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speculation on vergil in DMC4 SE?


Fake Geek Girl.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. :sneaky:
But if this really were an actual costume I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from the laughter.
I hope it's a costume. Did you draw that?


Son Of Sparda Is Back
What? Vergil getting a spin-off game? Hell no!

Vergil deserves a fully fledged mainline DMC game. So Capcom you better make Devil May Cry 5 all about Vergil, cause you damn well know he deserves it.

And I know I said in another thread that you guys need to be a little more optimistic of this situation and don't act so down like you used to, but come on guys the stuff that you are asking are CRAZY!

Vergil's story mode? Completely new combat system? Vergil's own set of levels, enemies and bosses? There is no way that he would get these kinda treatments in just a special edition. Why would Capcom add all of this to a special edition of an existing game which at best will sell around a million (and at only 40$ price) when they can make a new game and have double or triple of that amount of sale at full price?

I think in terms of new content DMC4SE would be more in line with DMC3SE. We'll probably get Vergil in the main campaign and bloody palace and we'll see a few new features like turbo mode or gods must die difficulty and such (and maybe a DMC5 teaser if we are lucky). And I'm actually more than okay with that. Seriously the point of DMC4SE is not to sell millions and fix all of the problems that DMC4 had, I think the point is to get back the original Devil May Cry series to the spotlight and prepare action fans for the inevitable DMC5.

And to answer the question that I know is coming, there could be a lot of reasons for not releasing the game right now instead of 6 months later. For all we know the development could have started just couple of months ago and they can't release it right now because it's actually not ready, or that the game is ready but they don't want to steal the DmC DE's spotlight so they're gonna release it later on and so.

I don't want to kill your excitement or anything, I just think it would be a little better for your own sakes if you don't over hype yourselves too much and end up getting disappointed.

@Lord Nero
I don't think it's Yamato that's causing the power hunger thingy, I think it's actually Vergil's will or more accurately Vergil's "soul". I know we all laughed at it when back in DMC3 Dante said that his soul wants to stop Vergil but I'm beginning to think that he was actually telling the truth. Remember how he said to Vergil that they didn't just inherited Sparda's blood but his soul as well? Yeah I think that's the case with Nero too.

If you watch the scene when Nero says that famous power quote he is actually talking about the time that his arm changed. From what I understand some demons attacked Kyrie, Nero wanted to protect her so he activated his demonic arm and in doing so he awakened some (demonic) parts of his soul that apparently he inherited from his father Vergil.

That's why he hears a voice echoing deep down is his mind "Power... Give me more power" cause that was Vergil's will telling Nero something similar to what he said to Dante in DMC3. (That famous quote of his about power controlling everything)

You see apparently Vergil believed that in order to protect something you need to have strength and power, so that's why he says those things to Dante and punishes him for not wanting to become stronger.

That's why I think souls are actually inheritable in DMC universe cause if you put all of these things together, with to possibility of Vergil being Nero's father, that power quote from Nero becomes a lot more understandable.


Wall of text crits you for 600
Besides, DMC3 Lady was anime-ish too... just look at her Japanese school girl outfit xD
snipDo I even need to explain?
Both of the images you linked are catholic schoolgirl outfits, not japanese school girls.

Chancey, I'm going to take this moment to point out something that you do all the time that makes talking with you incredibly frustrating. You take a statement someone made, you shift it ever so slightly so it's sort of the same, but not, and then you attack that new, weaker statement under the premise that they mean the same thing, when they don't.

Well you're doing it again here, too. The original statement was that lady was too "anime-ish" which was blamed on her "japanese school girl outfit xD". Now you're shifting "japanese anime school girl outfit" to "any kind of school girl" and you're citing similarities to european catholic uniforms as contradiction to what I'm saying. Because a western style catholic uniform proves for a fact that lady is too anime-inspired.

A catholic uniform is pretty far from being "too anime-ish". The only similarities it holds is a passing resemblance to a mini-skirt, and a western style blouse (itsuno and kamiya are notorious westaboos).

