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The ranting thinking thread


Well-known Member
I swear that people are getting dumber everyday. i mean a few hours ago i was in a taxi and i told him to turn right and he turned left.

Another taxi i told him to U turn. he looked at me and he was like "Duh What?!". so i told him to turn around and he didn't understand what i am saying. he finally understood that he has to take a U turn when i told him to go up down.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'm sorry, but how does posting your birthday cake, presents and stuff you've made on an internet 'dollmaker' make it art?
You wanna show it off, make a blog... stop posting it on Deviant art, and I won't be faving it... I'm not being nasty, but surely the idea of a 'fave' means that the person likes it, and ever since I've posted that picture of Nite, you haven't faved anything of mine... if you have a problem with that kind of content, perhaps you should turn on the mature content filter.

I also asked someone to do a picture of Nite, did i get it... oh no... I'm just glad i didn't give points for it.


the horror was for love
Look kid, I know you're new to writing. And...I'm cool with that, but seriously? You need to learn some manners. Don't send me a chapter and demand it done by the next day after vanishing without a word for months on end. Especially when the next day is a holiday. And stop sending more chapters before the other has been sent back. You need to give me time. You're so demanding I haven't had a chance to beta for anyone else in ages, and I've been with those other people longer. Just because you're a good writer doesn't give you the right to walk all over people more experianced than you.


Keyser Söze
Look kid, I know you're new to writing. And...I'm cool with that, but seriously? You need to learn some manners. Don't send me a chapter and demand it done by the next day after vanishing without a word for months on end. Especially when the next day is a holiday. And stop sending more chapters before the other has been sent back. You need to give me time. You're so demanding I haven't had a chance to beta for anyone else in ages, and I've been with those other people longer. Just because you're a good writer doesn't give you the right to walk all over people more experianced than you.

oh man why do you girls do other's work anyway ?


the horror was for love
oh man why do you girls do other's work anyway ?

Because I like editing people's writing. :p Usually. I've got quite a few people I beta read for on a regular basis who are really lovely and great to work with. But they're experianced and older and are respectful. This chick, though...I think she's talented, but I've given her three warnings now. If she breaks my rules again, I'm automatically dropping her and she can find a new beta.
If you mean in general, though...er...girls are just naturally helpful? ._. *shrugs* I dunno. I'm not usually the first to jump to helping people unless I'm friendly with them. If I'm not, I just blankly watch them in their misery..... :/


Keyser Söze
Current ranting thought: that is quite possibly the most backwards thing I have ever read in all my life. And I've studied the subject. You clearly haven't. Please stop talking.
he he.. I'm a slow learner plz excuse my stupidity :p
Because I like editing people's writing. :p Usually. I've got quite a few people I beta read for on a regular basis who are really lovely and great to work with. But they're experienced and older and are respectful. This chick, though...I think she's talented, but I've given her three warnings now. If she breaks my rules again, I'm automatically dropping her and she can find a new beta.
If you mean in general, though...er...girls are just naturally helpful? ._. *shrugs* I dunno. I'm not usually the first to jump to helping people unless I'm friendly with them. If I'm not, I just blankly watch them in their misery..... :/

Well that figures.. she's not being disciplined at all and you're bothered by that and you're generally nice and helpful to others


Oldschool DMC fan
Lol, just saw a post on another forum to the effect of: "Ninja Theory should write/make the next Soul Reaver! Squeeeeee!"

No. NO. You idiot.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Lol, just saw a post on another forum to the effect of: "Ninja Theory should write/make the next Soul Reaver! Squeeeeee!"

No. NO. You idiot.

HELL NO! Raziel would probably be Red instead of blue! Or they'd change Kain's hair colour...


Oldschool DMC fan
HELL NO! Raziel would probably be Red instead of blue! Or they'd change Kain's hair colour...
I'd be just as worried about the idea they think NT could deal with and write a story with characters on par with the ones Amy Hennig did. NT apparently think being kind of an asshole makes you look like a badass, so Raziel would be a total asshole, for starters. And Kain would be the mother of all A-holes.

As far as games go, Soul Reaver and LoK are closer to works of Shakespeare than most game plots and scripts, and no... I wouldn't trust NT who have only ever made 4 games and needed help with the stories of half of those! Where did this idea come from that NT are legendary storytellers...? Four games.... one of which nobody's probably ever heard of and two of those with hired external writers and designers? Great storytellers? Big reputation? The last two games they worked on they didn't even 'write' the stories for because Enslaved is ripped from Monkey/Journey to the West and DmC is ripped from Devil May Cry. Does not compute where they get all this reputation and praise from.

And if Heavenly Sword is such a 'gem' as people say, why is it that NT itself has claimed there will not be a HS sequel? Or Enslaved.... is that getting one? Apparently not. If NT really are all that, why are their games not slated for sequels? Why are they being touted as this talented company when they outsource talent? Why are they being given franchises like Devil May Cry to play with when they'd only made 3 games before?

*Envisions Kain and Raziel red-facedly screaming "EFF YOU!" at each other for ten minutes at a time*

On a slightly lower note, the DmC demo is terribly glitchy, as I have experienced myself with it locking up my system. The game itself is what, less than two months away? It's going to be buggy as hell.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I get it, its meant to be winter but please get rid of this damn rain. So tired of everywhere being flooded or having to change my clothes 4 times a day and being wet and cold all day.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'd be just as worried about the idea they think NT could deal with and write a story with characters on par with the ones Amy Hennig did. NT apparently think being kind of an asshole makes you look like a badass, so Raziel would be a total asshole, for starters. And Kain would be the mother of all A-holes.

As far as games go, Soul Reaver and LoK are closer to works of Shakespeare than most game plots and scripts, and no... I wouldn't trust NT who have only ever made 4 games and needed help with the stories of half of those! Where did this idea come from that NT are legendary storytellers...? Four games.... one of which nobody's probably ever heard of and two of those with hired external writers and designers? Great storytellers? Big reputation? The last two games they worked on they didn't even 'write' the stories for because Enslaved is ripped from Monkey/Journey to the West and DmC is ripped from Devil May Cry. Does not compute where they get all this reputation and praise from.

And if Heavenly Sword is such a 'gem' as people say, why is it that NT itself has claimed there will not be a HS sequel? Or Enslaved.... is that getting one? Apparently not. If NT really are all that, why are their games not slated for sequels? Why are they being touted as this talented company when they outsource talent? Why are they being given franchises like Devil May Cry to play with when they'd only made 3 games before?

*Envisions Kain and Raziel red-facedly screaming "EFF YOU!" at each other for ten minutes at a time*

On a slightly lower note, the DmC demo is terribly glitchy, as I have experienced myself with it locking up my system. The game itself is what, less than two months away? It's going to be buggy as hell.

Now you say it, I could see that happening.

I see what you mean and I totally agree with you.
4 games isn't an awe inspiring CV, and personally Heavenly Sword was totally overrated (actually I thought it was cr*p, seeing 5 copies of it in cash generator proves that methinks).
As for the Shakespeare thing. I really agree with it. There aren't many games that can pull off that depth of dialogue and perfomance.

I was playing the demo on the 360 and Poison stopped attacking Dante. She just sat there staring... I had to reload the demo and start again.

Dante's Ghost

Browsing The Halls of Fortuna Castle
Plz let me shift this flu before my bday tomoz! Arg. all weekend messing me up. Killer. Manflu can do one! ahha

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
On a slightly lower note, the DmC demo is terribly glitchy, as I have experienced myself with it locking up my system. The game itself is what, less than two months away? It's going to be buggy as hell.
I'm having doubts whether getting it is even worth it now.
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