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The ranting thinking thread


For Sanguinius!
Okay... *deep breath* In this time and age why are there so many ignorant, bigoted, religious nut jobs on the internet. Had to unfollow my hubby's work mom for her s****y post about her super right-wing "I love G-D" so I can share my ignorant views. So many people say "We need more G-D!" then turn around and spit so much venom it's not even funny. I thought good christian and catholic people where about love thy neighbor and all that good stuff. Not these people it seems. Just so stupid that don't even know what they are talking about. Shame on them for hiding behind religion to spew their hate filed ignorance. Hells, I'm not going to consider these people 'religious' anymore. THEY are the reason people are so put off by religion and so hateful. No one else is to blame.

I'm just so sick and tired of this. It to the point it is making so depressed it's not even funny. Need to find something positive or a really good decision. I felt my brain cells kill themselves when I read those post.

Man that felt good. Sorry if anyone is offended, but I need it. :x Living in the USA just makes me sad when I know these kinds of people also live here.....(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)....No!....it p***** me off! If I had money I'd move. Far away, far away.
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Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
Okay... *deep breath* In this time and age why are there so many ignorant, bigoted, religious nut jobs on the internet. Had to unfollow my hubby's work mom for her s****y post about her super right-wing "I love G-D" so I can share my ignorant views. So many people say "We need more G-D!" then turn around and spit so much venom it's not even funny. I thought good christian and catholic people where about love thy neighbor and all that good stuff. Not these people it seems. Just so stupid that don't even know what they are talking about. Shame on them for hiding behind religion to spew their hate filed ignorance. Hells, I'm not going to consider these people 'religious' anymore. THEY are the reason people are so put off by religion and so hateful. No one else is to blame.

I'm just so sick and tired of this. It to the point it is making so depressed it's not even funny. Need to find something positive or a really good decision. I felt my brain cells kill themselves when I read those post.

Man that felt good. Sorry if anyone is offended, but I need it. :x Living in the USA just makes me sad when I know these kinds of people also live here.....(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)....No!....it p***** me off! If I had money I'd move. Far away, far away.
oh i know that feel

my family is as Catholic as Catholic gets
and there all fine and good hearted

but as soon as the gays come up
all of those teaching all those years of trying to love one another

and i'm like
love thy enemy you know
turn the other cheek
treat other the way you wish to be treated
any of these ringing a bell?
how about minding you own damn business

as far as i'm concerned
if there even is a heaven
if your a good person you should go there regardless of your beliefs or sexuality


For Sanguinius!
oh i know that feel

my family is as Catholic as Catholic gets
and there all fine and good hearted

but as soon as the gays come up
all of those teaching all those years of trying to love one another

and i'm like
love thy enemy you know
turn the other cheek
treat other the way you wish to be treated
any of these ringing a bell?
how about minding you own damn business

as far as i'm concerned
if there even is a heaven
if your a good person you should go there regardless of your beliefs or sexuality

Indeed. If you are a good person it doesn't matter your beliefs or sexuality. Since in heaven we won't have bodies and just be floating around. lol

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
On the subject of religion, depression and being gay (since all of these have lately been affecting me in one form or another) I've gotta get this off my chest.

1. Depression is not a ****ing sin. To compare depression with being a sloth is a new level of stupid. Nobody ****ing chooses to be depressed. Just because you've 'read the whole Bible' and you're a pastor and all the answers are in the Bible, doesn't mean YOU KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. So much for 'knowing' your Bible. Don't think this guy has ever read the book of Job.

2. Frozen does not promote being a lesbian. How did you come to that conclusion? Because Elsa wasn't falling over her feet to try and win herself a partner, the way Ana was? Or is it because of the true love hug between two women at the end? Is that it? THAT'S what made you believe this movie is promoting gayness?
Okay. So what about Ana acting like an ignorant hormonal young adult who would have jumped into bed with Hans the first chance she got if this wasn't a kid-friendly movie? OR, or, what about the parents punishing Elsa for the rest of her life by locking her away from her sister because of an accident when they were little kids? OR, maybe it's actually promoting INCEST since true love is found between SISTERS? No, WAIT, I know! It promotes bestiality. I mean come on. Sven and Christoph? There's something there, man. Even the trolls know it. OR, what about Elsa being a witch? She's obviously inherited magical powers from somewhere in her bloodline? Why is THAT not an issue?
I mean, look, people will often only see what they want to see. And all of the above are probably subliminal brainwashing by the Illuminati because the points are fair, and they're there if you look for it. But promoting gayness? Hardly. That's like throwing a punch and totally missing the punchbag.
To me, Frozen explores broken relationships, how you need to trust family because at the end, family is all you've got. It teaches about the love between siblings, even if they are estranged. It teaches that there are bad asshats out there who won't blink at taking advantage of your innocence and playing with your emotions to get what they want, ie, con-artists. It teaches that love doesn't happen at first sight. It teaches you that even a reindeer has personality, that ANIMALS have personalities, and to value their lives/company as much as the next person. That sometimes animals ARE better than people. It teaches to take care of one another. And that there is always, always, that ONE person (I'm referring to Olaf here).