So, resemblance to "any sort of schoolgirl" yes, there totally is. But "japanese anime-ish schoolgirl xD"? Not even close. By intentionally removing this one line when responding to me, you changed everything I was saying just to make it easier to argue with me. Please stop.


Under the Promised Flag
all this speculation...but at the end of the day all we are pulling out are short straws and what not....we need more info.... plus there is speculation that Capcom is going to announce a game sometime this month... all we have to do is play one of lifes hardest games.....the waiting game....


Elite Hunter
@Sawyer1331 you know, I think your interpretation is not that far from mine. I posted it in another thread, I'll paste it here too.

My interpretation is that Nero, at some point of his life before DMC4 (probably not much earlier, since he had to fake a broken arm), made some kind of "pact with the Devil" following the event he seems to remember in the containment room (where Kyrie is screaming in danger), because of his desire of protecting her with any means possible ("If I become a demon, so be it"). I think that's the point of making us see Nero remember that event.
The Devil who listened to his plea would be Vergil's soul, that merged with Nero's, thus giving him his Devil Bringer.
Therefore, from that day forth (when he made the "pact"), his arm changed. And a voice echoed (Vergil's voice)... "Power... give me more power!"


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
@Sawyer1331 you know, I think your interpretation is not that far from mine. I posted it in another thread, I'll paste it here too.

My interpretation is that Nero, at some point of his life before DMC4 (probably not much earlier, since he had to fake a broken arm), made some kind of "pact with the Devil" following the event he seems to remember in the containment room (where Kyrie is screaming in danger), because of his desire of protecting her with any means possible ("If I become a demon, so be it"). I think that's the point of making us see Nero remember that event.
The Devil who listened to his plea would be Vergil's soul, that merged with Nero's, thus giving him his Devil Bringer.
Therefore, from that day forth (when he made the "pact"), his arm changed. And a voice echoed (Vergil's voice)... "Power... give me more power!"
I dunno, but there is one thing that goes against this theory. Sanctus claimed that Nero has demon's blood in him. And soul parts won't make him to Sparda's relative. Another thing that he looks to much like Dante and Vergil, so it's seems like he is their relative in one way or another


Fake Geek Girl.
Both of the images you linked are catholic schoolgirl outfits, not japanese school girls.

Chancey, I'm going to take this moment to point out something that you do all the time that makes talking with you incredibly frustrating. You take a statement someone made, you shift it ever so slightly so it's sort of the same, but not, and then you attack that new, weaker statement under the premise that they mean the same thing, when they don't.

Well you're doing it again here, too. The original statement was that lady was too "anime-ish" which was blamed on her "japanese school girl outfit xD". Now you're shifting "japanese anime school girl outfit" to "any kind of school girl" and you're citing similarities to european catholic uniforms as contradiction to what I'm saying. Because a western style catholic uniform proves for a fact that lady is too anime-inspired.

A catholic uniform is pretty far from being "too anime-ish". The only similarities it holds is a passing resemblance to a mini-skirt, and a western style blouse (itsuno and kamiya are notorious westaboos).

So, resemblance to "any sort of schoolgirl" yes, there totally is. But "japanese anime-ish schoolgirl xD"? Not even close. By intentionally removing this one line when responding to me, you changed everything I was saying just to make it easier to argue with me. Please stop.
Are you for freaking real?

I didn't remove anything from your original statement. Nor did I-kdcndlsdpfkdwwdfdw



I'm not even gonna bother. Someone else can waste time with this case.


Wall of text crits you for 600
Someone else can waste time with this case.
This is what I say to myself every time I begin to reply to you. But my willpower is weak, and I end up replying anyway. I don't know why, because this is the exact response I get from you every time. You never admit fault, you always just make a giant public display of "omg I literally can't even, you're soooo stupid I can't talk to you" and stomp off trailing reaction gifs and emote text in your wake, not one salient point or solid line of logic between your first post and your last.

