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The ranting thinking thread


Well-known Member



One Hell of a Member
There's a thing going around facebook that a guy wants a million Likes then a wife will 'let him have a baby'...
Do I even need to rant?!
UTTER STUPIDITY *slams head into desk*.
I feel your pain. Unfortunately, there's no way around this cause stupidity exists wherever you go.

Why people let facebook dictate their lives? I don't know....
What the hell is a like gonna do anyway?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I said 'most' and i said 'as far as i have known ' they have indeed been one. No offense intended to 'any' working-class woman.

In my experience, there were woman-colleagues constantly sticking their ego up my face and i was passive in ignoring but it only worsened cuz they got an impression i was a 'coward' and they started adding fuel to the fire.I refuse to develop a thick skin in this case.Seriously, Don't take offense to whatever is being said in these threads. Its quite un-ethical to respond as 'grow-up' when it wasn't even directed at you. Else, shut down this thread for good.

Besides, I'm 5' 6" and 28. I can't grow taller beyond this age.Pun intended.:tongue:
I think it was more of a sense of those ladies should grow up instead of bitching. The comment was in agreement with you.
I don't think the growing up comment was directed at you. Or, at least, that wasn't what I got from Stalker's comment.

Also, don't let these women boss you around. It's not right and it's not acceptable from either gender.

....seriously so funneh. XD

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
People. Just STOP. I'd rather mourn the death of our country than the death of an idealist with no sense of reality.
F.W. De Klerk, I don't know if you're still alive, but if you are, may you get the biggest effin cramp up your ass (again). Thanks for ****ing up our country and our futures.
N.R. Mandela. Yeah. ****. Whatever.
I hate how people are hailing this guy as a saint when, whilst in prison, he signed off on several terrorist attacks in our country.
He's no different to any other president out there. Everyone is praising this guy for saying 'hey, look, I'm black, I'm president, I'm for equality, eh, rainbow nation for teh win eh, I choose no side'. And then what happens? The opposite. They never accomplish what they set out to do because it's all an effin farce to get into the position for power.
Promise the people equality: and suddenly because there are more black people in employment, suddenly the white people are being spat upon and shown no respect. I stood in a cue in the bank one day with my mum, there was a big black mama in front of us and an older white man in front of her. You know what she done when she got tired of waiting in line?
She shoved the old guy out of the way.
When he reprimanded her for it, she said 'no, this is the new south africa, things don't work that way anymore.' ie, I'm black and therefore more superior so get out of the way.
Needless to say, myself, the old guy, one of the black security guards and another coloured lady intervened and told her off and to get back in ****ing line.
But this is the majority's mindset.
Thank you, Mandela. Thank you for absolutely nothing you twat.

Oh, and before I get attacked by Mandela suckups: have you ever heard the saying that the path to hell is paved with good intentions?
I rest my effin case.
I'm on the verge of defriending all these idiots on FB who keep hailing him as the best thing to ever happen to South Africa.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
De-friend them. Mandela was only put in power for the same reason any other person is allowed to be put in power... the U.S. was behind it.

Why? Africa has no oil... *oh yes, I went there*


It's like my parents say, no one says anything bad about the dead (speaking ill of the dead I think they call it) and no one will about Mandela.
Imagine what would happen if people came forward with something like you've just said, there would be...well, more than trouble. Behind it all, from what I've heard, Mandela was also a wife beater (so I've heard). But like I said, you wouldn't hear something like that.
In the UK football premiership league some teams had a minutes applause and others had one minute's silence...
As for the 'path to hell is paved with good intentions'. I've never understood it, but I do now.
Plus, if any other country drove a dead ex-leader around for three days, there would be an uproar.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Respite care may be the route to go.
Well when you text your life partner that you're thinking everything would be better off if you just offed yourself, get a return text stating that they can't live without you and that you're their world, and then have them act like nothing happened when they get home it's kinda like...yeah no, you do not realise how many times I have thought about killing myself in the past four days. Saying that I'm your everything does NOT change how I feel. It doesn't change the thoughts. You try standing in my shoes for an hour when I'm having a bad day. Just an hour. See if you don't grab those ****ing pills and down them all in one go.
It hurts. I can't carry on this way and it won't go away.
And yes I do believe that it is getting troublesome now. I can't ignore it. Therapist asked what I do to stop myself from ODing when I'm having a bad day and I'm just like, I don't ****ing know, I run around the house like a headless chicken and then throw myself into doing something else. That's not living. That's surviving. That's grasping for ****ing straws and the straws at my disposal are running the **** out.
Noticed that I've given up writing? Reading? Drawing? Going out with friends? I'm getting rid of stories I've been working on for over three years. I guess unless you're a writer, you won't see it for what it is, but I'm giving up.
I'm ****ing giving up on everything.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
youtube has taken down all of my videos because of my theme song...not particularly the happiest person at this moment...i'm...actually pretty ****ed. i feel like starting a peaceful riot


the horror was for love
You do not own me. You do not control me. Your age, your money, they do not give you power over me. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go sit and worry about my cat and certain friends who have been ignoring my emails. Good day to you.


One Hell of a Member
This is a happy rant.
My mother finally agreed to keeping a cat inside the house.
I get excited over the littlest of things. You might think it's because of low attention span.
No. My siblings and I have been begging out mother for a pet.
Finally a cat! yes a cat! Now we have to decide on the breed of cat.
It's gonna be a kitten. *happy dance*



Well-known Member
I dislike it when many months later people are making "X game is coming to Y platform" or "X game release date is y.m.d".


Report on time or within the one month treshold, or don't at all.

I encounter this with MGR for pc. It was announced months later to be on pc, and now over 5 months later people are still making "MGR is coming to pc! Kojima confirms!"
And i am like "No * sherlock, your over 5 months late".
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