Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything

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Well I saw Venom finally, and I'm not sure how unpopular this is. But I think critics were too harsh on it.
I do think it should have been R-Rated, had a bit more of a horror element to it, and needed a better villain.
But I enjoyed it overall, made me laugh a few times, the action scenes were pretty creative (when they come to get Eddie and, he doesn't transform yet, but the symbiote is controlling his body and attacking with tendrils ect), Venom himself was perfect, the banter between Eddie and the symbiote made it for me.
I still haven't seen Aquaman yet, but besides that, 2018's superhero movies from worst to best, my opinion, Ant-Man and the Wasp < Venom < Black Panther < Avengers: Infinity War < Deadpool 2
Well I saw Venom finally, and I'm not sure how unpopular this is. But I think critics were too harsh on it.
I do think it should have been R-Rated, had a bit more of a horror element to it, and needed a better villain.
But I enjoyed it overall, made me laugh a few times, the action scenes were pretty creative (when they come to get Eddie and, he doesn't transform yet, but the symbiote is controlling his body and attacking with tendrils ect), Venom himself was perfect, the banter between Eddie and the symbiote made it for me.
I still haven't seen Aquaman yet, but besides that, 2018's superhero movies from worst to best, my opinion, Ant-Man and the Wasp < Venom < Black Panther < Avengers: Infinity War < Deadpool 2

I liked Venom too, and it definitely could have benefited with an R-Rated movie. I am excited to see how they do Carnage.

And I like to retract a statement I made earlier on this thread. Upgrade is the better movie, but the ending still kinda ****ed me off. The ending movie fits the theme of the movie and earned it, so nothing else to add on that one.

Liking Venom is only unpopular if you're in the circle jerk that are movie critics. Most audiences found it decent or okay, and box office says it all.
I too, like Venom. It ended up being a good movie despite any apprehensiveness towards Mature rating label. I can't wait to see Venom 2, and see how Carnage is portrayed in there.
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Iron Fist season 1 is the weakest season 1 of the Netflix but it had a lot of good ideas that should be in a Iron Fist show. Plus its the first Marvel Netflix show to actually redeem a villain.

Iron fist die hards disliked Danny being a supportive protagonist to Colleen, Misty, ward etc. They forgot that in the comics most of Danny's popularity comes being Luke Cage's best friend. Danny isnt that compelling on his own and can be rather bland to me.

After Luke Cage and Iron Fist's cancellation people were hoping the other Netflix shows would incorporate them. This is a sound idea but Luke Cage is an easier fit and brings more to the table than Danny does. Him becoming the godfather of Harlem would be the gift that keeps on giving.

For Danny i rather see him join Agents of SHIELD than fight on the streets of NY. I feel like Agents of SHIELD is a better fit tonewise and has a better on mysticism. The grounded street level themes just makes Danny into a Bland DD. Danny lacks a real sense of purpose so him giving the secret agent lifestyle could lead to something cool.

Agents OF SHIELD worked better when it was bringing new lore to the MCU (Inhumans, Ghost Rider) so Danny is a cost effective way to do that.

In the comics Danny should have stayed married to Misty and had that child at the end of Immortal Iron fist. Right now he has neither and is just running in place as a character.

I love JJ but season 2 was the weakest of the season 2s.

DD is the only Netflix/MCU show that could handle a full 13 episode order.

I like the idea behind Trish but never thought she was handled well.
Gonna assume because of how many people do that stupid challenge that this is an unpopular opinion. But Bird Box was overrated.

Also, people constantly complain that our generation is easily offended and whiny. But you know what? At the hardware store, a friend of mine who works customer service told that while they were out of the cheap free suckers they give out there, they had small children that would get upset, understandable they're kids. But men in their 40's, contractors even, whining and complaining that they couldn't get a sucker. I mean getting angry, approaching the desk and angrily asking "Have you ordered more suckers yet?" and "Oh I only come to this store to get a sucker". If you're like 40-something years old, and you go to a hardware store, for no reason other then to get a d@mn sucker, then that's pretty sad.
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Y'know as much as I can't stand the trend of Live Action Disney remakes, I'm actually looking forward to the remake of The Black Cauldron (assuming it doesn't stay in Development Hell). The original movie was a failed attempt at bringing the books to life and I'd really wanna see them give it another go without the constrains of being an animated film.
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The V/Urizen/Vergil reveal is some KH nonsense the story didn't need. Having V live on in Vergil just ain't the same. A new character with promise wasted.

Nero is still underwhelming as a protagonist (the later half of the game he picks up tho).

DMC might have been better off sticking to Kamiya's original idea- it should have changed protagonists each game.

I don't have a big deal with Jacob's memory returning or even Queenie defecting... i just wish they did more with it.

I didn't get dissapointed in Kairi during KH3 because i didn't expect her to do much in the first place.

I'm worried about Nomura incorporating his FF versus ideas in a future KH game via Verum Rex. I prefered the writing of XV as the characters felt more fleshed out than KH. Plus expecting Verum Rex to live up to Versus's hype is a fool's errand.

I respect DC/Marvel traditions but i don't care to keep them blindly. Rules are meant to be broken.
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GT was better than Super, and I don't like either. At least the former was trying to bring back elements from the original Dragon Ball.

