went, you piped up and started talking about yourself.

But the best thing (and it really takes the biscuit), I have my assessment tomorrow, and YOU, yes you turn it into another, "It's all about me farcical". You seem to think mum and I are 'off out on a jolly'... you are either very thick, or seriously deluded...:poop:
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