3. Being religious does not give you the right to condemn. And if you do choose to judge, do it as you would want it done unto you, with the same rod. With compassion, understanding and empathy. With kindness. If you preach that you're a Christian, then walk the talk. I'm fairly sure Jesus didn't go around and tell people who suffered from epilepsy or blindness that it's because of some terrible sin they've committed. Jesus healed the broken, He didn't smash what was left of them into dust. Religious people tend to judge others quite harshly because 'they know better', but really they don't. They conveniently forget that Jesus once challenged this mindset and showed its flaw. I mean get with the program already, people.

4. I'm SO sorry that you mistook my decision NOT to post my profile picture in rainbow colours as being hypocritical. The last time the word was forced upon me, was when Nelson decided to recreate SA into a 'rainbow' nation. That was a total ****up, if you didn't know. Also, YES, I am a Christian, and no I do not approve of homosexuality. I believe God created woman to be companion to man. Homosexuality, in logical thinking, therefore existed before woman - yeah, it didn't seem to work out as intended, hence the creation of woman. Read Genesis. Does that mean I think you should go to hell for being homosexual? No. Do I think it's wrong? Yes. Am I going to spout hateful comments at the LGBT community on my FB? No. I'm also not going to change my profile picture to 'show my love' for my neighbour, because in actual fact, it would be a show of acceptance and promotion of homosexuality if I did that. Which goes against my beliefs. Do I love gay people? Well I adore Ellen Degeneres. I pick her show over Dr. Phil any day. Do I love my gay cousin? Of course I do, with all my heart, since he's my favourite and all. Do I love my gay friends? Hell yes, I do, I would still go the extra mile for them, defend them, go out to dinner with them and not feel weird about it, no different than I do with my other friends.
Does that mean I have to be okay with them being homosexual? No, it does not. I don't love them any less. We're all sinners. We're all trying to get through this world together. We're all in the same boat, just with different issues. I'm no better than them and they're no less than me. We are all equal, because some people forget that all sin is equal in the eyes of God.

Now stfu and stop trying to make me feel guilty for not going all rainbow on FB.
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the horror was for love
I'm really f-ing sick of this. Every time I tell you not to touch something that goes into a meal, you ignore me and then get ticked off when I'm mad because the recipe I saved it for can no longer be made. News-f*cking-flash, you are not the only person in this house that needs to eat. You are not the only person in this house that likes sweets. This is why I don't like to make anything sweet. You are so f-ing greedy anytime food is involved. You act like you're the only person in the house and like all the hours I spent cooking didn't happen. I'm sick of it. Gods be damned, I need my own house.


Well-known Member
I don't like the smell of coffee, actually makes me a little light-headed; so guess what I have to do on my first day in the store?
Empty and refill all the coffee containers for my entire shift.

Ah, first day on the job and were already off to a rollicking good start.
(But seriously, the place is actually a lot better than I thought it would be.)

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm suffering enough already without listening to you bitch. If you call to "check up on me", then once it's clear I'm alive, let me off the ****ing phone. Don't whine to me about my cousin's imminent wedding, grandma, and random **** that really has no great impact on you in the slightest (i.e. bitching for the sake of bitching).

Gods, I am not picking up the phone for the rest of the week.


Elite Hunter
There's this girl here talking about respect towards women and not considering them just as sex objects... all nice and good, but have you seen how you're dressed, girl?

If you don't wanna be considered a sex object, how about not presenting yourself as such? Hm? How about putting on shorts that are not glorified panties? Or a shirt that doesn't have a big ass cleavage? I bet you don't even wear bras. GTFO, really.


Crimson Sentinel
People really need to stop calling everything racist. Apparently, casting a white person as Spider-Man is now racist. That's right, it's racist not to cast a black guy as Spider-Man. Wut? But then, what about the other races? By their logic, there's no way anybody can do anything right. If the choice of one race for one actor already means we're racist, then... I guess we need to cast somebody who is all races at once? So what should we do... cast a partially black, partially Asian, partially Indian and partially caucasian dude as Spider-Man? Come on. I honestly think a lot of people don't even know what the word 'racism' means. In essence, it means the idea that one or more races is inferior to another, which leads to their unfair treatment. At no point has there been any indication that the choice of a white Spider-Man was because of racially biased motivations.

