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The ranting thinking thread

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Why the hell do you insist on phoning me everyday?

Oh right, it's so you can spout on and on about whatever you want, ask me how things are going on my end; one half nosy curiosity, because we both know you don't give a sh*t and you just want to live vicariously through me, and the other half some obligatory b.s. on your part.

Then what do you do when I actuall deign to give you a tidbit of how things are going on my end? You cut over top of me to continue with the same crap you always go on about.

If you happen to recall anything I say, and if it was something of a somewhat serious nature, you either see fit to give me advice I didn't want or need about it, or make overly-opinionated comments about it if it doesn't have to do with me per se, but a friend of mine that you felt the need to ask about (despite not having seen them in five years or more).

If I don't give you any "juicy tidbits" from my life or the lives of those closest to me, you whine about not having anything to talk about. Well y'see...we wouldn't have this issue, if every time I went to tell you something about me you actually GAVE A DAMN and showed actual support about my aspirations and didn't cut across me to go back to your sh*t (because f*ck knows I haven't told you about any of my problems for years, so when I do give you info on me, it's usually of a neutral or positive nature).

One of these days, all this word vomit I've been choking back for all these years is going to come out, and y'know, I'll be relieved when it does, because it's been a long time coming, and we both know if I calmly talk it over with you, the same over-sensitive b.s. you always pull will come to the surface. I could be as gentle as possible, and you'll still take it like a spoiled child. So f*ck it, I'll embrace the day I stop holding back.

I'm so glad DNA is all that really binds us.


the horror was for love
F*cking hell, can I post a single god d*mn chapter without something happening to delete all my edits and my author's note?! Or without the internet cr*pping out on me and closing the webpage?! Is it too much to ask for, huh?! *just wants to curl in a ball and sob*


Devil hunter in training
Automated checkouts, please go away. I don't use them on principle because it's taking a job away from a person, but the one time I did, it went like this:

Checkout: There is an unexpected item in the bagging area. Please ask for assistance.
Me: Yeah, a bag, that's so unexpected. :tongue:

I'm never using those things again. They're such an inconvenience.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Is there a liquid I'm NOT going to spill on myself (not to mention everywhere else) today?!

F*ck...I really liked that hot chocolate, too.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I hate it when someone calls me an idiot or a brainless sheep just because I believe in a religion (Christianity).

Like dude, YOU asked me what I believed in and then you insult me about it?! What's the point of even asking?!


Is not rat, is hamster
Automated checkouts, please go away. I don't use them on principle because it's taking a job away from a person, but the one time I did, it went like this:

Checkout: There is an unexpected item in the bagging area. Please ask for assistance.
Me: Yeah, a bag, that's so unexpected. :tongue:

I'm never using those things again. They're such an inconvenience.
I use those checkouts because I like to play shops...never going to grow out of that one. Even when I worked in shops I loved messing about with the cash register. It's like I'm a perfectly normal-ish 31 year old adult as I go around Tesco's with my trolley and my shopping list and putting in sensible items like bread, milk, Toilet Duck etc...and then I get to the self-service area and turn into a 7 year old with the biggest toy till I've ever seen.

So pathetic...


Oldschool DMC fan
Checkout: There is an unexpected item in the bagging area. Please ask for assistance.
Me: Yeah, a bag, that's so unexpected. :tongue:
It does that because you have to scan each item and then put it down and wait for it to register the weight being put on the pad. Like, at proper sloth speed, and not do anything in between or it gets all 'confused'

TECHNOLOGY :thumbsup:

Sad that the idea may be out there but the current technology where you find it is still lame.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I love those automated check outs... I hate to sound socially ignorant but at least I don't have to do 'small talk' or 'banter' with 'check out' people *gets uptight talking to strangers*
Thing is, when my mum is with me, she moves stuff from the pad and puts into carrier bags... I go mental... I always end up going 'DON'T DO THAT!'... So now she just leaves me to it (lol).


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
why do some,mother in laws have a grudge against you for no reason when they don‘t even really know you and can‘t justify why when asked and they treat you like dirt and crap

My mum had to put up with that. Heck, even her mother-in-law tried to split my parents up by getting my dad to see other women... right now, I just wished she had tried a little harder... :hungover:

CRT: f**k it! the world does NOT revolve around you! I do have other problems and this time, you AREN'T one of them... stop flattering yourself and stop turning everything into some sort of 'competition'. You might have to put up with dad, but I have to put up with both of you!


Is not rat, is hamster
why do some,mother in laws have a grudge against you for no reason when they don‘t even really know you and can‘t justify why when asked and they treat you like dirt and crap
I have a mother-out-law, as I call her (but not to her face because I don't want to die) - basically, she's my daughter's grandmother and whilst she can be nice and generous and all that stuff, she's immensely critical, judgmental and has an opinion on EVERYTHING. And whilst she thinks she knows me, she has never made the effort to really talk to me and instead has made a load of assumptions and told herself it's true.

