Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything

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that zzzombiekid
Jun 10, 2007
beneath a tombstone
I think the title says it all. So, what opinions do you have about anything that you feel is terribly unpopular? Do share. Also, a call for respect for everyone's opinions, and civil discussions if disagreements do arise are very welcome!

Let me kick things off here: I didn't like the anime movie 'Your Name'. It's shocking how critically acclaimed the entire thing was, and critics scored it high and praised it immensely, but when I actually saw it myself, the second half fell so short that I couldn't for the life of me like it or even recommend it to anyone. Sure, the first half was good and it certainly went places; it looked promising with all these prospects of 'how are they going to solve this body swap phenomenon?'. But when that second half meteor disaster and time-traveling happened, I just couldn't. I just felt it became overly complicated and there were better ways of getting around the conflict. In fact, by the end of it all, what was the conflict? I think this left me with more questions than answers by the time it was all over.
I think I can say the same thing for the movie 'Koe No Katachi'. A lot of people liked it and so did I, until that ending happened. One of the worst things a writer or storyteller could pull off: a deus ex machina. But for this movie - truly - this magic/miracle ending came out of almost nowhere and destroyed what I think would have been a really, really good story if not for it.
Also, extra salt: Taki from 'Your Name' had potential for character exploration and development, but my, was he done dirty and had zero personality by the end of it.

I probably have more, but these have been on my mind lately and I can't seem to find more people who think differently about it.
Muslims are not as good as we think we are but not as bad as we are made out to be. At the end of the day we are just people, just as good or bad as anyone else.

I'd be ok with a new lead for Kingdom hearts because Sora lost appeal a long time ago. He basically all the bad parts of shonen anime without the good.

The series would be ok with less FF but it wouldnt really survive the loss of Disney.

MGR was the better game/story than DmC.

The anime is the worst dmc title because its the most boring to watch.

I prefer Serah to Lightning as Serah is an example of actually giving a Damsel in Distress agency in their life (something DMC4 could learn from).

The X-men is the only franchise built for legacy characters and expansion because introducing more mutants is less tacky than introducing more hulks etc.
I'd be ok with a new lead for Kingdom hearts because Sora lost appeal a long time ago. He basically all the bad parts of shonen anime without the good.
Ouch, this one hurt, haha. I still really like Sora (I've got too much nostalgia attached to him) but I will say that I didn't mind Roxas as a main for the little while that he was in part 2, and probably could have went playing him throughout the whole game. I liked him.

I prefer Serah to Lightning as Serah is an example of actually giving a Damsel in Distress agency in their life (something DMC4 could learn from).

I actually don't get the appeal of Lightning? During the XIII concept days, I thought her design and colour palette and the whole 'cool' vibes she gave off were incredible. But after playing the game and getting an insight into who she really was, she just... ended up being pretty bland. Sera does make an A+ damsel in distress though. Now, if only Snow wasn't such a fool of a boyfriend, lol.

Liking No Mans Sky seems to be an unpopular opinion in some social media circles ive commented on though far less venomous and hate filled comments than 2 years ago at least.

I can imagine. This game got truckloads worth of hate and salt, so you're going to have a tough time with that opinion for sure. Has everything cooled down though after the big update?
I can imagine. This game got truckloads worth of hate and salt, so you're going to have a tough time with that opinion for sure. Has everything cooled down though after the big update?

Yeah surprisingly the majority of comments lately have been extremely positive & almost glowing. After the NEXT update it’s actually shot the review score average & player base up & it’s appeared in some of the most recommended games lists for the year too (something which I never thought I would see 2 years later).

So definitely turned around, however still quite a few haters who comment on every article spouting vile comments about the developers and those that do enjoy the game.
I have lot of those, so from recent ones...
RE7 is overrated and has nothing in common with original games.
new GoW is good but utterly forgettable experience with mediocre gameplay and poorly written story
Disney is doom for X-Men movies. It gonna boil down to awfull endresult
Thor 3 was atrocious and completely unfunny
Mario Odyssey is very lazy game with tons of filler stuff, that are to easy to be enjoyable.
DmC isn't bad. It's nowhere near as good as 3, but nothing else in the series is. DmC is at least as good as, if not better than DMC4.

Andrew Garfield is the best Peter Parker and Spider-Man. I never understood the gripes about him being "too cool" because he rode a skateboard. Like, you do know he rode a motorcycle, and was practically drowing in booty in the 70's, right? And while I'm at it, Tom Holland's Spider-Man is awful. He's a great actor, and from the looks of it a really great person. But the way his character is written is terrible. Homecoming feels more like a Disney Channel original movie than Spider-Man film.

My Hero Academia is a great superhero show (I'd say the best, but the bar really isn't that high), but a pretty average anime/manga. The main thing it has going for it is the unique world it's established.

A lot of left wing liberals need to take a huge step back, and re-evaluate themselves. You can't stand on a high horse, while you have **** on your shoes just like everyone else. And if we can't police ourselves, how are we supposed to police others?

A lot of the Marvel movies aren't that great. After the first Avengers film, the vast majority of them don't hold up on a second or third viewing.

Speaking of which, the first two installments in the DCEU have aged quite nicely. Batman v Superman and Man of Steel seem to age like fine wine. I already liked MoS, and was meh on BvS when I saw them in theaters. But watching them again with my own set up, these films are amazing.

I think the Uncharted series can survive without Nathan Drake. There are plenty of great characters in the Uncharted universe who can hold their own narrative just fine.
Oh here we go...

-DMC1 has the most barebones story. After playing it firsthand it's story and dialogue is kind of cringworthy. Still a good game though.

-DmC was better then DMC4 imo.