Trigun (anime) is better than the manga.

We're at the point where English dubs are just as good as their Japanese counterparts. Sometimes better.

James Cameron's Avatar is one of the most boring, generic, over-hyped movies I've ever seen. It's nothing more than a worse version of Princess Mononoke and Ferngully.

Alita: Battle Angel is the best sci-fi movie of the year, and is the best live-action anime.
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This may get me killed and I had all systems in the 90s but

Snes is better than N64 and ps1

Nothing wrong with that. Most games from 16-bit Sega/SNES era age better than ones from the early polygonal days. So it's not all that controversial unless your first gaming console was a ps1 or n64

Love Hina more or less killed the harem genre and turned Tsunderes' into an uber, annoying, tiring cliche and character type.

Outside of the Dark Knight Trilogy, I find Chris Nolan's other films not engaging.
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My first console was a nes, then a sega megadrive followed by snes ps1 and N64

A lot of my friends hate on me for putting snes above ps1 lol
I started a thread somewhere asking if everyone thinks a checkpoint restart should be equivalent to your character dying and counts as 1 "death" in your final score.
Everyone who responded thinks so, which disappoints me.

The saving grace of Metal Gear Rising is that it has no penalties for restarting checkpoints, which what motivated me to get a Platinum Trophy for that game.
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I started a thread somewhere asking if everyone thinks a checkpoint restart should be equivalent to your character dying and counts as 1 "death" in your final score.
Everyone who responded thinks so, which disappoints me.

The saving grace of Metal Gear Rising is that it has no penalties for restarting checkpoints, which what motivated me to get a Platinum Trophy for that game.

Metal Gear Rising still has the best use of restart checkpoint in an hack n slash, along with Transformers Devastation. DmC and DMC5 counts a death if you use a restart checkpoint (in 5's case restarting the checkpoint three times counts as a triple orb revive). In the former, it's quicker to go to the main menu and then go to Continue, and the latter you might as well close and restart the application. How and why Capcom screwed up something as simple as that is beyond me. It's worse in 5, because restarting the checkpoint sends you back to the beginning or near beginning of the mission 95% of the time.
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DmC and DMC5 counts a death if you use a restart checkpoint (in 5's case restarting the checkpoint three times counts as a triple orb revive).
Totally this f***ing thing.

MGSV also tear off your "no continues" bonus if you restart from a checkpoint.
It also counts as "restart from checkpoint" if you suspend the mission, close the application and continue from where you left off.

Come on, we're not getting any younger.
Not all of us have the time to do everything perfectly in one go.
We'd actually have a better chance of eventually pulling off that "all in one go" thing if checkpoint restarts let us go over a troublesome part over and over.
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Muslims are not as good as we think we are but not as bad as we are made out to be.
That strikes a bit true with most peoples. We Mexicans are not as good as people as we are made out to be by the one side not anywhere as ludicrously devilish as the other side says. We are, as any race or nation, just people, both good and bad.

DmC isn't bad. It's nowhere near as good as 3, but nothing else in the series is. DmC is at least as good as, if not better than DMC4.
-DmC was better then DMC4 imo.
DmC is better than DMC4
I think some bans are in order...

I'm joking of course.
The truth is I dislike both but over the years I've played a lot of the two of them and DmC does have the better gameplay. I can't stand DmC's mistakes for long periods of time, specially as a DMC game. The platforming, the designs, the story. At the same time I can't stand DMC4's mistakes, either. The repetitiveness, the force complexity for Dante, the intro to those two songs that just play over and over again, the way Dante's become a parody of himself. Over the years, though, I have found a new appreciation for what DmC did right in terms of combat and game design. I have a hard time liking both but with I started disliking it more and more with every playthrough and with DmC I appreciate it a bit more... The things I hate about it I still really hate about it, though.

-MOS and BvS don't get the credit they deserve for expanding Superman from just a blank slate of a boyscout to a more complex character.
-Superman is a more compelling character then Batman.
Superman is leauges a better character than Batman
I both agree and disagree with some of this. We will discuss later.

DMC1 Dante is still my favorite Dante.
If this were a horror movie and I was the killer or monster, I'd let you live.
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@berto While my feelings for DmC have changed game play wise (the story I think is still bad and takes itself way too seriously) in the DE version, I still prefer 4 over it. DmC did have the best platforming, pacing, level design (though that falters once you get all of the collectibles, as that point each level is just a straight line), and accessibility compared to 4. Where it falters is being a lesser version of 4 and Bayonetta in terms of combat. I love the demon dodge, but it's just NT's version of Witch Time, and DmCDante was just a weird combination of Nero, Dante, and sometimes felt like a male Bayonetta. Ironic, because Tameem had clear dislike for the OG games and Bayonetta, so them aping features from them made the team all the more hypocritical. Despite DmC's flaws, it still better than most Western hack n slasher/brawlers such as Conan, Deadpool, Wolverine, Dante's Inferno, and Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z.

Metal Gear Rising > Ninja Gaiden 1-3 (RE) .
Revenge of Shinobi & Shinobi III > Ninja Gaiden NES Trilogy
Onechanbara Z & Z2 > Lollipop Chainsaw

Evil Within 1 & 2 I enjoy more than RE4.