How many times have you made a post exactly like the one you made just now? I've posted on these boards a lot, but I've lurked even more. Whenever you argue, either that type of post ends up happening, or the thread ends up locked, and I'm not even involved for most of those. You can keep blaming literally every person who ever disagrees with you, or you can ask yourself how much of the problem lies with you.

Anyway, derail over, back to the original point.

@Foxtrot94 I like your interpretation as well, but as @Innsmouth Mentioned, Nero is supposed to have Sparda's blood and I don't think making a pact with Vergil's soul would give him that. And I kinda like the idea of Vergil having a son so I'm a little biased :D
This is where I'm at too. Prior to the events of DMC3, vergil supposedly drops off the face of the earth for a whole year (and even before that, it's never specified exactly what he was doing). When he shows up again, there's just enough clues to conclude that how he behaves is more extreme than he normally is.

The theory is that vergil has a son somewhere within that one year gap, and the timeline would fit around that. Lady goes from being something like 15 to in her late 20s or 30s for DMC4, and nero is portrayed as a cocky teenager at around 16 or so. Dante is aware of vergil's actions prior to that one year of absence, and then vergil goes off and dies immediately after resurfacing. Since dante is unaware of nero's bloodline for most of DMC4 (sanctus even taunts his ignorance of this at one point) that one year gap has to be where nero is conceived.

Now here's where things get a little more speculative, so take everything past this line with a big grain of salt, unless I specifically mention it's canon

The theory is that vergil hooks up with a nice human, and actually starts to settle down into the role of happy dad, following in sparda's footsteps and seeing something worthwhile in a human. During this time with his guard down, he's attacked, the woman dies, and nero is lost, presumed by vergil to be dead (and later discovered by someone else who takes him to the doorstep of the order, as it states in nero's DMC4 bio). Vergil's inability to protect himself, his son, or this mystery lady push him over the edge, and the pain of losing a loved one is too much, to the point where he feels the only option is to rid himself of his weaker, feeling human half. This is why he goes on his rampage killing humans and seeking entry to the demon world; because he's done with being human, and wants to be as uncaring/unfeeling as a demon.

Additionally, you could also suggest that vergil's line at the top of the tower: "without strength you can't protect anything" isn't referring to dante's inability to protect himself, but a reflection of his own failure to protect nero and his mother.

Once again, highly speculative, but it would add some much needed depth to his character, so I like to believe it.

Oh, and also the origins of nero's arm. In his official bio, it states that nero is wounded in the shoulder by a mysterious demonic weapon (in the same fight where red queen is damaged and sent for repair) and at first he believes the wound to be infected or poisoned, but soon realizes his arm has transformed into a source of demonic power, and trains with it in secret. That much is canon.

More speculation here. So when powerful demons in the DMC universe die, their essence forms into a weapon bearing their name and some of their traits. Vergil is a powerful demon in the DMC universe. In the description of nero's injury, the demon is not wielding the devil bringer, but the derpy equivalent of a demonic pointed stick. Not that impressive, and obviously improvised, but still powerful enough to damage the red queen and wound nero. The speculation here is that Vergil, the weapon, retains some shreds of consciousness (or maybe pride is a better word?) and upon being found by a lesser demon, he refuses to awaken as a true weapon for something so unworthy of him. The weapon is still pretty good, even as an inert object to just swing around, but nowhere near its full potential. When "vergil" pierces nero, he comes in contact with his blood, and the weapon recognizes him as someone worthy, transferring himself inside of nero's arm and transforming it. Yamato has always been vergil's weapon, and when nero encounters it, yamato recognizes vergil's ownership and seeks out nero's arm, to reunite with its old master.

Nero has even described his arm as whispering to him, saying some very vergil-sounding stuff, and he can only access devil trigger while holding yamato. While in this state, an oversoul that looks a whole lot like vergil's demon form protects him (the arm mounted sheath is the most obvious feature) although the projection itself looks kind of dazed and not all there in the head.

There's other stuff, but that all stretches the bounds of reasonable speculation, even for me. Also this post has turned into a huge wall of text, so that can be for another time.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I just hope some clariity is given towards Nero's origins because its too vague for me.