When I met Steve and was preparing to move away from my hometown to get married, she was completely unsupportive and made it about her and how I was "stealing her granddaughter" away and how "selfish" that was of me to want a better life with someone who cared about me and in an area where I wouldn't have to pick needles up from the park in the morning before my kid could play in there.

She also had the audacity to say (following the death of my ex, her stepson) that she had "more right to be upset than me". I don't even know what the hell that was all about...woman can be a heap of crazy sometimes. Now I have very little to do with her other than to arrange pick ups for my daughter to go and visit in the school holidays. Turns out she moans and complains about me to my daughter (who has very little patience for that sort of thing) so Jess has pretty much had enough of her as it is.

tl;dr - mothers-in-law are crazy. And I know I'll be one of them one day, but I shall try not to be too mental


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I have a mother-out-law, as I call her (but not to her face because I don't want to die) - basically, she's my daughter's grandmother and whilst she can be nice and generous and all that stuff, she's immensely critical, judgmental and has an opinion on EVERYTHING. And whilst she thinks she knows me, she has never made the effort to really talk to me and instead has made a load of assumptions and told herself it's true.

When I met Steve and was preparing to move away from my hometown to get married, she was completely unsupportive and made it about her and how I was "stealing her granddaughter" away and how "selfish" that was of me to want a better life with someone l

omg can totally relate to you except change taking granddaughter away to her daughter and its the same situation especially because an opinion was formed about me based off her own assumptions and stuff she decided on and she has neer spoke to me about it tried to sort it out or anything and now that our 6 week old daughter is in the picture she is trying to get my fiancee to move home for a few,months and basically treating her like **** and speaking to her in the most vile wa that it turns my stomach

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
why do some,mother in laws have a grudge against you for no reason when they don‘t even really know you and can‘t justify why when asked and they treat you like dirt and crap
Because they're full of ****, that's why. If you're a good person and have done nothing wrong, don't mind her.
My mum had one of the worst mom in-laws in the history of mankind. I mean she really was a bitch, and I ended up getting some of the brunt of that resentful/hateful relationship too when I was a kid. My gran would spoil my older brother to heaven and back, but she wouldn't bat an eye at me. I was the 'evil' spawn because I looked like my mum. I can guarantee that if I'd had blue eyes instead of brown (because my dad's entire family have blue eyes) then I would have been more acceptable to her.

Point is, mother in-laws are generally painful to deal with. I was absolutely terrified of meeting my mum in-law (when hubs and I were still only dating) because I only had my mum and my gran as rolemodels of how things were going to be, which I guess is why I took my father in-law as well as I did. I already saw her as the purple witch or green dragon or monster in-law or whatever, simply based on stigma and experience.

PS. My mum in-law rocks hard. I love her as much as my own mum, if not more.

Current Rant:

Really, **** you Google+ and youtube, you conspiring asshats. I don't want an entourage of immature pro-choice atheists following me from youtube onto my personal page, so NO I do NOT wish to comment under my Google+ ID.
I mean WTF.
Have the staff no idea just how war-ridden comment sections are on YT? I don't want some guy who has anger management problems to stalk me and possibly hurt me or my family just because I agreed with someone else who said 'you're wrong'. I might.... you know. End up in prison. Or somethin'....:whistle:
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Is not rat, is hamster
ur mother in law,should not be bad mouthing you to your daughterceither that is wrong and pathethic sounds like she should hear a few home truths about herself you angel are a much better person than her hold onto that
Haha i'm not that much better - i have planned and executed many revengeful plans in the comfort of my mind...

She's just who she is and i doubt she will change any time soon...but she's 115 miles away and i don't have to see her. Ever.


Supporter 2014
Turns out she moans and complains about me to my daughter (who has very little patience for that sort of thing) so Jess has pretty much had enough of her as it is.

tl;dr - mothers-in-law are crazy. And I know I'll be one of them one day, but I shall try not to be too mental
Here's my viewpoint:

Maybe... if you don't like the outlaw... and your daughter has had enough of the outlaw... and if the outlaw is just being terrible in general... then it might be a good idea to... keep your distance.


I dunno. I'm just so used to burning bridges (it makes me feel vindicated, and puts me in a position of power, when all is said and done -- also, there are just a lot of people out there that I don't like and would prefer not to be around, ya know?) that it's just something that I would do.

I can't be bothered to "maintain the whole political facade," so I just avoid it altogether -- that's what I'm trying to get at, here.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Haha i'm not that much better - i have planned and executed many revengeful plans in the comfort of my mind...

She's just who she is and i doubt she will change any time soon...but she's 115 miles away and i don't have to see her. Ever.

ha ha i am 4 hours away from mine but we go up once a month one time she slipped out in her garden and broke her leg i should feel guilty as when i heard i laughed but i dont lol
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