Okay, here we go. Well X-Men: The Last Stand isn't really that bad, it's not great, but honestly I liked it. That being said, my opinion of the X-Men movies overall is pretty mixed. They do have some individual films I think are fantastic (X2, Days of Future Past, the Deadpool movies, and Logan are among some of my favorite comic book movies. First Class is also great but not one of my favorites. X-Men 1, The Last Stand, The Wolverine are also pretty decent. Apocalypse wasn't bad, and Origins Wolverine, crappy Weapon XI aside, is a guilty pleasure movie for me) the problem I have is that the series doesn't really flow and is riddled with continuity errors. Even if you do take the fact there's 2 timelines into account.
Few examples: In X-Men Professor X says he met Magneto when he was 17. First Class showed they met when they were in their 30s. On the subject of First Class, Emma Frost is a member of Shaw's group of Mutants in the 60's, but almost two decades later she's the teenage sister of Wolverine's girlfriend? Speaking of Origins Wolverine. Wolverine and his brother Sabretooth fought in the Vietnam war....Why is Wolverine back in the States and where is his brother? Also wasn't Mystique the one who saved Wolverine at the end of Days of Future Past? How did Stryker get him? Also didn't Professor X AND Magneto meet Jean to bring her to the school? First Class showed they became enemies long before Jean came into the picture
Just to name a few, the series has some individual movies I love. But all these keep me loving the series overall the way I love The Dark Knight Trilogy, The MCU, or Star Wars.
Speaking of Star Wars, now I don't wanna get into too many details, but I wanna bring up The Last Jedi. Not trying to argue over whether the movie is good or not. But I do wanna say I believe fan theories did indeed hurt the film. People wanted certain twists and when they didn't happen. They got angry. Don't believe me? People were cool with the idea of dark side Luke in TFA, there was even a popular theory that Kylo Ren was Luke. A lot of people showed they liked the idea of Luke turning evil. Now TLJ showed us a broken Luke, who'd let one momentary lapse of judgement, one fearful reaction cause the collapse of everything he'd worked for. But that was a bigger betrayal to his character then outright turning evil? Just my 2 cents.
Not sure how unpopular opinion this is, I'm about to compare a manga to an anime adaptation. But when the Carnage vs Lucy Death Battle came out, I watched the Elfen Lied anime to just find out who the hell Lucy was (I didn't wanna be in the same boat I was when I watched Guts vs Nightmare again, at the time I was on team Nightmare just cause I didn't know who Guts was at the time) So I watched the anime, and just cause I heard manga Lucy was more powerful and the anime (Which had a different ending) only told about half the story, I read the manga. So again, I'm not sure how much, but I'm about say I preferred something about an anime over the manga, so this is bound to be unpopular with someone, I preferred the anime's conclusion over the manga. I just feel like after all the crap she had to go through, Lucy deserved a happy ending, and the anime, though we don't actually see the reunion, highly implies she got to go back and be happy with the guy she liked. The only aspect I don't like is the fact the Director is still active at the end of the anime, but Kurama was more of the central antagonist, since he was the one Lucy had it in for since he killed her friend, and even he got a good end in the anime.
They had a new movie recently, so the Halloween series. Gonna say it, the Rob Zombie remake isn't that bad. People bash it, say it ruined the series (like all remakes) but honestly it's better then any of the sequels (except the new movie), I'd even say it's the third best of the series (The original and the latest films being 1 and 2 in my book)
Gonna go back to Star Wars for a second. Can people stop saying Star Wars is ruined? Please, and no this isn't about liking the more recent movies. It's been ruined for like 2 decades apparently. "George Lucas made the special editions, he ruined Star Wars!" "George Lucas made the prequel trilogy he ruined Star Wars!" "JJ Abrhams made The Force Awakens, he ruined Star Wars!" "Rian Johnson made The Last Jedi, he ruined Star Wars!". I literally have the mental image of Star Wars as a giant moldy piece of cheese because of all the times it's been ruined. Like what you will, hate what you will, but nothing is ruined. What you like is still there, and Star Wars really was just an example, apply that to any franchise.
That's all for now