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The ranting thinking thread


Well-known Member
If dad just spoke to me earlier today instead of using fb as his means of communication with me even though I'm in the next room and very obviously doing chores ie. NOT on Fb, then I probably wouldn't have had a breakdown like I did. Cant take stress. I can barely take care of my kids, let alone something urgent and important like printing out flight seat bookings for tomorrow ******* morning when my printer is out of ink, the stores that sell the ink are all closed and I'm forced to jump a favour on my bestie when she's already running late on her own schedule...just....agh!!!!
Have a cute animal picture

...it's on the house :)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
He is an immature selfish barbarian. Im not going out of my way to do anything nice for him again. Shouts and hoots the car at me like that in front of my own ****ing home and then expects me to go buy him medicine and **** while he's at starbucks. Nice. Some people never change. He'd never hoot or scream at his stupid dogs like that but he would to his only daughter whom he hasnt seen in 2 years. **** you old man. Cant wait for this douche to **** off back to the hellhole from whence he came. Biggest asshole ever.


Well-known Member
My oldest sister called my dad today. She didn't mean to. She meant to call her father-in-law. What bothers me is my dad got so excited to hear from her and she just said, "Merry Christmas, we're going snow-shoeing, goodbye." My brother in West Virginia calls more than she does and he can't afford it as much. The only reason she'll call is if there's something she wants (to borrow the four-wheelers), or for her yearly visit. That last one is an exaggeration. She at least visits twice a year.

She's become to wrapped up in her in-laws that she seems to have forgotten that she has family that would like to hear from her. She doesn't have to call every day. But she could call on holidays. She didn't call on Christmas or Thanksgiving, and those are two days that tend to mean more to my family. Especially Christmas. She's the only one that didn't call. And she can't use the claim that she doesn't have enough time. My other sister doesn't either and she calls often. My brother is in the military and he still manages to call on important days. I just hate seeing my dad ignored by one of his favorite kids. He's so proud of her and she doesn't make much of an effort to contact him.

I also got annoyed the last time she came to visit. My dad wrote a book for the family. Stories from his life. She got her copy and the first thing she said was, "Where are the pictures?" I'm the one that printed it out. 127 pages. Multiply that by seven and you'll understand why it took several cartridges of ink. And this is a printer with a separate cartridge for each color. I felt like hitting her with the book.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Where is the balance between my world and this world? It's like a door I go in and out of. This world I have made can only be for a special someone. For now I'm alone in this world. When I'm in the world everyone else is in I'm not alone at all. Rare logic?


Supporter 2014
Rare logic?
Nope. We all have our own personal worlds where everything is perfect. This world is for those who don't want to change reality and are "happy with the way things are".

Either way, I see your point.

Your world > Everything else.

My world < The reality I want.


What do I want from humanity?

4. Every city must look like either Tokyo, Shanghai, Dubai, Singapore, or at the very least, Houston (they have a great skyline). I really love futuristic-looking cities.

3. Everyone should be able to work their dream job. And education for that dream job must be readily available to anyone that wants it.

2. More theme parks. Like, everywhere.

1. A real life version of Hogwarts.

Or at the very least, a Jedi Academy. Thank God for ninjutsu schools.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
There must be a reason why the majority thinks you are an instigating, irrelevant prick. You bring nothing new to the table, you purposefully like being irritating, and yet you wonder why nobody likes you. Hardly anyone likes what you say, and you act like you don't care but it really makes me think that you are nothing but a jacka** behind the facade of your cowardice, and that's all you'll ever be. Others can see you for a nice guy all they want to, buy you ain't nothin' but f*cking c*nt a** b*tch. Good luck trying to play the "cool" guy when the head honcho comes in...

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Waiting until Jan 9th for my Xbox One to be delivered (present from Fiancee) and just found out that both Amy and I will be at work when its delivered and cant change delivery address/time. So going to have to wait for them to attempt delivery and then reschedule for an even later date... already had to wait 2 weeks+ by then (low stock everywhere) and I have a controller and games just sitting here taunting me.


Well-known Member
Waiting until Jan 9th for my Xbox One to be delivered (present from Fiancee) and just found out that both Amy and I will be at work when its delivered and cant change delivery address/time. So going to have to wait for them to attempt delivery and then reschedule for an even later date... already had to wait 2 weeks+ by then (low stock everywhere) and I have a controller and games just sitting here taunting me.
Perhaps a friend can help you out? Also 9th Jan is release date for MGR PC on steam.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Perhaps a friend can help you out? Also 9th Jan is release date for MGR PC on steam.

Thing is I dont have a time frame its meant to be there, cant expect anyone to sit around my house until I get in from work with my dogs. Although hopefully they have a busy day and dont deliver it until after 2pm because I shall be home then.


Oldschool DMC fan
Thing is I dont have a time frame its meant to be there, cant expect anyone to sit around my house until I get in from work with my dogs. Although hopefully they have a busy day and dont deliver it until after 2pm because I shall be home then.

I got stuff delivered to my workplace a few times when that happened, or my OT's workplace. They seemed OK with it if it was a one-off or whatever. For something valuable you don't wanna miss, they won't mind?

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I got stuff delivered to my workplace a few times when that happened, or my OT's workplace. They seemed OK with it if it was a one-off or whatever. For something valuable you don't wanna miss, they won't mind?

Im thinking of doing this in future as everyone else does it, I didnt in the past as our workplace isnt that easy to find (on a business park) and was afraid my items would get returned to depot if they couldnt find it. However most services know where we are now so not as big of a risk of that as there once was. Cant change delivery address with this now though apparently, so only option is to leave note on door of my house to leave it with a neighbour or to bring it to my work address (only 5mins down road).


Oldschool DMC fan
I have to put notes on the door where I live, the building isn't marked with its name and it's hidden behind another building. Most of the time the couriers find it, but they've got better at locating me this year, maybe got updated maps or tech for that suddenly. If you're in a business park, I reckon there's a good chance they'd find you or they'll ask around till they do. But I suppose that kinda depends on the courier. Some are awesome, some not so awesome... (the best one so far I used was DPD. Their online tracking and timing is pretty good).

Dante's Ghost

Browsing The Halls of Fortuna Castle
Haven't logged on my account on this forum for a while----a new look I see. Hummm, kinda like the old style? More uplifting? aha ... Low budget ?


Oldschool DMC fan
Paypal: I'm afraid you really just kind of suck balls.

Some jackass randomly accidentally transfers me $580.00 by accident, you charge me for their mistake? Resolve issues with the "resolution centre" that don't work properly by... suggesting I use the "resolution centre" and find the "buyer" in favour in this case? Smooth. They didn't buy anything, you douchewits.

2.15 hours into the new year. This is why I believe in evil kami.
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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
You know these annoying people on the forum who are so opinionated and immature that you just can't have a conversation with them without visualising smacking them in the head?
My little brother is like that.
Tried to have a chat with him the other day in the car. It was like running into a brick wall over and over again. So I eventually gave up, compared him to some of the idjits on here, and told him to shut the f up if he can't have a proper discussion.
Can't. Stand. It.:banghead:
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