It's pretty much the same problem as this new insistence that everything is sexist. Bayonetta showing some skin is sexist? Quiet showing skin is sexist? Why? I know I've ranted about this on my profile page already, and I actually don't feel like doing it again. It's just that as soon as something caters toward a male audience, suddenly it's sexist. Well sorry, the gaming community is mostly male, and many women have no issues with this. These female characters are even usually characterized very fairly, and they can even kick ass. Seriously, if I told people in my country about how some feminists are behaving concerning this, they would laugh their asses off. This stuff... only in the US could there be such a large concentration of ignorant people. Seriously.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Foxtrot94: I usually just whisper "I'm gonna clean your handlebars" if I want to turn my bike on. Do bikes have ears?

Yes, all those points are all well and good. But I'm pretty sure Daimon's point was about how sensitive people are becoming/have become. Everything ends up getting labeled, or should I say classed as something that it probably isn't just because of how touchy and sensitive people can be about certain things. It's a fair point, because people do like to do it. There's this particularly increasing necessity to brandish and pass something off as "racist, sexist, ageist" simply for possibly incorporating certain themes or elements that you could accuse it of being such. But is it really so? Or does it boil down to a much larger case of people being too quick to judge things and point blame and fault where it otherwise needn't be pointed?


Is not rat, is hamster
To the pikey who stole my purse yesterday:

I know you don't care, because thieves don't, and you're probably some filthy smackhead anyway, but you didn't so much steal my money but my disabled son's. It was his money for him to enjoy his special day out in a place we can't usually go to.

He was really looking forward to his ice cream and special carriage ride. He couldn't wait to go to the funfair.

Instead, he sat sobbing in a corner in the police station surrounded by strangers in a situation he couldn't possibly even begin to understand, having enjoyed none of the above activities because you, waste of oxygen, stole all his money.

Hope the fix was worth it. Wouldn't want you to overdose or anything.


Crimson Sentinel
@Daimon Leon
C'mon dude. Bayonetta is not just "showing some skin". She shows A LOT of skin.
And she turned on (ehm... no pun intended) a motorbike by fingering it. Fingering. A bike.
But she doesn't show any genitals or anything like that, and there has been no indication that the game is sexist. Sexism is the idea that one sex is inferior to another -- that's pretty much the basic idea that lies behind it -- and at no point do I feel like the game is sending that message. If anything, it shows how powerful Bayonetta can be, which could possibly be a point in favor of the game being slightly feminist.

It just makes no sense to say that just because a game is sexual, that also means that it's sexist. Just because something caters to a certain audience or group doesn't mean it's slandering or discriminates against another group or sex.

If that's true, then it's still not really relevant. If people don't know that a large part of the gaming community is female, then obviously they're going to cater to a male audience because they *think* the gaming community is mostly male. So that's not an argument that proves gaming is sexist or anything like that.
And even if they knew that 52 percent of gamers were female, it's probably the case that that 52% of women and young girls don't play as many violent video games as men and boys do. I'm assuming girls are part of this 52 percent, and most young girls I don't see playing Gears of War or DOOM or whatever. There's a good chance that a fairly decent percentage of that 52 percent is female gamers who play indie games or simple games like Candy Crush or simple platformers, etc etc. Probably a lot of handheld games too.

So my point is also that there are certain games that are geared towards men and other adults who love gory and adrenaline-pumping games. It would logically follow that in such games, there is fan service for men (half-naked women, or simply beautiful women who kick ass, and so on. In any case, to go from all this to claiming 'sexism' is a bit of a stretch.
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
To the pikey who stole my purse yesterday:

I know you don't care, because thieves don't, and you're probably some filthy smackhead anyway, but you didn't so much steal my money but my disabled son's. It was his money for him to enjoy his special day out in a place we can't usually go to.

He was really looking forward to his ice cream and special carriage ride. He couldn't wait to go to the funfair.

Instead, he sat sobbing in a corner in the police station surrounded by strangers in a situation he couldn't possibly even begin to understand, having enjoyed none of the above activities because you, waste of oxygen, stole all his money.

Hope the fix was worth it. Wouldn't want you to overdose or anything.

Oh my gods, I would be so, so ****ing ****ed, in your shoes. I'm so sorry for your son. All it takes is one asshole to ruin a person's day, but when that person is just a little boy, that's rough. I hope they catch the SOB.

CRT: Ffs, he's leaving on the ex tomorrow! Can they not let him come home early one ****ing night this week? Just. One. ****ing. Night. Is that too much to ask? The military "puts families first" my ass. >.>
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