When are you coming back for a visit?
Um...probably not for another five years. It's really chaotic flying with two kids, nevermind three.
Why is that?
*o0* Well there's three of them and only two of us. *thinking at this point that if you bothered to actually raise your own two kids, you'd have an idea, but alas!*
*one day later*
Oh well. I've got a man in my life. And also 3 kids. Not married yet, will let you know when we go there. Otherwise things are going really well here.
*headwall repeatedly with great force*
I absolutely ******* hate being lied to, especially by Miss Obviously-I-Want-To-Be-Better-Than-You-Know-I-Am.
I'm contemplating whether I bitch back at her or just ignore her now. A week or two ago she was still messing around with her lesbian lover, now all of a sudden she's got a guy, again, after 6 years? Hmmm. Something stinks of burning pants. Probably some guy she met at another night club last night and now suddenly she's thinking of marrying him. AGH.
Jesus give me strength to SHUT UP.