Just finished watching a documentary with the guys about neo-nazis in America. They've got to be one of the most hateful and stupid groups out there. It seems to be full of a socially frustrated, uneducated and violent underclass who hate anyone different to them, and feel like they're getting a raw deal all of the time.
It's scary how they're allowed to go around preaching such an awful message, and even scarier that they're getting new followers.
The whole basis for their hatred is ridiculous as well. Someone looks different, so what? Someone is taking jobs that most people wouldn't, yet these nazis complain.:facepalm: And they hate Jews because they think there's a conspiracy going on to do with money and power.

A few of them even said they hate physically and mentally disabled people and that they weren't even people. :thumbsdown::bored:
Their speeches were weak as well, not one powerful aurator amongst them. They just shouted, full of so much hatred, fanning the flames of fear amongst the gullible and malcontent. To me, it sounded like 'white power, murica, we hate everyone, blame the jews, asqwwwwfhj.':laugh: The one guy looked like he was going into a full on conniption fit:laugh:
Don't these people understand that history is built on immigration, conquering and cultural assimilation? Modern America is all thanks to immigration from all over the world; and yet these neo-nazis want to deny people the same thing their ancestors had.
I'm all for freedom to speak, but these people...:thumbsdown: