Please, please, please stop telling me how to handle the people I beta for. Yes, I'm stressed, but I agreed to do this and I'm not going to be a b*tch just because you think I'm overworked. I am overworked, but it's not just because of beta work. Just because I'm lenient with you, doesn't mean I negotiate with everyone I beta for. Then again, if I was friends with everyone I betad for for almost five years, then I probably would, but that's besides the point. I'm not going to threaten people that I'm going to drop them as a beta if they send me more than one chapter at a time. It would just be cruel to do that, even if I do get annoyed by it. You don't think I'm strict enough? Well, have you ever formally asked me to be your beta? No! You haven't. I volunteered. If you had, you'd know I explain all my rules very clearly. As long as people are respectful and they don't completely ignore my advice, then I don't care how our writer-beta relationship is. If they love me, great. If they hate me, fine. I don't care. I'm not going to purposely scare them, though, just because you think it's a brilliant idea. Which, it's not, really. It's unnessicerily mean and causes tension. I want to help these people, not hurt them and put them through the same situation that I went through when I first started writing. You say you understand, but you don't. So stop trying to suggest what I need to do with my life. If I didn't ask for your advice or your permission, I don't want it.