@Innsmouth Well there could be other half-breeds besides Dante and Vergil since in the anime there was an episode with Dante investigating a human-demon couple.

Plus Sparda's been around for 2000+ years. Whose to say Eva was his only significant other


Well-known Member
Sparda having another wife and kids before (or after) Eva kills the special feeling their relationship gave, so I honestly hope they never ever take that direction. Unless the kid was made through some secret cloning business or an unwilling contribution.

Nero's looks certainly raise a problem with the theory on another demon-human couple, since he looks a lot like he inherited Sparda's genes.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Well there could be other half-breeds besides Dante and Vergil since in the anime there was an episode with Dante investigating a human-demon couple.

Plus Sparda's been around for 2000+ years. Whose to say Eva was his only significant other
Sorry, I didn't specified enough. I meant Sanctus told he has Sparda's blood, so yeah it pretty much means he connected to Sparda via blood one way or another


Son Of Sparda Is Back
@Kam I swear to god it's like you took the words right at of my mind in your theory about Vergil's past. Well obviously I don't agree with the part about Vergil being a devil arm cause I'm too much of a Vergil fan boy to accept his death, but as far as Nero's origins goes, I completely agree with you. (well minus that part about Vergil killing humans)


Well-known Member
Now here's where things get a little more speculative, so take everything past this line with a big grain of salt, unless I specifically mention it's canon

If you don't mind, I'll be taking the whole, "Lady was around 15 and Nero is around 16," thing with a massive grain of salt. This is the most obvious reason not to suppose Nero is Vergil's son, and I'm always surprised that this is the prevailing theory.

However, most of the stuff you said after that point sounded pretty interesting and straightforward if you assume the age thing is brushed over (I wouldn't put it past Capcom to do this). Losing his mother was enough, but losing the mother of his son would easily drive him to seek the power of his father.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Its ok.

Sanctus wasn't specific when he talked Sparda's blood so he could have meant it any # of ways such as Nero was a clone or Nero is a descendant like I said either through Vergil or some other child (half-demon or not).

So in a way we both could be right or wrong :angel:


Well-known Member
This is what I say to myself every time I begin to reply to you. But my willpower is weak, and I end up replying anyway. I don't know why, because this is the exact response I get from you every time. You never admit fault, you always just make a giant public display of "omg I literally can't even, you're soooo stupid I can't talk to you" and stomp off trailing reaction gifs and emote text in your wake, not one salient point or solid line of logic between your first post and your last.

How many times have you made a post exactly like the one you made just now? I've posted on these boards a lot, but I've lurked even more. Whenever you argue, either that type of post ends up happening, or the thread ends up locked, and I'm not even involved for most of those. You can keep blaming literally every person who ever disagrees with you, or you can ask yourself how much of the problem lies with you.

Anyway, derail over, back to the original point.
I read through you and Chancey's posts and I really don't see what the problem is. If you feel someone's behavior is problematic, you can report them. Or if it would too difficult to explain in one report, you can send the staff a PM and explain.

Since you clearly do not like talking with Chancey, I recommend putting him on your ignore list.

Carry on. :thumbsup:

nephlim god

Well-known Member
Vergil wasnt dead the whole time. He has been in hiding waiting to come back and kick some ass. Hopefully thankful to dante for releasing him from mundus he goes to find dante and join forces . Maybe anti hero of some sorts . But before all that he goes in search for his most valuable belonging. The yamato!.. he finds nero and obviously nero wouldnt hand the yamato over to some stranger so a fight breaks out. Vergil wipes the floor with nero and beats the hell out of him. He then pins him upright against a wall with a summoned sword. Then unleashed dozens of them into his hanging body to completely subdue him. The yamato hears vergils call and starts to glow blue and float towards vergil,who grabs it and sheathes it. Vergil leaves nero im search of more competition.
camera pans back to nero. Barely recognisable with all the blood . He then opens his eyes which are glowing purple and the devil arm pulse ates and grows untill it covers his whole body . His wings free him from the wall he is pinned to and then collapses with the red queen in hand
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