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The ranting thinking thread


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Just because you follow me on tumblr doesn't mean I'm following you back. I'm very picky about what I see on my dash and I don't want it full of ponies, p*ssies, d*cks, cats, pokemon, t*ts, a**es, memes, sex blogs, pink stuff, herbs, weed, sh*t singers, sh*t actors, sh*t bands, sh*t rappers, models who need to eat sandwiches, plants, your backyard, your thumb...none of that bulls*t!!!!

And on the topic of tumblr, tagging your pieces of work as 'my art' won't benefit you any, because nearly every artist tags their sh*t with that too:mad:


Supporter 2014
Well, I know one person I'll be avoiding (like the plague) on tumblr... :cautious:
DMC vs. DmC sparks in forums.
Get used to it, pal.
You know these annoying people on the forum who are so opinionated and immature that you just can't have a conversation with them without visualising smacking them in the head?
Hey... I resent that. :lock:

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I waited over a month for the Xbox One to arrive from the place my Fiancee ordered it from, then it was meant to be delivered on a day when we were both out but then they said it would be delivered on Monday (stroke of luck as someone would be in). However I get home today and they have tried to deliver it... when there was no-one in and spent 20mins trying to organise for it to be delivered again after it said invalid tracking number. I would have had chance to use it tomorrow as im not at work. Now overtime is starting at work Monday, the very day its going to arrive so im not going to be able to get time to use it anyway!

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
It's not just the DmC vs. DMC battles that p*ss me off; they, sadly, are unavoidable. It's some of the blatant hypocrisy that's come up with it that really irks me.

I have said, time and again, that though I dislike DmC personally, I have nothing against anyone else for liking it. However, that is all I have said against the game; I do have a plethora of reasons why I don't like it, but I don't bother to bring them up, because I know it's a matter of opinion, and no matter what flaws I find with the game, others aren't going to feel the same way, nor do I have any inclination to make them see from my point of view. They have a right to their opinion, as I have a right to mine (we'll get more into this, in a moment).

I don't pick it apart, I don't pick arguments with the DmC fans over it, and I don't bash it to all and sundry.

Now, to get to the point: As I have shown this courtesy, quite a few DmC fans who are so grateful for this open-mindedness seldom practice it, themselves. If I were to actually openly bash DmC, the hounds of h*ll themselves would probably be chomping at my heels for daring to say a negative word against it; as it is, it's awkward enough merely mentioning that I dislike it, just to have someone say, "I don't see what's not to like about it." Okay, Mr. Average Joe; explain to me why, then, you dislike my game of choice?

But, I never pose that question; why bother? It's their opinion, and like I said, I'm not out to change it. But the real kicker is this: it seems to me there's a fair bit of butt hurt in that particular part of the community. Now don't get me wrong; quite a few have been open, understanding, and good people all around. But occasionally you get that jacka$$ that, while whining and crying about people "bashing"DmC, turns right around and bashes one of the original DMCs.

In short: why are fans of the original DMC games expected to take it when their preferred series is bashed? Why is it okay for a straight-up DmC fan to spew all the b.s. they want about the other games, but if someone from the main series were to do the same, all heck breaks loose?

I'm just sayin'. If you want courtesy, then you should likewise give it, as well. Again, I have no problem with people liking DmC; I don't care if you like both franchises; good on you, if you do. I just want to understand why yours is suddenly so much more sacred than mine is?

Oh, wait. It isn't.

Okay, rant done. -_- Sorry guys, but man, **** like that really p*sses me off.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
What bugs me is that someone can't like both without being treated like some sort of 'criminal'.

I've noticed that, too. I get tired of the whole "divide" thing. Yeah, there are those strictly for the original series, and there are those strictly for the reboot. But, there are many more that belong somewhere in between on that vast spectrum.

Too many people have this, "All or nothing" attitude about it. :/ No one should feel like they're being raked over the coals for liking what they like.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
frank miller. he is a writing god, yet people do nothing but disrespect him. he, unlike most people in the industry, understand comics. and not just that, it angers me that people keep misinterpreting what he's doing. he writes satire. his best works are twisted parodies of how he sees a specific topic. DKR=politics, DK2=comics themselves, all star batman=current batman comics, robocop=monopolies. and even things that are SPOON FED to us, people still don't understand. "300" is stupid. there were no giant elephants and monsters in this time period. YOU IDIOT! miller has stated himself that he wrote this as a "fisherman's tale".


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I can't believe the cr*p that has happened today. I've never known an animal to get so... 'upset' because it had to go to the vets. I can appreciate that she needs to be seen by a vet every so many months to qualify for that insurance thing, but if she gets like this again in July, I'll go nuts.
The only time that she has settled down is when I was asleep this afternoon. She was lying on the back of the sofa behind me (like a fluffy pillow/earmuff)...
I'm sick of the stress, and I don't know how much more I can cope with.

Dammit! I need a new avi...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I can't believe the cr*p that has happened today. I've never known an animal to get so... 'upset' because it had to go to the vets. I can appreciate that she needs to be seen by a vet every so many months to qualify for that insurance thing, but if she gets like this again in July, I'll go nuts.
The only time that she has settled down is when I was asleep this afternoon. She was lying on the back of the sofa behind me (like a fluffy pillow/earmuff)...
I'm sick of the stress, and I don't know how much more I can cope with.

Dammit! I need a new avi...

I'm assuming you have a cat? How does she act when she knows there's an impending vet visit? I'm also guessing she has health complications? Or are these just routine visits?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'm assuming you have a cat? How does she act when she knows there's an impending vet visit? I'm also guessing she has health complications? Or are these just routine visits?

