The ranting thinking thread

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This. Not digging the forced move to Skype. I'm still using MSN, but they assume everyone wants to talk to each other like on phones/videochat now? I like typing. And at the moment the Skype type interface is.... eurgh. Plus those Skype emotes are pretty fugly (not like the MSN ones aren't, but I have one or two glare and amused emotes I use a lot that I'll miss)

I agree. I just...don't understand why they're switching. *going to miss her custom emotes* I might have to switch to chatting through messenger apps if I can't get into Skype.
Will someone recognize my virtue sometime? I don't need money for myself. It is just that to get food and pay your house rent some economy is required. Why has it come so this nowadays? The system that created balance. Where is it now? Peace and quiet is all I need with someone I love. Find me. Future friends and girl. Find me. Life can be good. That's why I keep walking this road. To experience the good feelings and the good sides of this world on earth.

Be the one you were suppose to be.
This thread is so negative >:I Grr...
Wait, now I'm being negative while trying to be positive.
Why can't I be positive?! >:0 ...
Geez, what's with all these friggin headaches.
Can anyone remember a they included the software with your new mobile? Or is it just me...
Great so it takes me over an hour to get to work & got to work entire day when they let loads of people go home early yesterday (I wasnt one of them). Heating at work isnt working so its freezing & im still soaked from the walk & we are due more snow today. Friends expect me to go bowling tonight for one of their birthdays too, only its an hour after I finish work & going to take me around that to get home anyway.

To top it off manager calls work (she doesnt work weekends) & wants us all in on overtime Monday when the weather is meant to be just as bad. So going to have to start walking to work at 5.50am in the snow & leave after 5pm. I bet they dont even bother coming in themselves...
"You better be ready to move out!" "I'm gonna treat you the way you treat everyone else!"

Oh really dad? I woke you up early on accident so now you're blowing up on me? Are you f*cking kidding me? Be ready to move out my ass. You can't kick me out of my own house.
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So the dreaded flu caught up with me a month after everyone else has had it. All these days out in the cold weather must have let it take hold & now im going to be working 10 hour days 6 days a week when ill & struggling to get to work in the snow... great.
No, I am NOT going to put "in my opinion" every time I write anything down. Because it should be blindingly obvious that unless I write "fact" at any point during my post/s then it is highly unlikely I am deluded enough to believe that my own thoughts are universally accepted as rock-solid. Personally I think you're just looking for a reason to troll by calling me out every time I say anything and don't expressly state it's my opinion. No one else thinks I'm putting facts out so wind your neck in and stop preaching at people and telling them they're out of line.

To further my point, in case you're too stupid to understand it:

Skyrim is the best game on the planet.

*sits and waits for inevitable 100th PM rammed with " you can't say that!" and "it's not a fact so stop saying it like it is!"*

Power steering a bit dodgy even after being fixed, MOT finds brakes and wipers are screwed (again) and today the door got jammed while getting ice off the window, jammed with the key in and the engine running... and the flat had to be rifled for the spare key.

I hate cars.
I wish people would stop trying to make me enact their ideas. Just because they think the story idea they had or the drawing idea they had was good, that doesn't mean I'm going to do them. I have my own ideas. Stop trying to force it upon me. It's not like I can do everything at once.
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Why should colleges even give a damn about 'unauthorized absences'. All we ever do at college is have a day or two of lecturing then we just get on and do the work ourselves for about 2-4 weeks then we repeat. What does it matter if I don't want to go in one or two days and I want to do my work at home? I know all the stuff that's needed to complete the work and I work unbelievably faster in the comfort of my own room, to the point I do more in an hour than I do in an entire day at college. How is that not a good reason to not go in? It's such a waste of time and isn't efficient at all, I don't need someone checking on me to see if I've made progress. It's complete BS when people said college has a lot of 'freedom' because all the colleges are too busy competing with their 'stats' that Ofsted give rather than allowing students to have freedom. In fact, the only real freedom we get is that we can go out of college for lunch... Woopty f'king doo.
Why should colleges even give a damn about 'unauthorized absences'. All we ever do at college is have a day or two of lecturing then we just get on and do the work ourselves for about 2-4 weeks then we repeat. What does it matter if I don't want to go in one or two days and I want to do my work at home? I know all the stuff that's needed to complete the work and I work unbelievably faster in the comfort of my own room, to the point I do more in an hour than I do in an entire day at college. How is that not a good reason to not go in? It's such a waste of time and isn't efficient at all, I don't need someone checking on me to see if I've made progress. It's complete BS when people said college has a lot of 'freedom' because all the colleges are too busy competing with their 'stats' that Ofsted give rather than allowing students to have freedom. In fact, the only real freedom we get is that we can go out of college for lunch... Woopty f'king doo.
First day of college and all my tutors said the same thing:

"We get paid whether you turn up or not"

So we went in or we didn't but so long as had the work done, no one minded too much. Guess things have changed quite a bit in the last 12 years...or maybe it was just my college?
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So to add to my rant on Sunday...

Dark Drakan said:
So the dreaded flu caught up with me a month after everyone else has had it. All these days out in the cold weather must have let it take hold & now im going to be working 10 hour days 6 days a week when ill & struggling to get to work in the snow... great.

I found out later that night that someone had cloned my bank card & stolen £950+ out of my account. So now after all that overtime & saving of money & working my ass off I now have nothing, cant even afford food currently. This is the same bank that blocked my card when I tried to buy a train ticket for myself from my town & have it posted to my address & they thought the transaction looked fraudulent. However they thought nothing of £950 being taken out of my account in one transaction to a credit card company when ive never had a credit card in my life... fantastic you couldnt write this stuff.
So to add to my rant on Sunday...

I found out later that night that someone had cloned my bank card & stolen £950+ out of my account. So now after all that overtime & saving of money & working my ass off I now have nothing, cant even afford food currently. This is the same bank that blocked my card when I tried to buy a train ticket for myself from my town & have it posted to my address & they thought the transaction looked fraudulent. However they thought nothing of £950 being taken out of my account in one transaction to a credit card company when ive never had a credit card in my life... fantastic you couldnt write this stuff.

Wasn't Lloyds by any chance? I had same thing to me happen a while back, I had to cancel my card because of the fraudulent transactions... when I applied for a new one, they thought *I* was acting weird by doing it, cancelled my application twice, I was debit/credit cardless for a month, too.