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The ranting thinking thread

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm frustrated with myself; I almost want nothing to do with reality. I'd rather spend all my time reading, playing videogames, or watching a show than dealing with the b.s. that comes with living around here.

I don't want to socialize with anyone in this town. I don't want to enter another awkward conversation with someone every time I go to drop my daughter off at school. I want to be left alone. I like my f*cking solitude, and after the last couple of "friends" I made out here turned out to be really f*cking unstable, I want nothing more to do with anyone else in this messed up area. I have friends back home, and that is the only time I want to socialize.

I want to focus on my dreams, for once. Writing is already f*cking hard enough without outside influences getting in my way. There are days I'm afraid I'll never get it done, never succeed. More than anything, I want to succeed at it. The funny thing is, I'm also afraid of what will happen, if I do succeed.


Because I'm such a private person; because I don't want to have to sit through interviews-especially if cameras are involved. I want to be as amazing as Stephen King, Anne Rice, and any other authors I look up to-but I don't want the attention that comes with it. I want people to enjoy my literary works, but I don't want to have to make an appearance.

Sometimes I wonder if that fear specifically is what holds me back. I know I'll never be the authors I idolize; I won't even come close and besides, they write from different genres than I see myself writing for. That being said, though...I don't want to be another Stephenie Meyer. While I'll admit not every sentence of her books was terrible, the plot as a whole was. If you like the books, fine...but I don't want to be her. I never want to be compared to her, ever.

Fear really is a destroyer. With writing being what it is to me, I can't afford to lose my dreams...if I do, what the hell will be left of me?


Devil hunter in training
Current Rant:

Really, **** you Google+ and youtube, you conspiring asshats. I don't want an entourage of immature pro-choice atheists following me from youtube onto my personal page.
As opposed to mature atheists? :tongue: Sorry, couldn't resist that joke. But seriously, each to their own, and neither the two shall meet. I've seen hatred and vileness on both sides. It's sad that people can't get along, always flinging childish insults and then thinking they are better. But that seems to be what youtube is about these days.

Have the staff no idea just how war-ridden comment sections are on YT? I don't want some guy who has anger management problems to stalk me and possibly hurt me or my family just because I agreed with someone else who said 'you're wrong'. I might.... you know. End up in prison. Or somethin'....:whistle:
I don't like what the Google+ Youtube alliance is doing either. The comment section is faulty half of the time, downvoting is also sporadically broken, and the whole making people get an account with their real name....how's that working for you, youtube?:tongue: That was supposed to crack down on the trolls, but it has just encouraged people to make fake names as usual.

Not sure how you could be imprisoned for disagreeing with someone on youtube...that would be crazy.

I tend to stay clear of youtube these days. It's a cesspit of advertising, stalking your likes and gathering info on you for advertising. It's just not worth the hassle.


Oldschool DMC fan
Why is it that mothers never seem to like the girls their sons date...
just what IS a 'nice girl' to them, anyway?


Is not rat, is hamster
Why is it that mothers never seem to like the girls their sons date...
just what IS a 'nice girl' to them, anyway?
A "nice girl" is a fictional creature that will vary from mother to mother. No one will ever be good enough and it's pointless trying.

I know this because I know I will be one of those mothers. I don't want to be, but I can just sense it coming up at some point...especially where Jacob is concerned. Even when Steve suggests the mere idea of Jake getting a girlfriend, I immediately turn into a lunatic and claim he will stay with me forever. Which is both weird and scary.

As far as Josh is concerned, we've agreed we will simply hand the girl in question a good luck card and shoo them both out of the door. Seriously, whoever takes him on has to adore Stewie Griffin for it to work out...


Devil hunter in training
Why is it that mothers never seem to like the girls their sons date...
just what IS a 'nice girl' to them, anyway?
Maybe they feel threatened that some other woman is taking their son away and see it as replacing them? I hear that's one of the reasons.
They just don't like that another woman is doing what they used to do, so now they feel useless, and their position threatened. Very sad and pathetic. They should be happy that a woman wants to be with their son and love him when she is dead and gone. Instead they have these impossible expectations.

It's the same with fathers and daughters. My dad is still very protective of me, and I'm an adult. :tongue:

Mothers and fathers have lost their sons/daughters over their inability to accept the man or woman in their child's life.


Oldschool DMC fan
Hard to understand when they also 'replaced' their parents with girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse etc before they had children? I don't think anybody replaces anyone... but your time does get taken away from them by a relationship, and it's almost non existent by the time people have their own kids, kids seem to take up every minute of time.

My mother is a bit crazy that way... not only this way but also she gets possessive over my sister's kids. It's like she wants to adopt them so my sister won't be bringing them up.


Devil hunter in training
Hard to understand when they also 'replaced' their parents with girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse etc before they had children? I don't think anybody replaces anyone... but your time does get taken away from them by a relationship, and it's almost non existent by the time people have their own kids, kids seem to take up every minute of time.

My mother is a bit crazy that way... not only this way but also she gets possessive over my sister's kids. It's like she wants to adopt them so my sister won't be bringing them up.