Yes I do (Tilly). Well, because she's a small cat she can hide almost anywhere in the house, so you have to shut the doors to some rooms. Yesterday, she spent 30 mins 'yowling' because the doors were shut. Then she hid underneath a bookshelf, then sat on another shelf (defiantly) on top of my PS3... she went back below the bookshelf and (10 mins later) was eventually 'dragged' out and put in the carrier. On the walk down she hid underneath the fleece blanket, and when she was in the room with the vet, she refused to get out from beneath the blanket so the vet had to examine her underneath said blanket (lol). When she got home, she walked out into the kitchen and hid behind the dryer (with all the dust).
She is healthy (which I'm very thankful for), but she has to go every six months to renew this PDSA Pet aid certificate (it means that she can get 'discounted treatment' as long as you donate to the PDSA).
When we had our last cat, you didn't have to take your pet to have them checked over, but they've brought this rule in that you have to so the practice can get money out of the owners for a 'consultation'.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Yes I do (Tilly). Well, because she's a small cat she can hide almost anywhere in the house, so you have to shut the doors to some rooms. Yesterday, she spent 30 mins 'yowling' because the doors were shut. Then she hid underneath a bookshelf, then sat on another shelf (defiantly) on top of my PS3... she went back below the bookshelf and (10 mins later) was eventually 'dragged' out and put in the carrier. On the walk down she hid underneath the fleece blanket, and when she was in the room with the vet, she refused to get out from beneath the blanket so the vet had to examine her underneath said blanket (lol). When she got home, she walked out into the kitchen and hid behind the dryer (with all the dust).
She is healthy (which I'm very thankful for), but she has to go every six months to renew this PDSA Pet aid certificate (it means that she can get 'discounted treatment' as long as you donate to the PDSA).
When we had our last cat, you didn't have to take your pet to have them checked over, but they've brought this rule in that you have to so the practice can get money out of the owners for a 'consultation'.

Ah, I see. I'm glad to hear she's not one of the more...violent cats, when it comes to visits to the vet. It does sound taxing though, having to chase her all over the place just to get her there, only to have her be as uncooperative as possible once there. XD

On one hand, the donations sound like a good thing; but on the other, it shouldn't be something you're coerced into doing. Maintaining your pets is costly enough, without them adding more to the heap.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
ARRRRRGH!!! so, there is this girl i like. now, she's a strange person, but in the best way possible, but she just doesn't respond to my texts. i've only texted her around three times in the span of a week or so. i don't want to think she likes me, but if she does, what am i to do? she gives me these weird looks, laughs at all my jokes (even the god awful puns i purposely make to annoy people). and at first, anybody and myself included, would say, "that just means she's a good friend". and sometimes i'd be more comfortable with that, however, she does this thing, where if any of our friends "holla" at a girl, she just laughs, but if I do it, she gets snippy and tells me to stop. am i over analyzing this situation? should i text her again? would that make me a creep to text her again? or is she one of those girls who wants a guy to "be spontaneous"?
...girls...i love you. but stahp playing with my emotions...staaaaaahhhp

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
ARRRRRGH!!! so, there is this girl i like. now, she's a strange person, but in the best way possible, but she just doesn't respond to my texts. i've only texted her around three times in the span of a week or so. i don't want to think she likes me, but if she does, what am i to do? she gives me these weird looks, laughs at all my jokes (even the god awful puns i purposely make to annoy people). and at first, anybody and myself included, would say, "that just means she's a good friend". and sometimes i'd be more comfortable with that, however, she does this thing, where if any of our friends "holla" at a girl, she just laughs, but if I do it, she gets snippy and tells me to stop. am i over analyzing this situation? should i text her again? would that make me a creep to text her again? or is she one of those girls who wants a guy to "be spontaneous"?
...girls...i love you. but stahp playing with my emotions...staaaaaahhhp

It's hard to say. Trust me, at the best of times, I don't understand my own gender. XD

In any case, try being upfront with her, and ask her what she thinks of you. Make it clear you're not interested in playing any games; if she doesn't feel the same way, let her know you respect her feelings, and give her space. If it turns out she does like you...well, best of luck with whatever follows. :)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
she does this thing, where if any of our friends "holla" at a girl, she just laughs, but if I do it, she gets snippy and tells me to stop.
Flirt with her when she tells you to stop it. Like, 'would you rather me holla at you?' or 'meh, you're right, I should stop, you're way hotter than those girls', or just something flirty. If she likes you as more than a friend, it'd be obvious in her reaction to your flirting. If she doesn't like you more than that, she'd probably get annoyed with you and hopefully shut her face the next time you 'holla' at a girl.
Teh love-smarts, sometimes you gotta use 'em.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
ran into a dude earlier today who was clearly basing his spider-man knowledge on the that ****ty 90's tv series. i'm sorry but after rewatching that series...it was just so bad. such a poor imitation of the comics. and a lot of the things that bugged me in the show were clearly inspiration for the raimi movies (and now i know why i don't like the raimi trilogy either)


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Was I the only one who liked that 90's series?
yes. i believe you are. but its okay. i brought you fried chicken


the horror was for love
You know...it's people like you that make me dislike multiplayer. We were supposed to clear the area as a team. Not last man standing. If you didn't want me sticking with you, you could have waited until the match was over and asked me to stop through LIVE. You didn't have to make me die with you to get your point across. And, y'know, maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't been trying to kill me so bad, we might have won the match. :/
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