The ranting thinking thread

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Why is 99% of pop music absolute Sh!t?! And just to top it off, the music channels have decided to show all of our christmas, "Favourites." I hate Christmas songs, they're so cheesy and I've heard them all before! Argh! *lobs headphones across the room*
... >_> hmm, what is this strange item? *picks up book* ...It... Contains words... *reads for once*

My sentiments exactly. :3

No, no, no, no ,no! How many times have i told you. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR s*x LIFE! You didn't even have to tell me. If this is what your argument is about, I'm not getting involved. I've told you what I think, but yet again, it's seems to have gone in one ear and out of the other!

Plus, is it any wonder that he is paranoid?! You've told him that you could've called the other bloke last night! You deserve the cr*p you are getting. He's not over the top, he is your husband. You're such a hypocrite. "Being in contact with the other bloke made me feel dirty", yet you could've phoned him last night!

You may not say it, but I know you don't want to be here. All the cr*p that you've put me through and you didn't stop contacting your 'bit on the side', yet when it came to your husband crying (yes, he did), you stopped contact with this bloke, although you'd promise me you'd do that same sometime before that. Honestly now, what do you really think of me... obviously not enough to keep away from the other guy.

You say you want the best of both worlds... tough. I want Tom back and have Tilly in my life too, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

Sorry everyone, I needed to vent that somewhere.
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My sentiments exactly. :3

No, no, no, no ,no! How many times have i told you. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR s*x LIFE! You didn't even have to tell me. If this is what your argument is about, I'm not getting involved. I've told you what I think, but yet again, it's seems to have gone in one ear and out of the other!

Plus, is it any wonder that he is paranoid?! You've told him that you could've called the other bloke last night! You deserve the cr*p you are getting. He's not over the top, he is your husband. You're such a hypocrite. "Being in contact with the other bloke made me feel dirty", yet you could've phoned him last night!

You may not say it, but I know you don't want to be here. All the cr*p that you've put me through and you didn't stop contacting your 'bit on the side', yet when it came to your husband crying (yes, he did), you stopped contact with this bloke, although you'd promise me you'd do that same sometime before that. Honestly now, what do you really think of me... obviously not enough to keep away from the other guy.

You say you want the best of both worlds... tough. I want Tom back and have Tilly in my life too, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

Sorry everyone, I needed to vent that somewhere.
Now THAT is something to rant about. I can't stand it when people take something special for granted, it's as if they want to hurt people.
Taxi rant 2

I am starting to thonk that taxi companies doesn't care about if the person is qualifed to be a taxi driver or not. From my expereince with taxis i can see how the interview goes.

The manager stands infront of the crowed

The manager: those of you who know how to drive come into my office.

A group pf people enters the office.

The manager starts to interview them one by one

The manager: do you know your way around this city?

Person 1: yes i do

The manager: sorry we can't accept you. NEXT

Another guy enters

The manager: do you know your way around this city?

Person 2: no i don't

The manager: you are hired.
Seriously? You people are going to condemn me for not having mum and Sugar there and for having allergies just after you said you haven't had very many people buy kittens? I mean, what the f*ck is wrong with you people? I. Want. A. Kitten. I take f*cking allergy pills everyday. I'm not going to be cruel to some little defenseless animal because I've got minor sniffling and sneezing. Screw you. The other shelter may not let you declaw the kittens, but they're boatloads nicer.
Some one jus accused me of not having "common sense" cuz i don't like britney spears and "Gay" cuz i posted a video of N'Sync and not like britney spears. I really can't debate with someone who keeps passing remarks like a child. I mean i can too pass back but this is going to continue and will be a contest of who gets to be better at passing remarks and i suck at that. So **** you and britney spears, for all i care is to spend some time reading and posting comments that i find interesting than to be hung up over some BS. essential transport services for the disabled are being cut? For what, your precious Police Commissioners? The ones NOBODY wanted and NOBODY voted for?

No offence but our family are taxed at the highest rate in this country so quite frankly either give us all our money back or use our portion to provide my son with transport to his special needs school in January. Oh, and whilst you're at it, please replace your robot system with real people because charging my friend over £3k in fines over a measly £3.50 is beyond insane.
Damn, If he had'nt been an admin, he sure would have got his ass banned.

After all the crap he has been throwing around in the forums. I had to go that far to rile him and prove his incessant comments and all that results is a "Stop it, you're an admin" from another admin.

Damn all the power and authority in the world which lets a$$holes get away with BS.
It's Christmas, but I have only had one thing on my mind all day... him.
It's hard to be in love with someone who doesn't return those feelings. Yeah, he knows, I told him, and he thought it was cool of me to tell him, but he likes me... as a friend. He's so sweet and nice and lovely and freaking hot as hell! I haven't stopped dreaming about him since I got to know him. I thought at first it was just a crush, but I just can't get him out of my head. And it's freaking Christmas, I have been with my family all day, had great food and got some awesome presents, yet all I think about is him!

What a kick in the nutsack.
Jus 43 serpent emblems on my first playthrough of RE 6(after completing all campaigns). Man , i suck at resident evil.:(
Dear Youtube, If i wanted to use my real name, I would've signed in using my real name... My name is Vergil'sBitch... I don't want to change it, and if you don't like it, you can kiss mah buns!
Stop being a d*ck
The weather is sh**e!

Been a moody b*tch today, not something you'd see in me but seriously: Don't f*ck with me when I'm in a mood gurl, or I'll definitely make sure you have no boyfriends in the future...>:(