The ranting thinking thread

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The postman has raped my mailbox. Sure, it was rusty, but you tore the flap off, man. Another thing to add to the list of things that need fixing that I am adamantly putting off telling my landlord to come and fix, because I so do not want to see him, ever.
I'm left feeling like right now my luck has dried up. All I asked for was one day. Just one simple ****ing day, but you couldn't even give me that. You'll never give me a break for one day. Bad luck you are life's little bitch. And guess what, I ****ing hate bad luck.

I feel like I am being punished for something far worse than what I have actually done wrong. I fail to see why I have to go through problems near enough each day in my life. It's stressful enough for me and those around me, yet we are all burdened because YOU won't give us a single moments peace.

I want a DAY. 24 ****ing tiny miniscule hours out of all the hours there has and will be in the future. Give me a single day where things go right. Where there is SOME good luck. Where I don't have to hope tomorrow will go better. Just a single ****ing day. If that's too much to ask, then to ****ING hell with you!!!
"Hun", "honey", "dearie" aren't me mocking you. It's me being affectionate because I'm worrying about you...where as you just sit your ass down and patronize me and laugh at me when I'm going through hard times. If you don't want me to pity you or talk about this kind of stuff with you, then don't tell me about it! I'm not going to sit by and feign emotionlessless when you're struggling.
I hate that moment when I randomly look up at the calandar and see big bold red writing and momentarily freak out because I think I've forgotten something very important today and then realize I haven't crossed out the days past so whatever it was was a week ago, done and sorted already.>_<
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I hate that moment when I randomly look up at the calandar and see big bold red writing and momentarily freak out because I think I've forgotten something very important today and then realize I haven't crossed out the days past so whatever it was was a week ago, done and sorted already.>_<

Good god, I know what that feels like. XD
That moment when you think only you know what's going on in your head, and then the person next to you is looking at you evily cause they know what you're thinking about, don't you just feel like dying?...
I, ah, found Myself in one of those conversations where its not so much a heated debate but more a lukewarm back-and-forth about the Devil May Cry series in general, t'was going fine until the guy decided to let slip that He thought Devil May Cry 2 was the best, at which point I decided that any further syllable from his mouth would be ignored.
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For a moment, you think you finally got it out of your head, and the next moment, it pops out of no where just to get a reaction out of you...
Well reaction this you prick: **** YOU!...*pulls finger*

Scuse the rudeness...
"Make me a Do Not Disturb sign" That is all what you said. You didn't give me any details. I made this for you


all what i get is "What the F*** is this Bull****?".
My god..... CONTROL YOUR RAT DOGS! Just because you are living in this house now does not mean your dogs can do whatever they like! They bark? Make them stop! Don't get mad at me if I tell them to cease their barking. They mess in the house? Pick up after them! That does not mean leaving that pee pad down for days straight. Just because I work with dogs for a living does not mean that I'm picking up after them. I am not their owner, so I should not be responsible for them.

The only animal I should be taking care of is Mahoney, in which your dogs are terrorizing my boy! I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I'm worried that Mahoney is going to snap your dog's necks one of these days. Because if he does, it's not his fault. And don't think about telling my dad to put him down if that happens. Because I swear, it will not end well for you!

And this is why I bring my dog to work every day..... Aw man I need to get more Rimadyl for him. He's limping again. MOMO WHY ARE YOU SO BIG?! 110lbs.... HOLY CRAP!
I, ah, found Myself in one of those conversations where its not so much a heated debate but more a lukewarm back-and-forth about the Devil May Cry series in general, t'was going fine until the guy decided to let slip that He thought Devil May Cry 2 was the best, at which point I decided that any further syllable from his mouth would be ignored.

I think you'd rather not speak to me then. DMC2 is my favorite as well.
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I don't know what else I can say to get it through your thick skull. STOP. SAYING. WHAT. MY. CHARACTERS. ARE. DOING. IN. A. RPG. Got it? I f***ing hope so. If you didn't, this isn't the last time I'll be "going to bed" randomly in the middle of one. No one likes a god-mod or an over-powered player. And, guess what? You happen to be both! Both she and I have already gotten ****ed enough at you over this to not let you use our characters in stories. I may not have told you off yet like she has, but I'll be doing so next time you do it. It's not cool. Or cute. Or funny. You don't know how to write ANY of my characters, even the those I write for fandoms. They're MY characters; I put time and effort into developing them. Not you! Just because they went on an adventure together doesn't mean you suddenly own them. After all, the adventure was in one of the worlds one of my characters came from. If we're going to start claiming characters because of that, I'll start writing your characters and start turning all the guys into girly-men and making all the girls into bit--oh, wait...all your girl characters are already bitchy or helpless damsels. :ermm: I'll....I'll do something! Something baaaaaad! And see how you like it when I've ripped your characters to shreds and burned the pieces. You're a forty-f***ing-year-old man, by now you should know how to not play with other people's toys, especially when you don't even have experiance in those fandoms!
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So irritating how sometimes my work computer blocks another forum I visit!? I mean, one week it works fine and another week it doesn't. Bloody Link2ICT !

However, I guess the plus side is that this forum always works and never gets blocked D::D
I'll start writing your characters and start turning all the guys into girly-men and making all the girls into bit--oh, wait...all your girl characters are already bitchy or helpless damsels. :ermm:
Haahahahahah. Bonnie-ize them. Make them go 'ooooh oooh oooh oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh' every third line and then make them randomly faint. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I totally forgot what I was going to come rant about, lol.
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You were a fool... an arrogant fool for thinking that he wouldn't react like that...
I'm just too chilled to rant... I should up the dose of my tablets more often... won't be telling my parents that though :P
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Dear Life.

Today is a VERY improtant day for me. I hope you can understand this. Because I swear if this day goes to Hell, then so will everything else that comes with it. This day needs to go right, has to go right and WILL go right.

I'm not repeating this again. If this day doesn't go to plan, I swear the amount of rage I feel will amount to something that nobody has ever seen before. You WILL give me this day. Just this one day. You WILL make it go right.

You have NO choice.

Thank you.

your score is 300

and have 0 fun points left
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