I think the title says it all. So, what opinions do you have about anything that you feel is terribly unpopular? Do share. Also, a call for respect for everyone's opinions, and civil discussions if disagreements do arise are very welcome!
Let me kick things off here: I didn't like the anime movie 'Your Name'. It's shocking how critically acclaimed the entire thing was, and critics scored it high and praised it immensely, but when I actually saw it myself, the second half fell so short that I couldn't for the life of me like it or even recommend it to anyone. Sure, the first half was good and it certainly went places; it looked promising with all these prospects of 'how are they going to solve this body swap phenomenon?'. But when that second half meteor disaster and time-traveling happened, I just couldn't. I just felt it became overly complicated and there were better ways of getting around the conflict. In fact, by the end of it all, what was the conflict? I think this left me with more questions than answers by the time it was all over.
I think I can say the same thing for the movie 'Koe No Katachi'. A lot of people liked it and so did I, until that ending happened. One of the worst things a writer or storyteller could pull off: a deus ex machina. But for this movie - truly - this magic/miracle ending came out of almost nowhere and destroyed what I think would have been a really, really good story if not for it.
Also, extra salt: Taki from 'Your Name' had potential for character exploration and development, but my, was he done dirty and had zero personality by the end of it.
I probably have more, but these have been on my mind lately and I can't seem to find more people who think differently about it.
Let me kick things off here: I didn't like the anime movie 'Your Name'. It's shocking how critically acclaimed the entire thing was, and critics scored it high and praised it immensely, but when I actually saw it myself, the second half fell so short that I couldn't for the life of me like it or even recommend it to anyone. Sure, the first half was good and it certainly went places; it looked promising with all these prospects of 'how are they going to solve this body swap phenomenon?'. But when that second half meteor disaster and time-traveling happened, I just couldn't. I just felt it became overly complicated and there were better ways of getting around the conflict. In fact, by the end of it all, what was the conflict? I think this left me with more questions than answers by the time it was all over.
I think I can say the same thing for the movie 'Koe No Katachi'. A lot of people liked it and so did I, until that ending happened. One of the worst things a writer or storyteller could pull off: a deus ex machina. But for this movie - truly - this magic/miracle ending came out of almost nowhere and destroyed what I think would have been a really, really good story if not for it.
Also, extra salt: Taki from 'Your Name' had potential for character exploration and development, but my, was he done dirty and had zero personality by the end of it.
I probably have more, but these have been on my mind lately and I can't seem to find more people who think differently about it.