-"Pull my Devil Trigger" is a pretty mediocre song that takes me out of the realization that this is DMC. At least DmC still had hardcore rock/metal.

-Trump is an awful president but there are probably one of two things that I do agree with him on.

-most MCU films are awfully forgettable save a few.

-MOS and BvS don't get the credit they deserve for expanding Superman from just a blank slate of a boyscout to a more complex character.

-Superman is a more compelling character then Batman.

-The Disney/Fox merge is pretty bad and all people take away from it is that the MCU gets the X-men and not the people who will lose their jobs or that Disney will become a monopoly.

-The Joker is so lame to me nowadays.

-Thanos is actually an idiot for his plan since the snap destroyed half of the very resources he wanted to save.

-I'm actually annoyed of people pushing POCs to be characters for CBM roles because 9 times out of 10 the actor doesn't fit the character at all and it's just a POC that was picked for the sake of picking a POC.

-I don't really care for Rick and Morty.

-I'm actually growing to like the Starfire look in "Titans".

-I don't hate Teen Titans GO.

-Steven Universe needs to end.

I made a thread similar to this a while ago, it went well.

So you can include my opinions in that thread along these new ones:
- Naughty Dog and Neil Cuckman can eat a dick.

- Black Panther was stupidly overrated.

- James Bond needs to stay a straight white male MAN.

- At this point, Superhero movies NEED to go the way of the western.

- God of War 4 is BORING.
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I don't get how people still enjoy the retro/arcade/pixel games on current gen consoles. I know they're usually always well-praised and I do realise a lot of work, skill and creativity go into making them, but I just can't bring myself to play them because of the whole pixel look going on.

RE7 is overrated and has nothing in common with original games.
From what I've seen of it via walkthrough gameplay, this is what I thought too. It looks more and more like it was just heavily inspired by Silent Hill PT, didn't give me RE vibes at all.

DmC isn't bad. It's nowhere near as good as 3, but nothing else in the series is. DmC is at least as good as, if not better than DMC4.
I don't disagree, but personally, I don't feel it's better than DMC4 at all, baha. But it definitely isn't as bad as most people make it out to be. In fact, the gameplay was fun and very DMC-like. I think the DT might have been it's biggest letdown for me.

My Hero Academia is a great superhero show (I'd say the best, but the bar really isn't that high), but a pretty average anime/manga. The main thing it has going for it is the unique world it's established.
Come to think of it, I might also have this gripe with MHA! It is a good show, it had a good premise and definitely held me for a bit, but at the end of it all, I feel it's just another shounen that's going to become as big as its predecessors. The creator does have a knack for funky characters and powers, I'll give him that. But I'm still on the fence about it being 'really good' and 'just' good.

-DMC1 has the most barebones story. After playing it firsthand it's story and dialogue is kind of cringworthy. Still a good game though.

-The Joker is so lame to me nowadays.
Agreed with DMC1, LOL, I played it on the PS3 HD Collection a few years back and now that I look back, I'm surprised I managed to finish it because after having played 3 (which was my first DMC ever back in like 2007), it was pretty mediocre. At the time of its release, though, I can only imagine how cool it must have been.
Agreed with the Joker as well. I just... I can't take all these different 'versions' of him. Honestly, they just butchered him at this point, I'll just stick to the one in the comics as my reference from now on.
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  • DmC is better than DMC4
  • Superman is leauges a better character than Batman
  • Bringing Kenny back for S2 was the worst idea ever and I felt as though Jane was deliberately made into a scapegoat which suck considering it's Clems story of becoming a well trained survivor something she'd never learned with Kenny.
  • DBS is the worst thing to happen to Dragonball canon.
  • DBGT is much better than anything post Z.
  • Broly is the best Z villain.
  • Nadine from Uncharted should of never been a part of "Lost Legacy" and should of been replaced by Cutter entirely.
  • Anything after the first Ben 10 series is straight trash.
Unpopular opinion time eh? Alright I'll bite. I like ruffling some jimmies every now and again.

*FFXII is easily top 5 in the franchise and Vaan is a good character.

*The only Star Wars film that I think wasn't so great in recent years is The Last Jedi. However Force Awakens, Rogue One, and Solo were all good to decent.

*Tony Hawk>Skate as a franchise.

*Kendrick Lamar isn't top 10. He's good for sure but grossly overrated thanks to his jump to mainstream.

*DMC1 Dante is still my favorite Dante.

*I've always preferred manga over anime. In fact most adaptations make me cringe and imo the former requires more of an imagination to enjoy. Maybe it's because of my old love for drawing, who knows...

*Sugar Ray Robinson is pound for pound, the greatest boxer of our lifetime.

* 2017's Wonder Woman was better than 2018's Black Panther.

*Silent Hill 3 is the best in the series whilst Silent Hill 2 is only second best. Not only that but Valtiel was far creepier than Red Pyramid Thing.

*I'm not picking up the FFVII Reboot. I'm entirely uninterested in anything VII related post the 1997 original. Yes that includes Advent Children and Crisis Core. I didn't care for either outside of aesthetic (for the former) and gameplay (for the latter)

*As a liberal, I absolutely find the extreme left far more intolerable to deal with than the far right and that's a problem!
The newest Spider-Man game is mega overrated.
As much as I love the game I kinda agree with this mainly especially since their were previous Spidey games that were just as good. It also irritates me since people like Angry-Joe comes across as really disingenuous in his Spiderman(PS4) review claiming that all the Spidey games released under Activision and Treyarch were nothing but soulless cash-grab (the movie tie-ins were and possibly the friends or foe). Completely forgetting to mentions gems like Ultimate Spiderman, WoS(honestly WoS could of really benefited from a jump in console generation since I believe the games biggest flaw is that is was too ambitious), Shattered Dimensions, and Edge of time.