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The ranting thinking thread


Well-known Member
I am really sick and tired of this type of people

Compare this crap to Marvel and how their heroes and villains look. There's variety, there's color, there's people who actually make them look like their comic book counterparts with all the right modern movie touches!

People have to really try hard to defend this stuff. Get whoever is behind these movies to watch DC's animated material. Just put that on the screen for frick sake. It would work, and be more DC than this sh!t.

Its because of them that we can't have anything good. Of course someone is going to say these people are just giving their opinion. Well there is a difference between giving opinion about something and going around and S***ing Crap on every single Atomic nucleus just because you didn't like it.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I hope my therapist doesn't show up right now.
Explaining to her that I entered the wrong version of my book into an online competition and therefore I'm in tears would just seem insignificant to someone who isn't a writer.:':)'(

Why do I do these stupid things? I had like 17 damn chapters to reali-
STFU and GTFO depression. I'm only human. Nah, scratch that - it's school holidays, I've got four very demanding kids, and I got up too early and haven't had breakfast and need another cup of coffee. I'm allowed to make mistakes!
But it just had to be the first time I enter a competition, didn't it?

This is what my head's been like for the past few weeks. No exaggeration.
Yes I'm bat:poop: crazy, didn't you know? COME AT ME BRO.


Elite Hunter
I am really sick and tired of this type of people

Its because of them that we can't have anything good. Of course someone is going to say these people are just giving their opinion. Well there is a difference between giving opinion about something and going around and S***ing Crap on every single Atomic nucleus just because you didn't like it.

May every god of every religion bless you.


Supporter 2014

-- Bruce Wayne had so much fear toxin in him that all he needs to do now is be around criminals to make them hallucinate -- he literally releases his own toxin spores in the air through his skin pores and makes people see monstrous hallucinations that way. I only thought that the fear toxin had broken down by then. Apparently, that's not the case according to one of the more popular fan theories out there.


Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
you know whats annoying about the steam fourms

someone asks a question
i usually see and give a good detailed answer to there question
they say thank you
i say your welcome

then 3 hours later someone comes and gives a half assed answer to the same question
and i'm like "can't you read we already answered the damn question"


Well-known Member
you know whats annoying about the steam fourms

someone asks a question
i usually see and give a good detailed answer to there question
they say thank you
i say your welcome

then 3 hours later someone comes and gives a half assed answer to the same question
and i'm like "can't you read we already answered the damn question"

Yeah and you know whats also annoying is when someone posts a thread about something and then a little while later you end up having +5 copies of the same thread


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Dear sir,
No ,big breasted women have no more libido than any other women; no, they aren't sluttier , nor they are more promiscuous than all the men and women in this Earth.
They are no better nor worse than any other human.
Thank in advance for your understanding!


the horror was for love
So...you called her a slut because she wears form fitting clothing, had a one night stand (and various other relationships) when she wasn't even with her boyfriend at the time, and because she's flirty? And then you got your army of YouTube asshats to walk around, echoing you, whilst shooting down anyone who remotely tried to explain why you were wrong with the most childish insults they could think of? What the hell is your problem? Do you even know what that word means or why so many people were upset? It wasn't because she's a fictional character. It's because so many people have decided that any woman who dresses provocatively and has had more than one boyfriend is a slut and deserves to be shamed for it. And it's disgusting. A woman should be able to be aware of her sexuality and should be able to use it. It does not automatically mean she's going around, screwing every guy she sees, despite what you and your idiot minions may think. That's what we were trying to say to you. And the fact that you just kept on saying all those things (while calling anyone who disagreed feminazis) just shows how much you didn't get it. Then again, what should I expect from you? You ignored all the male characters and stayed on female characters for a long time to stare at their boobs and make comments about them. But, you know, if her being a flirt makes her a slut, then doesn't you "enjoying the view" make you a disgusting pervert?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
What the actual ****, Inkitt?! I know, I know for an effing fact that I went through the chapters I posted, re-inserting the italics in the appropriate areas...

...So why are all of my goddamn italics gone?!

ARGH! :banghead:

Edit: And I literally just wasted my time doing it again. I kind of like being able to distinguish my characters' thoughts and the points of emphasis from the rest of the writing...
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Well-known Member
Big thanks to Itsuno, Kobayashi and their team for chopping up Bingo's story so much that not only people are still arguing on Nero's background in mid 2015, and it's only getting more heated, but now some don't even believe Nero was injured or was even any amount of demon before developing that arm. Cause kids with snow white hair are born every other day apparently.
And 99% of the answers to questions I see is in the book most don't consider canon. ****.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Big thanks to Itsuno, Kobayashi and their team for chopping up Bingo's story so much that not only people are still arguing on Nero's background in mid 2015, and it's only getting more heated, but now some don't even believe Nero was injured or was even any amount of demon before developing that arm. Cause kids with snow white hair are born every other day apparently.
And 99% of the answers to questions I see is in the book most don't consider canon. ****.
Let us pray sister! Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire,and lighten with celestial fire! Amen.


Well-known Member
**** my life, **** this computer! Yesterday afternoon the power suddenly went off in it. Everything was plugged in nicely, looked okay, but each time I wanted to turn it on it would reach windows and turn off. I opened the box, warranty has been out for ages now anyway, and everything seemed okay. Been tossing and turning in my bed not just from horrible heat, but worrying how much will the repair cost me. In the morning I was so frustrated I opened the box one more time and cleaned all the dust from the ventilator. Closed the box, set it in its usual place and tried to turn it on. I heard a bang and it turned off again. Then I remember hearing something fall just before it turned off for the first time. I look inside through the holes, the ventilator has fallen off its place somehow. I open the box, set it in place, but it seems on one side the plastic that holds it in place has... vanished? Broke off? Was abducted by aliens? Anyway, I decided to try turning computer on while the box is sideways, so the ventilator has nowhere to fall. It works. I mean, you can see it yourself since I'm here, but it ****ing works.
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