The ranting thinking thread

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ITS MY ******NG Birthday AND I FEEL LIKE SH*T !

ITS MY ******NG Birthday AND I FEEL LIKE SH*T !

Sorry you feel bad but happy birthday anyway :)
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You should need to learn about teamwork. Because there is no WE when i do everything and you watch me while lying on the couch in front of the TV way back over there from the shadow
Now that is an overreaction if ever I saw one. "square peg, round hole"? What a cop out. Here's the thing about those so-called square pegs and round holes - sometimes the "square peg" needs to have his/her corners rubbed off a bit so that they fit in an otherwise incompatible space. You can't expect everyone to accommodate you and your over-sensitivity to pretty much everything. From what I can deduce, this isn't the first time you've stormed out of somewhere citing "irreconcilable differences" when in reality, it is you who does not wish to reconcile and instead seems to expect others to adhere to your wishes, however archaic and limiting they are for everyone else.

You kept saying you felt alienated - why? Because we don't always agree with your opinion? Honey, that's life. It doesn't always happen like an easy walk in the park. You made little to no effort to try and join in with us; instead you balked at every attempt to make you part of the team and threw tantrum after tantrum when someone dared suggest a different approach to something. We did our best to welcome you but we can't stop the planet until you are 100% comfortable with everything and everyone. Some effort has to come from you, you know.

All the time you were with the group you went on and on about how you speak your mind and you're not afraid to say it like it is. And yet you didn't say anything of the sort but instead chose to take the coward's way out and leave us all in the lurch and in the dark. That hardly inspires respect, you know?

And, by the way, not responding to any of my messages regarding your job at the weekend on my team was just rude. All you had to do was say you were no longer joining us and that would have been fine. But I have to hear it third hand? Good grief...
Point mum... you didn't have to reply to the text AT ALL!
You wonder why i get into such a mood when you say this person has contacted you? BECAUSE YOU TEXT BACK!
Change your sim card! It's what I've been telling you to do for the past two weeks... but oh no, you know better!
At least I know that you'll end up landing youself in trouble with dad, then there'll be a huge arguement... so you don't need any help from me there, do you?
Oh for the love of..... Fine! Get engaged with that psycho! I'll be the better person and start anew. I'll attempt to fix things with her. However, I will tell her things that have been on my mind. I will tell her that she was stupid to accuse my friends of theft. I will tell her that she needs to grow a pair, be an adult, and talk to me about things instead of her bitching behind my back. Oh and dad, she better be worth it. Because if things like this happens again, I will walk out this time. And I'm not joking.
Planning a holiday is supposed to be fun. I'm not having fun, I'm stressed. To the point where I'm not even keen on doing this holiday thing anymore.
I can't even make dinner. I can't think straight. I use my indicators when I'm going around bends in the road. I forget where I put my things and then automatically think 'someone stole it!' even though they'd have had to climb through the window in my line of sight to get to where I thought my stuff were. I've got this mean headache, I'm feeling very numb and like I just want to cry, I'm going on 16 days now, this is the longest it's EVER been in my entire life and it's just wrong. Today I started feeling really dizzy to the degree where I thought I might pass out even though I was sitting on the floor.
When I tell you that I'm sad, don't tell me 'cheer up, I'm home now'.
When I tell you that you're the only thing that's kept me going, don't tell me to be strong.
When I tell you that I'm depressed, don't fffing tell me that we must be connected, my depression and your frustration.
That doesn't help.
Actually all it does is make me very, very angry at myself for being ****ing stupid enough to think I can talk to you about how I feel because of course you're not going to understand. You're not IN this hell with me. You may think you are, but you're not. Unless you've felt like stabbing yourself with a butcher knife today, don't say you know where I'm coming from. Me wanting to end it is different from you wanting to stuff people up at work for being idiots.
I don't think I can carry on like this anymore. Those stupid pills aren't working.
And shut up about fat people on tv. I'M FAT. You may not be talking to me or about me but IT STILL HURTS ME.
Please, please, please stop telling me how to handle the people I beta for. Yes, I'm stressed, but I agreed to do this and I'm not going to be a b*tch just because you think I'm overworked. I am overworked, but it's not just because of beta work. Just because I'm lenient with you, doesn't mean I negotiate with everyone I beta for. Then again, if I was friends with everyone I betad for for almost five years, then I probably would, but that's besides the point. I'm not going to threaten people that I'm going to drop them as a beta if they send me more than one chapter at a time. It would just be cruel to do that, even if I do get annoyed by it. You don't think I'm strict enough? Well, have you ever formally asked me to be your beta? No! You haven't. I volunteered. If you had, you'd know I explain all my rules very clearly. As long as people are respectful and they don't completely ignore my advice, then I don't care how our writer-beta relationship is. If they love me, great. If they hate me, fine. I don't care. I'm not going to purposely scare them, though, just because you think it's a brilliant idea. Which, it's not, really. It's unnessicerily mean and causes tension. I want to help these people, not hurt them and put them through the same situation that I went through when I first started writing. You say you understand, but you don't. So stop trying to suggest what I need to do with my life. If I didn't ask for your advice or your permission, I don't want it.
This wasn't my doing, was it? :( Because I personally think you're a great beta reader as you are. Me, I'm questionable, but you, you're one of the great.

No, no, no! It totally wasn't you. *hugs* It was someone else. That writer you recommended to me and I are working things out quite smoothly, I think. It's just...I was getting frustrated by something and one of my other friends immediately jumped to the conclusion that that was why I was mad and started telling me all this stuff, and I didn't want to go off in their face. @_@ Aww, thank you. =) I think you're a better beta than me, tbh.
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*sigh* It's just like the last time. Exactly like it. None of us have learned anything. We say we try, but none of us do. So unfair...
So a hug is supposed to make me forget that you've treated me like sh*t? How?
Also, if you think that I trust you now, you're sadly maistaken.
I smirked.
"Are you smirking at me?"
What is this? A three page tutorial on how to seduce while cooking? Y'know, we used to have a popular show back home called Vetkoek Paleis. So, to quote and translate Frik: WE'RE WORKING WITH FOOD HERE!!!!
I mean euw.
Well done for writing good M romance, but this is verging on the blah factor. Like, Stephen King's gross kind of blah factor.
The main character is also a slut. Not all women are sluts. Just like all teenagers shouldn't be mindless, easily manipulated girls.
This is why I hate Twilight and any Twilight-motivated writing (don't tell on me though, the people I beta for will not be pleased) and why I LOVE LJ's work so much more. I'm all for level-headed, confident girls who don't victimise themselves and who can foresee the possible consequence beyond the 'heat of the moment' action.
Okay I'm going to stop listening to this audiobook now because this is getting puke-worthy.