SO much good music to listen to and yet, it is time to sleep. I know it'll keep me up till 4 a.m. anyway.
I haven't played the piano in months, my hands feel so rusty it's pitiful. I HAVE to put time aside each day to practice, it's just too lame to find myself forgetting everything I know.
Does my chapstick just...grow legs and walk away from me?
Try to play! I'd love to play piano but decided to learn violin and that's too much too handle as it is XD I picked it up the other day after a year of it gathering dust and I realised I can't read music anymore. Quite scary how quickly I forgot. I found it so much easier to practise while paying for a teacher, mostly because I was scared I'd get a row (even at my age) that I hadn't improved and the fact it was £12 for 30mins. I quit because of the money though, that’s a crap lot o money to pay every week. Then again, becuase I've forgotten alot, that's quite a bit of money I wasted T_T
I play the violin too. I started as a 'f-ck you' to a school music teacher who didn't think I'd be any good. So my parents paid for private lessons from an outside tutor who taught other members of my family. I've been playing since I was 8 and haven't stopped since.Try to play! I'd love to play piano but decided to learn violin and that's too much too handle as it is XD I picked it up the other day after a year of it gathering dust and I realised I can't read music anymore. Quite scary how quickly I forgot. I found it so much easier to practise while paying for a teacher, mostly because I was scared I'd get a row (even at my age) that I hadn't improved and the fact it was £12 for 30mins. I quit because of the money though, that’s a crap lot o money to pay every week. Then again, becuase I've forgotten alot, that's quite a bit of money I wasted T_T
I have no idea what I did with my grade certificates....probably gathering dust in my parent's attic. So long as you can play and enjoy playing, who cares about pieces of paper.^_^I hated Grade exams too - I've never been more nervous in my whole life. So I only did one.
It was nerves for me too. Plus each year the goal was always taking a grade exam....I just wanted to play for fun.>_< At least when I was 16 I'd done them all. But I didn't do them for me, it was to prove myself to that teacher who said I wouldn't be able to do it when I was 8.
Funny thing was, as soon as this teacher heard what I was doing, she pretended to be my friend just to get me on the shcool orchestra so that they could win a trophy. Of course I turned her down.
After that I thought, screw this, I'm not going through all the 'official' stuff like getting grades, I'm just going to teach myself grade 8 pieces in my own time. Which I do. . .
I still hate playing scales
Why do those TV programs about people being on benefits always make it look bad for the rest of us? I mean we're not ALL scum that don't actually want a job and try to claim money that isn't rightfully ours or whatnot.
Besides it works both ways anyway. I mean think about all the times hardworking people have had to pay for government expenses out of their tax. For goodness sake, it was the taxpayers that paid for Margaret Thatcher's state funeral. You can't say that working class people on the dole are scum and then take money off of everybody anyway so that some politician that nobody cares about can buy a luxury swimming pool to put in their back garden. Oh but no it's just a one sided argument usually and the stereotypical morale is that if you don't have a job then you're just a useless, lazy, scumbag thug that will more than likely end up on the Jeremy Kyle show arguing about who slept with who and whether you're biologically the father of thirty plus kids. It makes me sick how the media portrays certain things and paints an unpleasant image on modern society.
Yes of course, we're all worthless morons...
I thought the real scroungers all hung out in Whitehall. You know, the ones that sponge off the state for duck islands and bell towers and definitely don't need the money.
Too true. One guy even used tax payer's money to clean his moat or something.>_<
But the way of it these days is to just turn one group of people against another so they are blind to real state of the country. I don't know who's worse, the Brit press and politicians for doing it, or the general population for being so happy to sneer.
She was brainwashed by the establishment, now many others will follow her lead. very very sad.
Eh?! How is taking preventative measures for a terrible disease/illness that is both physically and emotionally draining just trying to be treated for it without 100% chance of surviving the work of the establishment?:blink:I'm sorry... what?!
Reuben, you're a cool guy, but you're a guy and you're talking utter shash!
Next you'll be saying that Cancer was invented by the establishment. And there is no definite cure for cancer, if there was, she wouldn't have felt the need to have a mastectomy. She wants her kids to have a mom and not have to watch her die like she did with her own mother...
Exactly. I'll take rock and metal and death metal over most pop and rap any day. Some people are still stuck in the mentality of seeing rock and metal as evil and the work of the devil. They're just scared that people will stop listening to them and following their rules.I've been looking for a place to rant on a certain thought, and this is quite the appropriate place to share it:
What makes certain music okay to play on national radio or TV? I don't get what is appropriate music and what isn't. Why is heavy metal and screamo always deemed as something you'll be damned for? It ticks me off to no end. What the hell makes it okay for the radio to play songs where the artists only sing about how many lady's pants they're getting into, or how many drinks they're gonna toast at tonight's party, or what drugs they popping in their penthouse apartment in some exotic part of the world?
It's because songs that go on about sex, parties and drugs are all tied in to 'reality' TV shows of people with nothing better to do that mindless consumption. If people are constantly exposed to this, they want to buy things too, they want to consume and put money into the economy. It keep people unhappy while they become materialistic and have to chase the latest trend to be happy. It's a good way to keep people controlled if they're busy chasing a lifestyle that only a few people have. It also keeps those few people in those lifestyles because people buy their products that they promote through their TV shows and music.
Rock bands actually sing about stuff that make sense. Their lyrics are actually words of encouragement and enlightenment. I just don't get what society thinks is normal and acceptable, and what they think should be shunned. It's like brainwash... no wonder kids of today are so messed up.