I've seen friend's parents become like that where they have actually said they feel replaced. It's like a switch flips and they become jealous and possessive. It just makes my friends incredibly unhappy that their parents can't accept their fiancé or husband/wife.

You're right about the grandchildren thing. If grandchildren come along, grandparents suddenly play nice just to see the child. Or if there aren't grandchildren, they pester their child to give them one like it is duty, and suddenly they like their child's partner just to get a grandchild. It's just weird to me how people can be like that.
I certainly wouldn't have a child just because crazy inlaws thought I owed them one. No thanks, I have my hands full looking after other people's children.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I've seen friend's parents become like that where they have actually said they feel replaced. It's like a switch flips and they become jealous and possessive. It just makes my friends incredibly unhappy that their parents can't accept their fiancé or husband/wife.

For the first few years my husband and I were together (only dating/engaged, then) his mother got weirdly possessive of him, asking for favours from him that she hadn't asked from him since he was maybe ten (such as rubbing her feet). The more frequently she'd expect it from him (he wasn't having any of it), the more we both got the same impression. There were other things, too; I can't even tell you how many times she would bring up another girl he'd known in my presence. Sometimes said girl would be an ex of his, other times would be just some girl he knew via a babysitter or whatever, and usually one he disliked greatly (bratty, snob-types). His mom would go on and on about how "good-looking" these girls were, saying he'd missed out. It even came up that I wouldn't have been her first choice for her son.

It bothered me more back then, than it does now. Primarily she's dropped a lot of that attitude (we've been together just over nine years, and married for the last one, after all), and based on the fact that he wasn't interested in who his parents would have chosen, it was easier to let it slide.

My relationship with his parents is fairly good, otherwise.

But man, people who get along with their in-laws to the point of liking them more than their own parents are few and far in between. Glad we're not the only clichés, lol. :p


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Smoking or drinking during pregnancy can make your baby GAY, claims professor:

The suggestion that the lifestyle of an expectant mother can affect their offspring's development has been put forward in Professor D*ck Swaab's new book `We Are Our Brains.`

My Grandmother smoked all throughout her three pregnancies (both my Uncle's and my mum's) and they're 'straight'... fudging idiot...plus, I can't help but if the Professor is working under some sort of 'false name' so no one knows who really wrote it... twonk.

First, I laughed my ar$e off, then wondered if the 'Professor' was smoking something when he came up with this.
Then I thought, "Stop coming up with such trash and do something brilliant and of use to the world... like CURE CANCER!"

(Sorry if the apostrophes are in the wrong places).


Devil hunter in training
My Grandmother smoked all throughout her three pregnancies (both my Uncle's and my mum's) and they're 'straight'... fudging idiot...plus, I can't help but if the Professor is working under some sort of 'false name' so no one knows who really wrote it... twonk.

First, I laughed my ar$e off, then wondered if the 'Professor' was smoking something when he came up with this.
Then I thought, "Stop coming up with such trash and do something brilliant and of use to the world... like CURE CANCER!"

(Sorry if the apostrophes are in the wrong places).
Wow...what sort of moron says that?! They're treating homosexuality like it's some kind of punishment for starters.
Tell that to the women in the 1950's who smoked and were encouraged to drink Guinness during pregnancy. I doubt all of their children were homosexual.

If you want to caution against smoking and drinking in pregnancy, then use real facts and studies of foetal alcohol syndrome, not homophobic rubbish.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
when people say that they are a huge fan of something and then show the world the exact opposite. take superman for example. now as much as i love man of steel, i still think superman returns is the greatest superman movie of all time. why? people he DOESN'T HAVE TO ****IN PUNCH ANYTHING!!! if you think that superman HAS to fight all the time or want to see him engage in battle, you miss the point of the character completely.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Insomnia. I really, really hate insomnia. I've been dealing with it sporadically since I was about five or six. My mind needs to shut the f*ck up when I go to bed. I probably have ADD, but I'll be damned if I get diagnosed.

For one, if everyone went to a doctor to see if they have a mental or personality disorder, I guarantee we'd ALL be diagnosed with something. I. Guaran-f*cking-tee it.

Secondly, even if the disorder is "legitimate", the last thing I want is to wind up dependent on medication for it. I know people who have been on various meds for various things, and I swear it does more harm than help. I don't want that; it scares the hell out of me.


Oldschool DMC fan
Wow...what sort of moron says that?! They're treating homosexuality like it's some kind of punishment for starters.
Tell that to the women in the 1950's who smoked and were encouraged to drink Guinness during pregnancy. I doubt all of their children were homosexual.

If you want to caution against smoking and drinking in pregnancy, then use real facts and studies of foetal alcohol syndrome, not homophobic rubbish.

I hope they never find this "gay gene" they're looking for.

Being gay isn't a choice. Choosing a gay lifestyle is, just like having a straight relationship is a choice if you're straight, but being gay is not chosen. If there were a "gay gene" at least people would get off the backs of us who are for 'choosing it', but if there was a gay gene, you could figure it would probably become legit in half the world to take measures to kill your unborn gay kids. I think finding out "what makes people gay" would never be a good thing, just abused.
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