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The ranting thinking thread

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
CT: Grrrrreat. Now I can't even post on my FB status what I'm doing or how I'm feeling without receiving some kind of sarcastic remark about it? Yes, okay, I know that there is a chance that she didn't mean it in a sarcastic way and that she was being genuine (but then why didn't she just click the 'like' button as well?), but if it had been coming from my hubby, it would be dripping with sarcasm. That's actually something he would say. Considering she is his sister, I won't have it below her to be sarcastic like that.

Am I paranoid? I dunno. I'm feeling sick, I'm feeling tired, and I'm having breakdowns of all sorts at random periods of the day. One moment I think I just need a good way to shake off my stress and start taking up yoga, the next I'm contemplating calling the nurses and telling them I need anger management, pronto. I'm fairly sure it's NOT normal for mothers to cuss at their kids like this. I never have before so it goes beyond me why I am now.

Or, it could be because he's actually got a life. Yeah! He gets to go watch sports and he gets to go out and have fun with his friends. Me? Well let's face the reality here, in between taking care of the little ones and keeping house, I'd be lucky to have a break to take a shower. And then I'm usually met with the lounge coated in flour/milk/eggs, whatever the kids got into while I was not watching. And even if I DID get time to have a life, who am I going to spend it with? If I don't have time to keep my hygiene decent, where in the world will I have time to have FRIENDS? Um, hello?!

I don't resent the kids. I resent the choices I've made and I resent my hubby for not being in tune with me. I don't ask for help. I just DON'T. He knows this from experience. So instead of asking me 'how was your day' or 'how are you doing?' to give me that chance to let him know everything is NOT honkey-dorey, he asks me 'the social group has something going on this weekend, can I go?'
Like he's that much help at home? It makes no difference if he's here or not, so yeah, hell, go, please, get out of my face! And then he has the IGNORANCE to ask 'do you want to tag along with the kids?'

I hate my life. Very, very much.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
^ You remind me of how my mom said she was after she had me. She said that she had really bad postpartum depression. :( I hope everything works out in the end for you, Clair. -hugs-


Is not rat, is hamster
^^Well I completely get you there, C. Like, pretty much down to the last detail. That's why I've been put on the crisis intervention programme and a nurse sees me every week to keep an eye on me. You've had a lot to deal with recently so give yourself a break (mentally if not physically - free time, what free time?). Oh and it is TOTALLY normal to wind up swearing at your kids...even if it's not "you" frustration and stress can do that to you. It's nothing short of a miracle that my kids aren't scarred for life, the stuff I've said in anger in the past ;) Anywho, you know where I am and that I know how it feels - drop me a message if you want to chat/vent/take over the world :) xx



Actually, I'd better take this rant off until I know for sure what happened since I guess I was a bit hasty. >.> Too much stress, need to relax even more. Can't wait to go on that break. *sigh*


Nein, not ze puppies!
I don't care if I'm her "older sister and it's my 'job'" I don't care if it's about "learning". I've learned enough not to have kids until I'm ready enough to have my own. (I know we're never completely ready but that's besides the point...) No I'm not ungrateful, I love my sister, I love my family and I am very fortunate to have such a loving family, but enough is enough. I can't take it for much longer, too much stress going on....I'm going to take my aunt's offer and stay at her house for a couple days if this sh*t keeps up.

I want my life back! or what was left of it anyways!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Right... so I can't leave you two alone without you both tearing into each other. I've already had to stop you tearing into each other... I can't keep doing it. You buggers are p***ing me off. If I could, I take my mum far away from you, but she won't go because it's her house too.

I mean when was wishing your wife to have a heart attack classed as joke material? You're sick. You're lucky i hit you with a book because I could've hit you with my fist. Yes, I could've hit my own dad. But then again, there would've been a time he got a kick out of hitting other people. You don't say what you do to my mum and get away with it, especially sick stuff like that. My mum happens to mean alot to me. More than you do.

I know some people hate their in-laws, but you take it to another level. You have a go at me for wanting to go downstairs to say hello to my aunt and uncle... just because you control my mum, doesn't mean you can control me. They're my God-parents... I mean, who the hell do you think you are! Your ignorance doesn't rub off of anyone else! You want to be by yourself, you should've done what you've been threatening to do for years... MOVE OUT! Better still, go out an have an affair, then I can have the pleasure of throwing you out myself!

Between you arguing and my Great Uncle dying, today has been quite a bit of a shi**er


Oldschool DMC fan
Last night I was reading about 7pm, someone rang the doorbell... when I went downstairs to the door and there was nobody there. So I go back to reading. Five minutes later doorbell goes again. I'm getting a bit ticked, but I have a look and nobody is out there. I'm wondering at that point if some kids are playing around. Then I hear a car horn several times outside (this isn't unusual). I ignore it. Then someone starts overringing my bell, screaming and banging on the glass in the door with their keys. My boyfriend goes down to look and it's some woman. He opens the door and she's like "DOES KATIE LIVE HERE!?" (No, Katie doesn't live here, and thank God she doesn't if this is what happens when you call for her). Anyway she just leaves without even so much as a casual apology for nearly busting the window and making such a racket.

....I've heard *burglars* with more courtesy.

What is WRONG with people these days? You don't go hammering and shouting at someone's door, especially if you don't even know if they live there.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
What is WRONG with people these days? You don't go hammering and shouting at someone's door, especially if you don't even know if they live there.

Gone are the days of respecting one another.

Is it impossible for me to be ranked up to a General? I use to be one on my old account, which for some reason was deleted. Now I'm not 'allowed' to gain the final rank. Come on, my experience and my skills are a lot better than they were when I use to be a General. Surely that says something? Stupid game!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Great what a sh*t week. Family, death and now this.
I've seen it coming, just didn't think it would be this soon. Our football club has now been given a winding
up order from the taxman... the s**t is well and truly getting closer to hitting that fan.


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
Im really getting sick of u and ur bullsh*t. Like, legit, I am. I seriously dont know why I always come back to you when all you do is tear me apart some more, I have enough to worry about and I dont need your stupid bullsh*tery giving me an even more hard time. Legit, your making me f*cking depressed and worried about each and every f*cking day I have to be with you bc I have to walk on eggshells around you so tht u dont explode and take it out on me, like always. And Im just so sick of it, I only stay with you so tht no more stupid bullsh*t happens and makes my life even more worse. I seriosuly thought tht I can escape all my problems for a little while just by being with you, but no, you add more to it and I have to suck it up and deal with it. And, honey, theres only so much a person can take until they RLLY let u have it, so F*CK YOU!!!


Great Demon King of Evil
Damn you!
Once again you have burned my mouth!
Now you will pay with your life! *Shoots eye-beams*


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl

**** you Yorkie!
**** you McCoys!
**** you Dr.Pepper 10!

Speaking of which, has anyone seen the new Pepsi cans?
I think they've gone from 250ml to 200ml... why??
Because women prefer smaller tins...
I DON'T THINK SO!!! I'm a female and drink the damn stuff in pints! :p
The smaller tins cost the same price as the full size ones and they are really not worth the money!

On another note: F***ing ribs... f***ing flu jabs... ahhhh, f***ing money sucking b*st*rds!


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I just feel like I've done something wrong somewhere along the line, and I don't know...I just, guess I wanted things to be a bit different. I know I was a jerk before with how I was, but I really thought I was changing.

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