My oldest sister called my dad today. She didn't mean to. She meant to call her father-in-law. What bothers me is my dad got so excited to hear from her and she just said, "Merry Christmas, we're going snow-shoeing, goodbye." My brother in West Virginia calls more than she does and he can't afford it as much. The only reason she'll call is if there's something she wants (to borrow the four-wheelers), or for her yearly visit. That last one is an exaggeration. She at least visits twice a year.
She's become to wrapped up in her in-laws that she seems to have forgotten that she has family that would like to hear from her. She doesn't have to call every day. But she could call on holidays. She didn't call on Christmas or Thanksgiving, and those are two days that tend to mean more to my family. Especially Christmas. She's the only one that didn't call. And she can't use the claim that she doesn't have enough time. My other sister doesn't either and she calls often. My brother is in the military and he still manages to call on important days. I just hate seeing my dad ignored by one of his favorite kids. He's so proud of her and she doesn't make much of an effort to contact him.
I also got annoyed the last time she came to visit. My dad wrote a book for the family. Stories from his life. She got her copy and the first thing she said was, "Where are the pictures?" I'm the one that printed it out. 127 pages. Multiply that by seven and you'll understand why it took several cartridges of ink. And this is a printer with a separate cartridge for each color. I felt like hitting her with the book.