Plus its a football rant about money and idiots...
THAT! IS THE WORST forum that I have ever been on. (I don't think i can say what the forum is called... may get banned from here. I'm not bitching about here... I love it here ).
MALE FORUM?! You all whine bitches! You fight like bitches, you slag each other off like bitches... and you moan about ME?! Yes I'm female, but I'm more manly than the friggin lot of you. (Well, except without the male components. If you know what i mean

) That's the main problem isn't it... I'm a girl in a male football forum...
Heads in the clouds, you have no idea. This twonk is leading us a merry dance and before you know, we'll be bankrupt and sailing up s**t creek without a paddle!
A stadium for Cornwall. Fine if you like rugby and can fill it with with 4000 fans, but we don't even get 600 when we play at home. Selling off our pitch and surrounding area, losing £1.5million+ a season the chairman wanting his money back... ITS COMMERCIAL SUICIDE!
But no. You idiots are too blind to see that... Okay so I signed the petition for the stadium, BUT i've had time to think it through.
Plus I must be getting old fashioned but I thought the point of going to a football match was to support your team?
Who gives a s**t what colour they are wearing as long as they are doing well. They got rid of the red and black... GET OVER IT! You weren't that bothered about it when we got to Wembley back in 2007!
As for the anybody swearing at the ground will be banned for life rule is the biggest crock of s**t that I have ever heard of! Supposing we're losing... "oh f--k this is lame" *tapped on the shoulder* I'm sorry, you swore, you will have to leave the ground... Just makes me want to swear.
And whoop, you go to matches, well not all of us have got an OAPs concessionary bus pass... travelling isn't as cheap as you think! You think every Manchester United fan goes to Old Trafford every time they play at home... like heck they do. You are idiots!!!!
I've called you bitches and that's what you are... paying money to a little hitler just to be treated like bitches... tell you what, come to me, I'll make you my bitch... FOR FREE!!!