-edit- I started this post in the thinking thread but it turned into a rant of sorts, so I'm (hopefully) sparing everyone who doesn't like to read pitiful and lengthy posts.
I wish I was able to put what I'm thinking. My little head is a bit overcrowded with a lot of conflicting thoughts.
Thinking about this...
No, don't think about that, because of this and this and this! Sheesh, stop being so woe-is-me, just get on with it!
And then not long after I'm thinking about this....
And then, again, NO, stop it, you shouldn't have thoughts like that! But isn't it normal? Wouldn't anybody else in my position have the same thoughts? Would they be berating themselves for thinking about it? But what the hell am I doing, trying to think what others might think if they were in my shoes?! Nobody can tell me because nobody has a clue where I'm at, how I got here, all the itty bitty hellish factors that influenced me into my current state. Oh, plus, I'm apparently 'speshul' so nobody else would get where my head is at anyway.
I hate what family has done to me. And I hate what my friends have done to me. And I absolutely, positively, completely hate the fact that I'm crumbling to pieces already, and my mum hasn't even landed back home yet.
It's only been 12 hours since she's left.
And I don't want to speak to my mother today. My actual mom, not my mum in-law. I don't want to be put down or open up to her and be scolded at for being childish or being inept or being lectured to go find professional help or have the usual 'hmmm, oh, hmmm' that means she's not listening to what I'm saying. Basically, nothing my mom says, or doesn't say, will help me or comfort me or encourage me. So I don't want to talk to her. I'll just avoid her call again like I did last week. I feel a little guilty for it, only because she's oblivious to what I'm going through, but it's easier to skip past the oblivious-factor than to deal with the blatant ignorance factor. She won't smell the coffee even if I funnel it up her nose. And if she does, she's not going to change, and she's going to continue on by pretending the issues don't exist or are not of vital importance because anything that doesn't fit in my parents' world is ignored.
Funny that I can talk to my mum and feel so close to her, but the thought of talking to my own mother about the same things only makes me depressed and angry. Can't blame me, though. That's my parents, and that's me.
At least having everyone else take a nice long nap has given me time to vent and cry for a bit. The last thing I need is my hubby asking me 'why are you crying?' (I mean, really?!) or telling me 'don't cry'. I think I might actually turn on my heel and leave the house if he does.
I'm having a really bad day.