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The ranting thinking thread


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
If that's true, then it's still not really relevant. If people don't know that a large part of the gaming community is female, then obviously they're going to cater to a male audience because they *think* the gaming community is mostly male. So that's not an argument that proves gaming is sexist or anything like that.
And even if they knew that 52 percent of gamers were female, it's probably the case that women don't play as many violent video games as men do. I'm assuming girls are part of this 52 percent, and most young girls I don't see playing Gears of War or DOOM or whatever. There's a good chance that a fairly decent percentage of that 52 percent is female gamers who play indie games or simple games like Candy Crush or simple platformers, etc etc. Probably a lot of handheld games too.

So my point is also that there are certain games that are geared towards men and other adults who love gory and adrenaline-pumping games. It would logically follow that in such games, there is fan service for men (half-naked women, or simply beautiful women who kick ass, and so on. In any case, to go from all this to claiming 'sexism' is a bit of a stretch.

Daimo, tell me that you're kidding, right?! That's is narrow minded! A great part of DMC fandom are women, same with Metal Gear and Halo, etc. If you really believe on what you said, or you are REALLY misinformed or you live in another planet.Most of DMC fangirls prefer playing DMC3 over DMC4, because it's violent , gore and straightforward.Women like violence as much as men.
Yes, sexism is overrated , but sure a lot of people have legit complaints about it.


Crimson Sentinel
Daimo, tell me that you're kidding, right?! That's is narrow minded! A great part of DMC fandom are women, same with Metal Gear and Halo, etc. If you really believe on what you said, or you are REALLY misinformed or you live in another planet.Most of DMC fangirls prefer playing DMC3 over DMC4, because it's violent , gore and straightforward.Women like violence as much as men.
Yes, sexism is overrated , but sure a lot of people have legit complaints about it.
I'll have to disagree with that: it has been proved scientifically that women and girls tend not to enjoy violence as much as men. It's only logical really, considering they often have lower levels of testosterone.

To be clear, I'm not saying women or girls don't ever play violent video games. I think you misunderstood what I said, and that's my bad. I'm saying there's more men and boys (not a lot more, but still... more) who play violent video games while girls prefer to play other games. I'm just saying that it makes sense for the industry to let their violent video games focus mostly on the male crowd -- because 52% of the gaming community being female is not much, when you think about it. I'd say at least 3 or 4 % of that 52% prefers not to play overly violent video games, and don't. Remember, the gaming community is filled with kids as well, you know.
Many people don't even play the mainstream video games on consoles... so that detracts from that 52% too.

As for 'sexism is overrated'... I think you meant to use a different word than 'overrated' :p You probably meant that sexism is too quickly used in reference to something, not that people ''value sexism too much'''. And believe me, I try my best not to be ignorant, and I'm very socially liberal (as opposed to economically liberal I mean) for US standards (I live in the Netherlands)... feminism as it should be is something that's dear to me, and I don't think I have any hateful/ignorant views on women.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
It was listed as a contactless payment so details aren't provided - but it was done in two convenience stores so my guess is cigarettes and alcohol.

Other people suck

Could your bank refund you the money since that is fraud.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yeah,they're sorting that now. It's the principle that gets me. And the fact that he stole my son's DLA to fund his lifestyle.

At least the police have two more CCTV cameras to check now...

Oh yeah I completely understand. It's the principle that matters. Good, I hope they catch the idiot responsible.


Well-known Member
I'll have to disagree with that: it has been proved scientifically that women and girls tend not to enjoy violence as much as men. It's only logical really, considering they often have lower levels of testosterone.
Has it been proven? I've never heard that before. Mind sharing some sources? I'm curious. You can PM me if you don't want to bog down the thread. Thanks, man. :thumbsup:


Crimson Sentinel
Has it been proven? I've never heard that before. Mind sharing some sources? I'm curious. You can PM me if you don't want to bog down the thread. Thanks, man. :thumbsup:
Can't find a link to any specific site about it at the moment, but it is well-known that most women (most, not all, I'm not trying to generalize here) like gory video games less than men, because they simply don't care much for gore because of lower testosterone levels -- and simply due to the fact that their brains don't function quite the same as men's. http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/how-male-female-brains-differ?page=2
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_of_sex_differences#Male_vs._female_brain_functionality (under 'cognitive tasks' is a little info too).

It has a basis in evolutionary theory that women are usually not as interested in most sports and violent and gory things, because they just never evolved to become hunters. If evolutionarily men and women were the same, and men and women tended to their children in equal amounts, then women would probably be more similar to men today. Women were always the more social creatures, while men were the ones interested in things that had to do with fighting, hunting, and even gathering.

I'm not saying Wikipedia is always reliable, but I'll have to provide it as a source, at the moment. I do trust Wikipedia to be accurate on important matters like this, considering such topics are monitored by experts and changed to reflect what is accepted to be true. The link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_and_video_games#Differences_between_the_genders
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Well-known Member
Can't find a link to any specific site about it at the moment, but it is well-known that most women (most, not all, I'm not trying to generalize here) like gory video games less than men, because they simply don't care much for gore because of lower testosterone levels -- and simply due to the fact that their brains don't function quite the same as men's. http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/how-male-female-brains-differ?page=2
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_of_sex_differences#Male_vs._female_brain_functionality (under 'cognitive tasks' is a little info too).

It has a basis in evolutionary theory that women are usually not as interested in most sports and violent and gory things, because they just never evolved to become hunters. If evolutionarily men and women were the same, and men and women tended to their children in equal amounts, then women would probably be more similar to men today. Women were always the more social creatures, while men were the ones interested in things that had to do with fighting, hunting, and even gathering.

I'm not saying Wikipedia is always reliable, but I'll have to provide it as a source, at the moment. I do trust Wikipedia to be accurate on important matters like this, considering such topics are monitored by experts and changed to reflect what is accepted to be true. The link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_and_video_games#Differences_between_the_genders
See, this is what I thought you were going to post. A lot of this can easily be explained as men and women being raised completely differently right from birth. So it's not that men are inherently better at this or women are inherently better at that, it is how we're raised and how gender is immediately forced on us. I also hesitate to say that something was scientifically proven just because there were some studies on it. Theories, yes. Proven fact, maybe.

There's an article about this I found very interesting. I can see if I can find it again, but this is getting into "should have it's own thread" territory.

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
this might be a little late but that article about the 52% of gamers are Female
lumped playing games like candy crush on a phone as the same thing as playing battlefield on PC

it didn't really differentiate between casual and hardcore
so take that as you will

but that being said i do stumble upon plenty of girls playing Counter-Stike GO and that's about as hard core as it gets


Well-known Member
Brother's wife wasn't planning to invite us to my younger niece's birthday.
We are the only family from their father's side these kids have in this town, my dad is the only living grandpa they have, yet we are apparently not worthy of coming to the kid's birthday party.
I know she is a bitch, but she could at least think of her children's feelings... oh wait, she obviously stopped doing that some time ago.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
But I told you specifically that my landline is buggered. I can't receive calls on it, nor can I use it to phone out. So why the confusion about not being able to reach me on my landline?
I also can't use my mobile to ring anyone. I don't have enough money on it to make a call, and I need to keep enough for texts on it in case I need to reach hubby.
So all in all. Is it my fault I couldn't pick up the phone and call someone, like I say I'll do if push comes to shove, again and again? Is it my fault it had to happen on the day when hubby was working late?
I don't want anyone to know I've totally failed.I managed one year, and all it took was one bloody bad day combined with some exhaustion.
F it.
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